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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Knowing things that your character wouldnt know and using them in rp
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Having your character being really OP and making it so he does things that aren't really possible
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Theo Wondersprout
Character Race: Halfling
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: This Halfling always seems to have a toothy grin pasted on their face with kind blue eyes and brown curly hair.
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User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Hello! Your application is very well written. I am pleased to see thought and effort put in behind your biography and your interesting facts. However, there are a few tweaks that need to be implemented before I can accept your application, those being as follows:

  1. You are missing the required lore reference in your biography. You can find the lore on the LotC Wiki!

Your application will be put on pending for the next 24 hours in order for you to submit tweaks. At the end of the 24 hours, if you have not submitted tweaks, your application will be moved to denied – but you will still be able to reapply immediately after! If you are in need of help, you are welcome to join the New Player Discord or join the server and talk to us in Wandering Soul chat. You can also submit an /atreq on the server itself and an AT will help you if you’re on the server itself. You are also more than welcome to speak to me on Discord in order to help with anything you need at all. My Discord tag is Sakura#8726.

Helpful Links:

Server Rules
New Player Discord
The LotC Wiki
The LotC Discord
Skin Archive
The server IP: mc.lotc.co

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Is that good? I put stuff about cooking and what god Theo would worship – I hope it is and btw  I added you on discord for my sake of knowing when things happen


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Hello! I’m pleased to accept you to Lord of the Craft. Shortly you will be whitelisted and be able to play on the server at your leisure. Below are a list of helpful links to help get you started on your journey through the world of Lord of the Craft! If you are in need of help while on the server, you may do /atreq or contact me through Discord at Sakura#8726. The New Player Discord is also available to help you out. I look forward to seeing you on the server. Good luck!


Helpful Links:

Server Rules
New Player Discord
The LotC Wiki
The LotC Discord
Skin Archive
The server IP: mc.lotc.co

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