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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is when someone uses info on the roleplay he gained outside of character while being in character
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming/poweremoting is the act of not leaving a chance to a person to react to your action, an example could be "Alex stabs trough Thomas chest killing him" instead it should be "Alex thrusts his sword towards Thomas aiming for his chest"
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Lawrence Warde
Character Race: Heartlander
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 32
Physical Description: he has Brown hair, blue eyes and a short beard, he wears a small backpack and a leather bracelet with his initials on a small metal plate
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review

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Very solid application!! You will be implemented into the server shortly. In the meantime, I would recommend joining the new player discord if you require any additional assistance: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

Feel free to send me a message, too, if you need any help!

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