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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: xMuted#7195
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Knowing something oorp that you wouldn't know irp.

    Billy told me his new character is weak to ice and resistant to fire, so in the first irp fight i have with his character i don't use ice magic and only use fire magic.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Being too overpowered or force things on other people in your action.

    Luke killed his foe in a single blow.
    This is wrong because ''Luke'' forced an emote on his foe.
    Status: Accepted

Ra'ahtu would be in awe of the sight of this grand city, and would bow to the well-dressed gentleman as he is the guest here, so he thought. He would listen to the gentleman and speak a second after he was finished. ''I've come to this city in search of new companionship.'' Ra'ahtu said, not elaborating on it further as he is still embarassed by his actions on that faithful day. ''I would like to look at the stalls here, as i need some supplier for my further travels.''  Ra'ahtu would then bow to the gentleman again as he left to inspect the wares of the various shops and stalls there, enthralled by such a booming tradecenter.

Character Name: Ra'ahtu
Character Race: Farfolk
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 31
Physical Description: White mask with yellow engravings, iron armour with those same engravings around 6'3 170 lbs yellow eyes a rough brown hairstyle and a muscular man.
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Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg SimpLiquidator. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do /creq along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!


After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

/creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


When joining, the bot may be down that normally automatically whitelists you after the acceptance of your application. So, please go into the wandering soul channel (#ws) and ask for a Community Team Member to accept you!


I highly recommend you join the LotC discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Hub!


In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides. Below, I’ve linked the settlements you may be interested in based on your character’s biography!


If you aren’t interested in any of those, take a look at our Settlement Guide Hub!

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