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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: In-game characters using real world knowledge from users they should not have access to
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Creating an over-powered or unrealistically powerful character
    Status: Denied

Askullus would take off his mask, smile deceitfully at the gentleman and say, “I am simply a humble bounty hunter looking to make a living., would you know where I can find the nearest bar?” Then attempt to steal his wallet while he is distracted, if he gets discovered doing so he will stab the man without hesitation and attempt to hide his body. He would only reveal his true, hateful self in front of his targets or his victims, due to his upringing with the lord of the Orenian empire teaching him to lie for a living, making him a compulsive liar.

Character Name: Askullus Kharnage
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 26
Physical Description: White hair, piercing red eyes, pale skin
Handsome but intimidating face with sharp features and jawline.
Scarred, athletic body covered in red hood
Screenshot of Skin:

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Unfortunately, your application has been denied. However, if you wish to re-apply, you may do so anytime.

If you have any questions, PM me on Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or here on the forums. Alternatively, you are welcome to join our Discord!


I. Your character’s skin must be fitting for the character--this means it must match the physical description as closely as possible. (Additional note: Skins on recent versions of Minecraft cannot have any transparency except for on the hat layer)

II. Darkstalkers are creatures that have been shelved and effectively removed from LotC. Please alter your bio to adjust this.

III. Your powergaming and metagaming definitions could use tweaking and expanding. The wiki page for both can be found here.

IV. Your character cannot be nobility, related to nobility, or friends with nobility, so this would need to be tweaked too.

V. You must include two lore references in your biography. Nation names are not lore references unfortunately.

VI. Were your roleplay scenario actually in-game, it would be considered poor-quality RP and could lead to a blacklist.


I know this is a lot to ask for and I sincerely understand if you decide not to re-apply, however if you do re-apply, feel free to hit me up for help. Have a good day!


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