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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    Discord: Sky Child#7262
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using knowledge from out of character conversations or knowledge that your character would not have in order to control your character’s actions or speech.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Roleplaying your character doing things beyond his/her physical ability, or things that are illogical in this world, such as a child lifting an entire mountain or one man fighting off an army.
    Status: Denied

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond. Your response must be at least four sentences long and include at least one action and at least one piece of dialogue surrounded by quotes.


Elayne hears the man and turns around, confused by the question. She did not come here for any specific purpose, but to see what came to her, to seek her fortune. “I don’t know,” she muses, “but possibly all three!”. She smiles. “Is there something you need?” she asks, before turning around and heading over to inspect the wares of the stalls.

Character Name: Elayne
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Fair skin, green eyes, brown hair, wearing a simple pair of trousers, a shirt, and a belt, slightly shorter than most people, not muscly or fat.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why.

-You do not need to make a new whitelist application for each persona. 


Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [Luca03#8195]. I’m often online too, so you can message me with /message snoopie12 to find me in game. If I’m not around, you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : https://discord.gg/fwEQA2F

Also, I would recommend that you read over the wiki! WIKI

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