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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    Discord: GMAN24247🇵🇱#2900
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Not a good way to rp at times.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Not bad but can be abused
    Status: Denied

Ryan try's to make himself look good since he has not been around well dressed people for a ling time. 

Ryan- "Oh hello sir, uh I'm just liking for some food and maybe shelter for about a fortnight if it can be arranged?"

The man look changes to a puzzled gesture and then his face brightens up. 

The man- "Well good sir I know exactly where you can go!' 

The man walks off gesturing for Ryan to follow, Ryan proceeds to do sow and checks out the area while he goes. They stop at a very long building that reads. "Housing for the Wonderous"

The man points at the door saying "Just head up on it their and find yourself a room!"

Ryan says Thank you and says "I never got your name?"

He reply's, "No need for that just go up the street 5 blocks and to the left. Ill be their."

Ryan says "Ok?..." And heeds into the "Hotel"

Character Name: Ryan Donajkowski
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 26
Physical Description: A wanderer with a lot of knolige on nature and the wilderness traveling the land trading and gaining resources to one day make his own home.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hello! Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to numerous issues. However, here are the things that would have to change to be accepted: 


  • Your Roleplay Scenario should be written in third person. You are almost there, but you need to write it out in paragraph form.

  • Your Skin does not meet LotC's standards. You can find a new one, create a new one, or put in a skin request in our Discord.

  • Your Physical Description should be purely physical, including traits like 'brown hair, a sharp nose, and a smirking smile'. 

  • Your Personality Traits/Quirks needs personality traits, like 'enjoys dancing' or something like this. You need 2 regular traits and a significant negative trait. 

  • Your Metagaming and Powergaming definitions are incorrect. Please reference our Wiki if you need assistance here. 

  • Your Character Biography includes a rather common character trope, the 'bandits killed my parents' story. I recommend you figure out something else for your next app.

After you change these things, feel free to reapply at any time by making a new application. If you’ve got questions, please DM me over discord @Nilyeet#0515.

If you need help, feel free to join the Lord of the Craft Discord server (https://discord.gg/fwEQA2F). For guides, tutorials, and how to request help from a CT member, please head to the New Player Hub found here: (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193743-new-player-hub/ )

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