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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-mp.com
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is using information outside of what your character would know to your advantage. This also includes contacting friends etc to get help when, for example, getting attacked.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is when a character does something it would realistically not be able to do. The most usual form in roleplaying is deciding for someone else what happens to their character. An example would be "Jake sliced off Davids hand" instead of typing "
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Lawéin Eldiur
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 25
Physical Description: Lawéin is a relatively young elf full of energy. He's hungry for adventure; adventure usually finds him.
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-Your application has been denied due to the fact that you have changes that need to be made but are on a guest account. Currently guest accounts cannot edit their applications and must create a new application, to change this in the future and make thing easier for you I recommend signing up for a forum account for your next application. (I see you have an account just know this for future reference)


-Please note your server lore is a bit outdated. Your are using lore from a different map, please use lore from the current map or Axios. 


-Please also note your character would not be able to join any groups until after joining the server, thus cannot have joined the Terin Seed. 


-Please use your character's three interesting facts to reflect upon his strengths and weaknesses. To further explain this I will use an example using one of your character's three interesting facts. 

"Lawéin is really stubborn."

   -Does this strengthen him or weaken him? How does this affect him? Why?



-If you need any help please feel free to message me on the forums or message me on discord BritBritt#1506 (second brit has second t), you may reapply in three hours. 

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