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  • Rules: No
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: it is when you use your irl knowledge to affect the actions of your character
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: power gaming is how you maximize the effort to achieve a goal
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Zenris
Character Race: Halfling
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: brown hair with blue pants
Screenshot of Skin:

User Feedback

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Although your application has promising parts of it, I would like to see some sly changes to certain pieces of the application. Specially within; Your definitions of metagame/powergame and a aspect of your biography. I'll go into depth below.


Your definitions for metagaming/powergaming are a bit lacking, i'll prefer if you can expand on this so we can have a brighter understanding if you actually know these definitions in-and-out. You can find an expanded range across all media of the internet, or scour through our own wiki which explains it here; http://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/ . 


Second your biography, although you do meet the requirements listed, I do wish you could add a bit more flavour through your biography, it does seem a bit lacking in character development which can be brought up easily. If you find this too hard however you can message me on the forums for some extra assistance or go onto the new player discord and they will be able to assist you here: https://discord.gg/uCwe7rv

If context, my discord ID is here: ttwesten#9293 if you find it easier to message me. 


Thank you for applying and I do hope you can fix the application up within 24 hours for when i'll review the application next. If you want a faster review, please don't fret to message me.


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