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1988 Godly

About E__V__O

  • Birthday 10/24/1996

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    Swimming in souls.

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  1. World Building Lore is always great
  2. Hey LoTC - Blobiverse fans! 

    I wanted to update you that a new patch has been released and it's a long awaited one including many requested features! I'll allow @Telanirto speak on them himself.


    Play today! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blobiverse-virtual-life/id485233267



    1. Abyssus


      when are you adding the battle pass

  3. Don't follow the patriarchy, leave the region, lose it, rebel against the system. Don't let the admins win.
  4. The trial of Valazaer The trial was held by Evo’lur Tartarus on the Okarir’Maehr Valazaer, councilor of Haelun’or, jurisdiction of knowledge and magic within the walls of the silver city. The trial of Valazaer was called due to the actions of the councillor at the verdict given to Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos where they lashed out on the misuse of magic, utilising Fire Evocation to attempt to usurp the decision brought forward by the Maheral Seth Calith, speaker of Larihei pardoning the death penalty of the prior mentioned Pamphilos to instead be banishment. The choice to take action and attempt to execute Pamphilos came after the pardon verdict by the Maheral and done within the justice building of Haelun’or. Showing impurity within the halls of Justice of our esteemed city when the target of their aggression held no contempt or will to escape. Now the trial is not only calling on this action of Valazaer, it calls forth a previous crime on one of our own kin of Elves. Luthriel. During the time of Luthriel who tried to live within our silver walls previously was banished and branded by the Sohaer at the time as impure without trial, the elf showed no direct threat and held no weapons yet Valazaer under grounds of ‘banishment’ took action as a commander of the Sillumir, our guards to ‘deal with her’ and on investigation by myself who escaped and treated Luthriel to safety was mutilating and the declipping of the elves ears. The violent actions of Valazaer is something we should look into and further prevent, as the Okarir’Maehr they should know their actions are inexcusable during the trial and usurping the choice of the Maheral, speaking as hand for Larihei over the Maheral’s choice. The evidence I have for the two situations would be from those attending the trial of Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos and the former history of Luthriel’s own witness as they now reside within our city. As the situation was brought up to the council and Sohaer at the time, it was dismissed and the actions of the Sillumir commanded by Valazaer at the time went unchecked. I have utilized the example of past behaviour here showing a pattern of Valazaer’s aggression and it was agreed by the Maheral, Seth Calith that the family name be stripped by Valazaer who shared the same due to the actions and history of the elf bringing impure behaviours to the family. The trial I am calling for, I do not seek banishment, nor do I seek execution. The path of the elf I would like the esteemed judges to vote for would be the path of purity so Valazaer can earn their family name back and their seat on the council if the judges do decide to retain them on the position. Undersigned Evo'lur Tartarus By will of elheial’thilln, by will of Larihei
  5. Natural Ingredients have been utilized in alchemy before without having specified harvestable reagents. For example- Deers heart for Audnian alchemy. Or direct example: With your example of redstone having properties of; Rage, Instability and Vigor. It gives a good counterpoint, however they're still node based examples. - The reagent is a good post to give some reagency into, I am just thinking of the application of it.
  6. The only thing holding me against the idea of adding in honey/beeswax to have reagents would be how you want to harvest them. Currently all alchemy reagents are node plugin based, do you want to add honey/beeswax to the same? If you do all currently collected honey/beeswax would be illegible to be used in reagent harvesting. If you do not, the storages of honey/beeswax storages are now used for reagent farming. Alongside what of created bee hives people have in greenhouses?
  7. Preface: This was written prior to your comment of new spells/abilities, I will comment when available to the new ideas on my thoughts and opinions. Hey there Aelesh, i’ve taken a look over this lore and past iterations of celestialism and wanted to post some of my feedback and concerns on the piece you’ve written here. Before I start I wanted to express that this rewrite thematic is great and has potential to be a new voidal magic that expresses the neutrality of the void. I will go in a linear direction, starting from the top and below which will come with concerns, feedback and questions to the overall piece of lore. I wanted to first bring up a big thing of the magic, being Aura’s as your celestialism post heavily relies on it. Specifically I have two lore references, one from Voidal Connection and the other The Aura of Mana. I have references the two posts with their name. I wanted to specifically bring this up due to it stating that a person can pick between multitudes of colours, up to three. Specifically from “The Aura of Mana” “- Auras can showcase up to a limit of 3 different colors. Meaning, a mage's aura could shift between colors such as red, yellow and orange, or white gold and blue. Shifting between multiple shades of the same color [like pinks & reds, or dark forest green & mint] is generally considered 1 color.” I wanted to know how Celestialism acts in regards to this, in your teaching ritual you specify your aura needs to be listed on your student application. Would Celestials have three available aura colours to them in this case? ✦ Celestialism draws its practises from the Celestials, a unique strain of Voidal Horror. With the void eventline on the current map, creatures of shuul and celestials where listed as the same ‘krill’ type creature by the ET and even Zarsies himself, referring as I quote. “Celestials are like shrimp / krill if the Void were an ocean, just little puny guppies similar to zevn/imps for inferi. They are what is referenced in Celestialism albeit no player content lore exists for that currently so they're just ET creatures.” Reference It is mentioned however in the same quote, there is no current player lore for it except for now, which you created. I wanted to point this out due to you mentioning them as a different strain of voidal horror when as the quote suggests lesser/greater horrors are in a completely different league compared to the ‘krill’. At the end of the day its thematics of wording, so there isn’t any criticism here, just some thought. You mention in the notes section just three paragraphs down there is no difference as well when the above quote differs. ✦ Incompatibilities Looking at the list of incompatibilities you list several voidal feats due to the demerits that the magic offers but haven’t given reasoning to some. Might I ask why an Arcane Scion or Voidal Artificer cannot achieve the rite of exaltation? With the above redline of a Celestialist cannot have selfish desires, an Voidal Artificer has none and rather gives to people and considers everyone a friend. I also wanted to address the other voidal feat Veil Watcher, it bares no mention here so I can assume it is compatible with Celestialism despite the destructive behaviours and mental debilitations? On the added line, you have listed that machine spirits are compatible, is there a reasoning behind this? Would those which have been revived via Tawkin revival also be compatible? I am all for the incompatible list of the other magics. ✦ Radiance [Combat] [Passive] Celestialists find that their magic is bolstered by the Celestial Arcana from which they now draw their spells. This bolstering makes their aura gleam brighter, and causes their spells to cause additional damage to Voidal Horrors. As this ability is mostly ET ran, I have no issues with the overall description given. I would only change one line mentioning ‘voidal horrors’ to ‘void creatures’. As there are many which dwell in the void. As shown example, Shuul, Celestials, Lesser/greater horrors, behemoths, ext. If it is changed, you might have to specify if it harms creatures which came directly from the void or mutated by it. ✦ Melding [Combat] [T1] The Celestialist breaks down their aura and melds it with a target. Without the barrier of refuse mana that would normally prevent two souls from touching, telepathic and empathic communication becomes possible. This is due to the participants' souls quite literally touching one another, their essences entwining themselves together. My first criticism on this would be the same, it shares similarity to a Voidal Scion ability, “[Spell [Combat]] - Melding Adept and experienced in combative and generally impromptu magics, melding is a trademark capability of Arcane Scions, serving as a useful tool in battle as a crossover of transmutation and ancient arcanism.” Reference. Might be best to reword the ability in this post to prevent confusion. To the actual feedback of the ability, melding is an ability which I assume is a channelled spell and taking a constant mana drain to do so. You specify the mana drain is significantly reduced at Tier-3 however nothing else relating to mana past this point. The version of telepathy here is simple enough of exchange of information within line of sight, I would ask if clarification can be made if the spell can be imbued onto two items, having them linked and communicating between within the radius, via enchanting if you wanted to make this possible. The last line: ➣ A Celestialist may choose to cause their aura colour to become that of their targets. As aura specifically is a big thing in Celestialism this one line is a pretty big change as it changes certain effects of the spells in question as you detailed below. If you utilize this ability on a celestial for example who naturally has a Pink aura to your own of Blue, then the ‘Aura Effects’ spells do change. Is this combination intended? What would happen if the meld ends while Arcanify/Aura effects are active? In the same example as above, the Blue aura on them would turn back to their natural red. How does this play into the magic? Does the Arcanify/Aura effect of the spells break? ✦ Arcanify [Combat] [T2] A Celestialist can empower their aura with arcana, causing it to bless them with magical effects. Is this indefinite? As long as you're connected with no drain of mana? If you utilise any of the aura effects to ‘end the blessing, does arcanify end? In turn any target under ‘bless’ also lose the effect if the caster has? The concept of this spell is generally fine, my only criticism of this spell would be apparitions. In regards to bardmancy specifically the spell “Visual Trick” is essentially this non-combative gimmick which I believe should be kept to the Bardmancy magic as it gives them flavour and doesn’t overshadow the spell with your one line description. If you wished to delve further into this spell, similarly to how other evocations have done, dedicating multiple paragraphs to explain the limitations. Here it has none except ‘out of combat’ and able to create sounds? ✦ Bless [Combat] [T2] By channelling their Arcanified aura, a Celestialist can extend the powers they are blessed with to other nearby targets. The Bless spell is interesting, the supportive premise of the spell is something I quite like and opens the door to many interesting ideas and effects to give to someone. My concern is some lines in it however, specifically you mention it lasts indefinitely, meaning the cast of the spell either costs no mana and or channelling the spell doesn’t syphon mana. Especially if cast on multiple targets. My second point, is this item enchantable to transfer the magical aura imbued on the trinket to the person, blessing them? ✦ Aura Effects For starters, I understand the mean to add combative effects to blessing though some of the effects below are overtuned. I would urge you to reconsider a majority of them and keep it to more of a ‘celestialism’ vibe and not straight CRP buffs. Consider for example, more void-inclined buffs/boons. I will list below the Aura Combative Effects, ➣ Red and Pink Auras [Combat] Range abilities +3 blocks increase, projectiles slightly faster and Truer? Than normal. Spend 1 emote to have hyper-perception. End the effect to perform any action swiftly, reacting to danger or perform precise actions for 1 emote. Although the first point doesn’t really have a big impact on anything, I am confused what you mean by the ‘truer than normal’ part of the text, are you insinuating that projectiles have a ‘lock on’ ability? The hyper perception is something which isn’t inherently bad, though curious how it fits with the celestialism thematic? This last point might be something up for contention, for example from the “Boons and Banes” Explanation Topic. It suggests this quote below: “Passive bonuses should avoid gimmicks. Gimmicky things can be like rolling benefits, interference with mechanics (such as seeing through blocks, invisibility, breathing underwater, etc…). While something like enhanced perception or nightvision is okay, something that justifies borderline metagaming would not be. Such as ‘detecting’ magics, cas, etc. on another person, or being able to detect some sort of attack, casting, or so on within a certain radius can be distasteful as well. Consider as well the limitation of minecraft mechanics. Currently, there is no way to mechanically represent underwater breathing, lack of food, invisibility, and so on. Please do not rely on this or try to incorporate this into your lore.” I am using the quote above to read further into the third point of performing feats of swift action specifically, which can be taken as you giving someone the ability to make a dodge, attack or movement in a aggressive or defensive way. Which is quoted ‘can be distasteful’. Looking at the overall blessing ability you can give this to at most three people, four including yourself. ➣ Yellow and Orange Auras [Combat] +2 Movement. End the effect to perform a feat of supernatural agility for 1 feat, within 3 emotes. Hyper-balance, greater than an acrobat. Body becomes Lighter. I don’t exactly see an issue with the increase in movement speed, especially at the low movement increase. The concern was brought up with the above commenter stating how one cannot escape if someone is under the effects of this boon. Performing a supernatural feat of agility would need some clarification on what it exactly does. Does it bypass minecraft current limitations? This especially would need some redlines to specify what it can do. Backflips? Hyper-balance seems like an interesting choice but surpassing that of a master acrobat? I don’t believe a passive boon ability should have this effect, similar but not surpassing would be better. As you’ve described it one can just walk/dance/juggle/handstand over a tightrope. Body becoming lighter, I understand you don’t mean this as in ‘armour becomes lighter’ but in turn, if your own body becomes lighter wouldn’t it mean you’re more capable at wearing heavier armours? Take into consideration, you weigh 100kg, if this spell makes you 50% lighter, you now weigh 50kg, meaning you can make-up the equivalent of your previous weight-wearing armour. I know this isn’t as you intended but perhaps needs some clarifications. ➣ Blue and Purple Auras [Combat] You get the Voidal Scion buff of concentration, unable to disconnect unless stabbed, ext. Mental buffs, less likely to be discouraged by emotions striking them. You’re giving a passive Voidal Scion boon of concentration up-to four people. You’re taking up a whole idea of a feat and putting it into a passive boon. This needs to be reworked. Mental buffs, are RP flavour, so there isn’t really an issue to this one. ➣ Green and Brown Auras [Combat] Get mage-armor, half plate. When struck, shatter the ‘veil’ around them, knocking people back and stunning them. A passive ability gives you mage-armour, if cast over someone with armour already. Does this double the ability strength? I’m sure you can see the potential issue of this ability alone. The knockback 3 blocks and one round stun with the shatter ability is something confusing. Does it break the aura ability surrounding the blessed, removing the mage-armour? It specifies [6] emotes to recharge, which I assume is just the shatter ability. This is a passive effect on up-to four targets. It is enough to straight up discourage any melee user from attacking, add in a clause that auric oil/null arcana rips through without triggering the ability? I will also quote voidal connection: "On Armaments Mages who practice magic for one or more OOC months cannot wear full plate effectively, and at best are limited to half-plate or some light gambeson. Anything more than this would render the mage unable to cast and incredibly exhausted after just a short time of wearing it. Though a mage could wear full plate prior to this point, their ability to do so would slowly degrade, exhausting more over time. Once a mage has reached about three OOC months of casting would find themselves unable to cast in anything heavier than gambeson, struggling to connect and maintain their breath in heavy plate." Reference I am quoting this specific piece since a mage after three OOC months would only be able to wear gambeson, except again if you're a scion. ➣ White and Black Auras [Combat] Any/all attacks are magical and void based. Causing disorientation when struck. Mana cost of void spells cost one tier less, T4 spells become T3. Attacks on hit causing magical void based damage is a pretty neat idea, although you specify ‘all of their attacks’, I assume this means ranged attacks as well? Would this also mean other magical abilities, are now also void-attacks? The second point of all void spells costing one less being a passive ability is a bit extreme / over the top considering something like this already exists, being in Blood Magic. “Augmentation - Combative” in example: “Tier 3: The spell is cast with +1 to its tier. The blood mage may extract genus from blood within 1 foot of themself and may empower others via touch.” With your ability being a passive and not requiring a resource or sacrifice, it is much more ‘powerful’ and you should reconsider this ability to not cross-over other similar ability types of other magics. ✦ Familiars My overall opinion on familiars is the niche has already been accomplished by Voidal Artificery and if you wanted to create your own brand of familiars it needed to stem from that magic. In turn, using a familiar from the Voidal Artificer Lore and imbuing it with magic to conjure a body for the Celestial familiars. To give the lore some interaction with other voidal abilities which have similar things. Especially since they have the same/similar appearance, except one being physical and the other ethereal. “They will always appear to be the colour of their bound Celestialist’s current aura, and will effervesce with raw Arcana.” I will not give comparison to Voidal Artificer Familiars apart from the above statement. With my general concerns about the cross-over of familiars, I will ask is your familiar independent or does it need to be manually handled? For example, can it move without being instructed? When it casts magic, can it do so out of its free-will or do you need to activate it? When the familiar casts magic, are you also able to cast magic? ➣ When out of combat, the familiar may range as far as it wishes from it’s Celestialist. If I am reading this correctly with the following redline of: ➣ Whilst a familiar can be used to peak round corners, the presence of the familiar should be clearly emoted. Are you able to send the familiar off to ‘spy’ on areas and locations to then report back to you with the telepath melding ability? ➣ Celestial Familiars are able to sustain [10] wounds before dying. This ability is extremely tanky, I would say [3] wounds would be enough. You want to protect the creature, not utilize it as a wall between you and an attacker. ✦ Barrage [Combat] [T3] A familiar is able to create a dense packet of arcana which it flings at a nearby target; this packet of energy explodes ferociously, knocking back those hit by the blast. This missile can be further augmented with particular colours of aura. I believe this ability alone outscales most of other void evocations for the reason of the emote count required, for example from the four evocations: ➣ Fire Evocation: Flame Projectile [C] Flame Projectile make contact with any person or object, they will give them second degree burns upon touch. ➣ Earth Evocation: Earthen Offence [C] Rocks Rocks may be conjured, able to bruise flesh and fracture bone upon direct contact with unarmoured individuals, though only able to lightly dent plate and cause light bruising at most in the case of an armored opponent. ➣ Water Evocation: Water Blast [C] By conjuring forth a congregation of water, a water evocationist can send forth a jet or projectile of water to blast opponents backward. While not very physically damaging, it’s force is moderately strong possessing enough force to send one toppling backwards, though holding no more force than a descendant’s push, likely causing them to stumble back around [3] blocks if unprepared, or even cause them to fall over. ➣ Air Evocation: Gust [C] Depending on the tier, the object or person will either be pushed backwards or stumble downwards. Aiming for one’s feet is the best means of achieving a trip, while aiming for the center or chest region can cause stumbling backwards. The abilities I detailed all taking three emotes to utilise which I wanted to express power-strength, your ability can bruise targets (not specified if it does if they’re in armour), pushing the target(s) within one block of its impact back 3-5 blocks and stunning them for one round. Reading the other abilities of evocations, one of these effects are fine but you’re adding in multiple, fire evocation causes burns, earth creates bruises, water holds people back and air pushes others away. I believe this ability is too over the top and should be reconsidered or rewritten to balance it correctly as it essentially does all of the things here except for ‘fire/burning’. The Barrage ability also comes from the celestial, which isn’t a bad thing, I would urge you to specify that if it channelling the magic the celestialist is unable to cast magic themselves. ✦ Shelter [Combat] [T4] A familiar is able to create a shield from their arcana; this shield gains unique effects based on the familiar’s current aura colour. I believe this ability is fine with a few tweaks, the familiar casting the spell should be listed as manual casting from the celestialist through the familiar. The auras on the spell are an interesting quirk of the magic which I do like, although one should reconsider how effective they are in combat, for example a barrier that when broken knocks back and stuns? Is a bit over the top and then the shield for all aura should be limited to only a few people in the radius. I understand with the last two spells, barrage and shelter comes from the celestial familiar and having it independent to cast free from the celestialist concentration. A mage should decide when to cast a spell and not be able to have multiple active at once. Pick to bless, barrage or shelter someone. Not have two active at once. It offers more gameplay opportunity and makes you question what is the best spell to have active at the current time rather than always having bless up. ✦ The Rite of Synastry [Non-Combat] [T5] Basic teaching ritual and have no comments, the flavour is there which is nice. Exalted ✦ Beacon [Non-Combat] [T3] [Passive] An Exalted Celestialist is blessed with further power that draws tiny Celestials to them, who become constant companions in life. This power also allows an Exalted Celestialist to cast new spells, and some spells which were previously only available to their familiar. The overall flavour of this ability is nice, on initial look at and read, although delving further through it comes with some issues starting at the quote below. ➣ Whilst out of combat and connected to the Void, a host of tiny, curious and inquisitive Celestials surround the Celestialist. These Celestials may perform simple tasks for the Celestialist, such as bringing small objects to them, fishing things out of their pockets, helping them to cook a meal, and so on. Although the ability is fine in question, it kind’ve steps on grounds of a few things on the server currently, if you study Atronach Forging for example, Atronach drones can do the same purpose. Which already fills the niche of a void-based “do this” type of thing. Reference ➣ A Celestialist, should they be familiar with the creator, might be able to determine who brought an enchantment into existence. The ability here seems like a ability associated with some of the voidal feats being: [Passive] [Noncombat] - Aura Sensory. Reference, Reference & Reference The ability you mentioned here has aspects of the Aura Sensory which although only works on the void, your ability works on all enchantments. I understand you have a clause requiring OOC permission and it doesn’t state anything but ‘If you’re familiar with the creator you would know who made it”. How familiar does one have to be? To know the aura of the user, can they see the aura on the item a voidal eminence ability? ✦ Greater Melding [Combat][T3] A deeper and more advanced form of Melding, Greater Melding allows a Celestialist to meld with a great many targets at once. When outside of combat, the Celestials which flock to an Exalted Celestialist can help with the meld to improve its range. The spell here is mostly fine, I just have the same questions I expressed in original melding here. I only have one thing to point out which is, ➣ This spell cannot be followed up with Bless, unlike regular Melding. You don’t specify in regular Melding or the spell Bless any interaction. ✦ Sanctify [Combat] [T3] The Celestialist uses their Celestial Arcana to purge Voidal corruption from an area around them. ➣ When targeting an area, the Celestialist may cleanse corruption from trees, plants, and animals, but not from descendants. This is because these targets have less complex souls. Personally when I and Fadedquartz attempted something similar to this with a structure/gems except for a spell it was met with criticism that voidal corruption was minimal unless you got rid of the source. For example, A mana obelisk doesn’t produce much ‘corruption’. If the motive was to clear up tears/hollows it was told that the area would be so much bombarded with mana the corruption would come back as quick as it was disposed. Furthermore, the quote: “It doesnt make sense for voidmages to have a way to clean it up, even then, only an aspect stone can clear a hollow and thats a deific artefact, shamans/druids cant unless its very minor stuff.” - Squak. Reference Continuing with the idea of purging corruption from creatures, in itself aren’t you creating that corruption with the celestial gardens? I quote, from a spell below, “Creatures with weaker souls gradually and randomly lose their anima, their inner workings replaced with arcane pseudo-souls of the same kind as those which lie at the heart of a Celestial. Creatures that undergo this process are transfigured into otherworldly things; new limbs, organs, ethereal patterns that pulse across fur or feather, branches that droop with crystalline fruits, all these things and infinitely more are possible. Within the confines of this garden, life has been liberated from itself.” How is this different to corrupted creatures from the void if the gardens do the same? ✦ Expel [Combat] [T4] ET based spell, so I don’t really have a say in what can be done. ✦ Grace [Non-Combat] [T5] This spell is the greatest expression of an Exalted Celestialist’s capacity for symbiotic magic. By calling a great many Celestials to their aid, the Celestialist crafts false flesh or bone for a target, which melds with their mundane body and helps the target to function as normal throughout the healing process. A healing spell, generally the void isn’t attributed to having this kind’ve magic and the only thing similar to this would be Life Evocation (conjuration) Jing healing. Reference ✦ Constellation Casting [Non-Combat] [T4] I don’t have a comment on this as it opens the avenues of ritual casting. ✦ A Cosmic Seed | Celestial Garden The flavour here is wonderful, just some critiques. ➣ a garden extends [20] blocks from its centre The garden expanse is very large, and doesn’t require RO consent. I suggest decreasing the size considerably. Does the garden halt at walls when it grows or bypasses it? For reference if reading correctly, this is the allocated size at T1. Reference ➣ Celestialists within the garden may behave as if they are constantly casting Greater Melding. They remain able to move, walk, talk and cast spells as normal, unlike a regular cast of the spell. Additionally, the range of the spell is increased to include all those beings within line of sight. Is this available for combat? ➣ Celestialists can cause these apparitions to begin at will. Unsure what you mean by this statement. Begin at will? ➣ A Celestialist gains access to [3] portions of Celestial Arcana. This Arcana may be spent to cast Sanctify or Grace. It does not regenerate, and must be replenished by going to a Celestial Garden. You specified this in the Exalted Celestialism Beacon ability but didn’t reference it in the Garden Post. Would need some clarity on how they refill. ✦ Celestialism Rituals ➣ The Rite of Growth [T1] A nice flavour spell in general, although three months is a decently long time to provide a memory, could you lower it to a week? You have to also be careful that you cannot force someone to put memories into the tree/branch, you have OOC consent listed but not RP consent. From my experience the ST are finicky about this stuff. ➣ The Rite of Stillness [T2] A pretty innocent ritual with nice flavour. ➣ The Rite of Constellations [T2] Permanent metagame. I suggest reworking the spell to only work while within the same distance as regular melding [7] blocks. Though an item should be handed to either player ST signed to signal / mark the individual of communication. The person should also be labled to not be able to be melded to other people from the person they’re currently bound too unless, unbound first. ➣ The Rite of Transcendence [T3] Although the spell is mostly harmless, it has some aspect of blood magic in it in the last line of evocations becoming permanent, as it is a spell within that lore. I don’t think however this clashes so much to outright get removed or criticised much. Overall good ritual. ➣ The Rite of Exaltation [Non-combat] [T5] Basic ritual to bind two slots of the magic. Overall, the concept of celestialism here in my opinion needs work and opportunity, in prior iterations of Celestialism it was mostly non-combat based whereas here it seems you’re directly putting yourself in harms way. It is an interesting interpretation, although I feel that with the current classification of magic on the server it doesn’t really have a purpose the way you outlined it here currently as other magics either have the spells listed or fill the niche.
  8. THE BALLOT ((MC Name: E__V__O)) Name: Evo'lur Vote 1: Luthien Maeyr'onn Vote 2: Atrus Calith
  9. Good concept, curious what people do with it if accepted.
  10. [!] The missive has been replaced with a stamp across [!] The request of lesser punishment has been done, a hundred mina donated to the silver city treasury. The call to trial is ceased as penance has been made. Undersigned Evo'lur Tartarus By will of elheial’thilln, by will of Larihei
  11. For players that want to follow along with RP and limit OOC boundaries I think this change would suit them. In any case, this promotes RP and with the lengthy duration before the effects are removed gives the player time to experience the woes of what has occurred before adapting back to society. Pushing back and saying no, would just mean it'll encourage more OOC intervention, as when it comes to the curse. You can say no. When it comes to the cure. You can say no. It doesn't necessarily promote RP and just encourages the monk revival mechanic to get out of the build up which potentially happened to turn/cure you to show up again not effected.
  12. Evo'lur finding the pinned missive before simply giving it a brief nod of appreciation.
  13. Ikru'lluman The citizenry of Haelun'or is under strife, not that of the outside but within. The council serves to speak for the people, speak with them, and aid them as to why they've been elected. However, dissonance has hit the court today by one that serves to prosper our lands. The Okarir'nor Atrus Calith has broken article eight of our blessed laws to which I call them to trial. As councilors for our silver city, their actions reflect our people, and the claim without merit violates our very blessed laws, which will show distrust in our people. I urge penance stricken on the councilor of a lesser degree. The blessed citizenry and council should know not to outwardly claim such lies and slander to the people within Haelun'or without proof. I also bring into question the Maheral. However, it is my utmost mind that they're pure and speak on behalf of Larihei, and in his blessed might; the kin that follows his name, Valazaer Calith and now Atrus Calith, are sullying the family name. I urge the Maheral to speak against his family to show he is still with the people of Haelun'or and Larihei, not just protecting his family's reputation. Undersigned Evo'lur Tartarus By will of elheial’thilln, by will of Larihei
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