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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server.net
    Discord: ziggity #0979
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: meta gaming is an unfair way a rping. It is when someone's character doesnt know something, but the player does and they make their character become aware of it completley.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: another unfair way of rping. it is when a player does something unrealistic to their character's physical traits
    Status: Denied

Suddenly, Amelot was awoken from his nap, in the storage room of the ship he was hitching a ride on, by the sounds of an entire city living it up and the ship docking. He slowly got up in a daze as he put on his clothes. As he got off of the ship, his stomach made a loud grumble as he looked down.

Amelot: talking quietly to himself “hmm, its been a while since I've eaten anything, maybe I should go to a vendor for some fruit”.

Amelot started walking to go get w=food when suddenly a well dressed looking gentleman appeared before him, asking.

Unknown Gentleman: “Welcome!” he began. “What brings you to this lovely city? Adventure? wealth? Or some grand aspirations to elevate your place in society

Amelot: a little surprised that someone would be nice to him while at the same time annoyed that he had to wait for food “hey there, I’m Amelot the Brave” he says full of life, “I am here for adventure, and because of your last question!” he says with some determination.

Unknown Gentleman: “Well, that certainly sounds like a lot of work. I wish you luck” he wants to continue the conversation so says “lovely day isn’t it?”

Amelot: Trying to get out of there as fast as possible to eat “yes it is, but hey I need to use the rest area but it was nice to meet you...” trails off expecting the gentleman to say his name

Uknown Gentleman: “Joshua is my name, and it was nice to meet you too” he say a little sad.

Amelot: He starts walking off and waving at Joshua, “maybe we’ll meet again someday.”

no away from the complete random, Amelot wanders into the vending area to go to buy some fruit. he walks over to a vendor.

Vendor: Trying to be energetic and interesting so Amelot might buy something “hey ther kid! What can I get for you today?!”

Amelot: “hello, my name is Amelot, and I am quite hungry since I just got off of a ship. Mind if you show me sell me some good stock?” he asks hoping to get food.

Vendor: “Well of course young man” he pulls out a bag of poor quality fruit “ these right here were picked from the best temperate trees in the land! How about we call it 10 Castar?” he says trying to scam him

Amelot: he inspects the fruit that anyone would be able to see is bruised, not seeing anything wrong with it because of lack of noticing “Hmmm...Sure!” *sliding 10 castars over while grabbing the bag of bad fruit*.

Vendor: In shock that he didn't see “w-wow, thanks a bunch!”

Amelot:* scarfing down fruit already starts talking with his mouth full* “no...problem, nice doing business!” he walks away. 

Character Name: Amelot the brave
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 23
Physical Description: brown hair, brown eyes. wears a regular tie and button down with suspenders. slim man, average height
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