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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraftservers.biz
    Discord: Mehlbaum#6412
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Gaining and using information outside of character
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Preforming physically impossible, unfair, or over the top abilities
    Status: Denied

** Staring at the man emotionless

"Knowledge... The most valuable resource on this planet. Is that something you sir can provide?”

** Makes a small grin after seeing the man visibly scared and confused over what I am   --- (I know i'm not supposed to roleplay what he does, but it's for the scenario)
"I didn't think so. Now would you be so kind as to move out of my way, it seems I need to find someone who can or learn by myself again”

** Walks into the bazaar in search of  a place where someone can help

Character Name: Zelroth Naezana
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 222
Physical Description: One giant eyeball, dresses in poor clothes. The eye is mostly visible. Quite tall (6.4). Weights not a lot for his height.
Screenshot of Skin:

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I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but your application was unfortunately


But don’t give up just yet, you can make another in 24 hours!

Your application is okay in general terms, however, I suggest taking time to read over our wiki and our forums in order to make a character that you CAN play in the server. I’ll list some comments with aspects you can improve on your next application.

  • Your Metagaming and Powergaming definitions are alright, however, I suggest using examples to show your understanding of the concept. The following link can help you out with this task.
  • Your biography overall is fine, it tells a nice origin story but it has two major flaws. The first flaw is the character you wish to play, this character doesn’t fit any of the playable races in the game, and you need to play one of said races. Your biography NEEDS to include at least TWO more lore mentions. I’ll give you a couple of links you can read through (I’ll give you some for high elves as well seeing as you marked that as your race)
  • Your physical description and Skin does not fit any lore of the possible races you can play as, please make sure you change this. If you need our Skin Archive can provide you an appropriate skin.

If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me through a message in the forums or via the New Player Discord.

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