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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: PC Gamer
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When you take information outside of the source in order to help your character in game instead of learning in the game.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: When actions are used that are not attainable either in the lore or in the interaction itself.
    Status: Denied

I slightly step back as the gentlemen crowds my space, keeping a distance.

"Just passing through. Unless you have something important that I should know?"

I respond to him as I look around the bazaar.

Character Name: Randele Damoiraa
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 110
Physical Description: Dark light armor with two daggers strapped. Dark long hair pulled back, pale skin, tall and lean but still strong. Dark eyes, very handsome
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to reason that too many errors were made.


Your Metagaming and Powergaming Definitions are correct, though please add an example to each so I can tell you fully understand!



→  Your Character Biography is a bit short. Please include at least 10 sentences. If you don’t know what to add, I recommend thinking more about your character’s backstory. Where are they from, what were their parents like, why are they how they are…?


 Your Character Biography is missing some lore references! Please remember to include at least two! These can be major events, wars, religion, etc. Here are some links that may help you find some!





Your Skin and Physical Description does not match your character’s race. High elves can't have dark hair like this.



Your Roleplay Scenario Response must be in third person please!


Your Character Age is too old. You must play a character of at least 18 years and a max of 100 years.



If you have any questions, please send me a message on Discord Demon_Lilly#9033, and I recommend you join the 

LotC Discord using the following invite: 


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