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Posts posted by Demented_Delila

  1. Caliene awakes in a cold sweat in her bedroom, sat up in a blind panic. . . then there was nothing wrong. It was just her bedroom. The window was open, letting cool dawn's breeze in. Seeing as it was evident enough to let the paladins and the dragon-spawn continue on their usual ways, the Templar laid back down and tried to get some sleep. "That seems like something to handle later. . ."

  2. 27 minutes ago, beetle said:

    The Princess of Númenost blinked at the invitation. “Huh. I didn’t think they were that serious.” 


    The Other Marsyr Sister glances from the letter, to the Princess, then to her handmaiden, having been presumably walking around. Somewhere. "Eri, he learned the harp to impress her- you didn't think they were that serious?!"




    We who have bled shall be redeemed

    We who have fallen shall be remembered

    We who have sacrificed shall be rewarded

    We who have died shall be avenged


    It has been forty-four years since the shadow fell over the Kingswood. Forty-four years that we, the Númenedain, have bested the hardships of. The spirit of the Númenedain is eternal and that which is eternal cannot die. Our enemy was a shaded beast, a geist with no name and no soul. In turn, the name Delgorthad, the Horror-Wraith fell from the lips of our Tar-Caraneth, to at last address this enemy. This predator, hunting, stalking, killing, all for feeding its endless primordial hatred and hunger. It has been dealt with now, driven back into its den and slain, reduced once more to the shadows that it had come from. Weeping, screaming, and dying, finally. We are free at last.


    Cálienë of Caladras

    Templar of the Aengul Malchediael and Knight of the Realm

    The Complete Timeline: The Rise and Fall of Delgorthad





    7/10 - 7/12

    • First Contact with the entity in the woods, first encountered while a small unit of knights went out for patrol after someone reported carvings on the trees in the Kingswood.

    • Originally clung to the shadows and largely hid within the trees themselves. One fatality (an unidentified dark elf man), before being temporarily smited back to wherever it hid away by Ser Alwyn and Ser Caliene.



    • The first missive is put out internally for members of the Radiant Guard detailing everything that the Knights had originally gleamed during first contact. That missive can be found below. 

    • The official decision is made to recommend not informing outsiders of the “entity” in the woods until further information can be obtained. This was to prevent potential outside interference and hysteria.

    7/13 - 7/24

    • The first utilization of the term “Geistbeast” by the Knights, the Guards, and the Civilian Population. 



    • After a period of inactivity, the Geistbeast re-emerges and resumes its terrifying activities.

    • During its inactivity, the Geistbeast has grown in power.


    10/3 - 10/4

    • The first international publications come out about the Geistbeast, following an open letter by Elowen O’Rourke and a missive from the Knight’s Table of Haenseti-Ruska



    9/24 - 10/20

    • The Rangers and Two Templar Knights venture into the woods for a regular patrol. They are suddenly and quickly overwhelmed by the Geistbeast’s presence, having stumbled upon what seemed to have been its “resting place” on the Material Plane. There are no fatalities, but a few casualties as numerous members of the party are injured in the escape from the Geistbeast.

    • It attempted a mimicry of loved ones to lure others in. It failed due to the inaccuracies of its mimicry. 

    • The Maddening Touch of the Geistbeast is first documented here, wherein the present Templars struggled to keep their minds about them. The Geistbeast had altered its approach to their immunity to being made afraid through magic. Instead, it chose to drive them into a “frenzy” of uncontrollable anger and bloodlust. Allies who were not Templars appeared as a cohort of undead horrors, thus provoking aggression towards them.




    • The first of the Ghost Sieges begins, with the Thirsting Oasis's restless dead rising to battle with the citizens and guards. 

    • This follows the ill-advised consumption of the water of the Oasis by Ser Bedwyr. Reports suggest that his corruption of the water lead to him becoming something of a “beacon”.

    • Dozens of innocent lives are lost in the conflict that follows as many are unable to defend themselves.


    10/20 - 10/22

    • The Brazen Bonfire at the top of the stairs to The Bastion Temple is lit in preparation for the maddening effects of the Geistbeast upon the Templars of the Queen’s Retinue. It remains lit to this day.






    • The Queen’s Siege, the largest and “final” of the Ghost Sieges, begins after careful planning by the Tar and the Knights of her retinue. The city is prepared for a siege unlike any it had ever seen before.

    • Allies of the Númenedain rally to the aid of Numenost, numbering among them Paladins, a Voidal Mage, and numerous other combatants.

    • The Geistbeast emerges from the Kingswood with its forces of Undead. It is heavily wounded by the holy magic of the Paladins and driven back into the woods.




    • Following the successful attempt at driving the Geistbast back into the woods, the Tar writes the third international letter regarding Numendil’s ongoing problem. 

    • Before issuing commendations, Tar-Caraneth names the Geistbeast now “Delgorthad”, the Horror-Wraith.


    10/23 - 12/1

    • There is a silence that falls upon the Aran-en-Eryn and it is believed that Delgorthad was sent to the grave with his wounds. His fate remains unknown and unconfirmed.

    • Numendil joins the Coalition-Covenant War


    12/1 - 1/28

    • Numendil contributes to the Coalition-Covenant War as much as it can. Adunic lives are lost in the conflict in the pursuit of peace and justice in Aevos.

    • The Adrians, now Refugees of the War, are welcomed into Numenost as members of the Host of Numendil.





    January 2024

    • Several undated and relatively undocumented events unfold throughout the beginning of the Saint’s Year. They are originally believed to be unconnected or unrelated to Delgorthad. This includes events such as. . .

      • Members of the Knighthood and Citizenry encounter “The Shape of Violence” within the city, is believed to be some form of fell specter.

      • Several possessions or attempted possessions by Otherworldy Entities

      • The sudden and horrific butchering of an Adrian refugee and his family in a cult-like fashion, with his horses taxidermied where they stood. The Adrian refugee, permanently disfigured and blinded by the attack, gives the guards as much information as he can give before he is given the Queen’s Peace and allowed to rest.





    • Druids, sought out by Prince Aranuir, had communed with the Heartwood Tree “Maeril” in the forest and revealed the general state of chaos.

    • The Númenedain, with several Hakeshites among them, come into conflict with the Delgorthadi Forces for the first time in several years at the gates of Numenost.

    • The West Watch has fallen at this point and the Guard “Belegorn” emerged from the conflict to tell the tale of their failures. He is considered the “Sole Survivor”.






    • The Númenedain Forces come into first contact with a group of Adunians, the Ar-Aduniam, also called the King’s Men, who serve Ar-Azgarâzôr, An enigmatic figure, seen only a few times since, who (apparently) holds Delgorthad’s leash through unknown means. This conflict unfolds while seeking the graves of the West Watch. 

      • One of the only documented “Wytchblades” is utilized in the fight against the Númenedain Guard. Rossiel Marsyr is afflicted with a “morgul wound”.

      • The “Wytchblade” is lost after the fight, vanishing into sickly, sulfur-scented grey smoke once it hit the ground.



























    • The Ar-Aduniam continue skirmishing with the Númenedain Forces throughout the Saint’s Month. This includes actions such as. . .

      • Acts of Arson in the fields of Steadfast, in which the ignited field burned with a blue flame that scorched the earth and caused the soil to, quite literally, boil.

      • The Siege & Fall of Caladras at the hands of the King’s Men, who slaughtered many of the inhabitants and imprisoned the rest. They took Caladras as their base of operations for the foreseeable future.

    • The Númenedain Forces attempted to gain more information following these conflicts.

      •  Scouting missions revealed that the Ar-Aduniam were utilizing their False King’s leash on Delgorthad as a means to reach other areas to gain supplies. It remains unconfirmed if these banditry runs occurred in Aevos or on another continent.

      • “Accessing” the information contained within the blue flames that still burned in Steadfast. It revealed the Three Hearts of Delgorthad to those who saw “into” the flames.

        • Experimentative prodding produced a blade capable of cutting into the Hearts.

        • These proddings also yielded information on the danger present for Shaman and Druidic practitioners, who were especially susceptible to being taken by Delgorthad.

    • Another siege on the Gates of Numenost, where Delgorthadi Cultists breached into the city and kidnapped Princess Eriantiel. The First Heart of Delgorthad is destroyed

      • Her kidnapping was intervened upon by the Ar-Aduniam, who took her away to keep her prisoner themselves in Caladras. She spent a year in captivity before escaping with the help of one of her captors and his troops, Captain Arnuzîr who stepped in before the princess could be sacrificed to Delgorthad at the hands of another Ar-Adunaim captain named Dôlguzagar.

    • Members of the Númenedain Citizenry entreat the local Faerie Court for help after years of goodwill and good relations.

      • The Faerie Court, led by King Ulberon and Queen Ithania reveals that Delgorthad’s forces have been actively encroaching upon the Fey Realm through a local fae-ring in the Kingswood. 

      • It is also revealed that they have already been helping with the war efforts, having been driving out the poor weather and other effects that came with the Delgorthadi attacks upon the city.

      • Queen Ithania takes on some of the burdens of Rossiel Marsyr’s wytchwound and in turn makes her swear that she will continue to fight against Delgorthad as she had been.

    • Additional scouting runs through the use of Druidic Beast Speech / Connection allowed the Rangers of the Radiant Guard to identify corruptive presences and the beginning stages of siege equipment being built in Caladras. 

      • Delgorthad, attracted by the use of Druidic Magic in the Kingswood, seemed to have alerted the Ar-Aduniam to the presence watching them. The Fel-hounds of Caladras were unleashed upon the Rangers and chased the party back to Numenost.

    • Delgorthadi Forces arrive in the Bastion Temple in Numenost after “interloper” forces, The Harrower’s Fiends, are sensed within the city. Conflict ensues after Delgorthad proclaims that the Adunians are his prey and his prey alone. Both invasive forces are repelled to some success, although several injuries are sustained by members of the Guard.

    • Counter-action began against the Ar-Aduniam Forces in Caladras. With a distraction arranged to draw Delgorthad and Ar-Azgarâzôr’s attention to the front of Caladras, a small unit of Rangers snuck into the outer war camp to sabotage the siege equipment being built there. 

      • The Second Heart of Delgorthad is destroyed after the Númenedain Forces are driven into Delgorthad’s demi-plane.

      • Captain Arnuzîr and his Company, now dubbed the “Grey Company”, defect back to the Númenedain side. This was after seeing the Delgorthadi Cultists beginning to surround the distraction force, intending to sacrifice them to their patron. An initial eight of the king’s men were the first to turn, standing by Prince Aranuir’s side and shaming the rest to follow. They aided the forces in their escape from the demi-plane.

      • Information about Rossiel Marsyr’s wytchwound is revealed. Dôlguzagar made the blades from Delgorthad himself intending to create more Delgorthadi Cultists through corruption– likely where the Captain earned his name. The timeline of total corruption totaled anywhere from three days to eight years, according to Captain Arnuzîr’s testimony. 



























    • A secretive operation is prepared and undertaken by the Rangers of the Radiant Guard to venture into the fey demi-plane with three druids to “close” the door that had been pried open by Delgorthadi forces.

      • It is revealed during this operation that Delgorthadi Forces had managed to breach into the fey demi-plane of Ithania and Ulberon. The Fel-hounds of Caladras were present, skirmishing with knights of the Faerie Court.

      • Soldiers of the Ar-Aduniam came through the gate to disrupt the Druidic Ritual that was underway, though the Rangers promptly dispatched them after a great deal of effort and injury. They were noted to be of much higher strength than normal Adunians as if an external force was empowering them.

      • Following the dispatch of Ar-Aduniam soldiers, presumed to be of his company, Dôlguzagar arrived on the scene. The presence of the emissary to the cult caused the ritual to falter and the Druids to freeze. The Blackblade was quick to attack the closest rangers after striking down High-King Ulberon, who had charged at him on the back of the Dire Corgi known to the Marsyrs as their corgi, King. 

      • Ulberon’s broken spear point had pierced Dôlguzagar’s shoulder. Though the wound from the strange fae weapon was not enough to kill the Ar-Adunaim Captain, the weapon was seemingly the only thing capable of wounding him. Once driven into the back of his knee, it was unable to be taken again by other members of the Ranger Team who were mildly poisoned by contact with the Captain’s tainted blood.  

        • He would, eventually, be slain by Rossiel Marsyr who had already been infected by this taint and was thus rendered immune. With his death, the ritual was able to be completed and the taint in his body, as well as in Rossiel Marsyr and the High-Queen Ithania disappeared through the now-closed gate.

    • Delgorthadi Forces begin their final siege of the White City, cordoning off the North Road and North Gate in an active effort to corner the Númenedain Forces and render them without aid. The South Road and South Gate were “blocked” with unnatural darkness that prevented anything from coming out at the other side.

      • The Delgorthadi Forces were fended off for a time during their siege of the walls, until their numbers forced the Númenedain to fall back to the square after managing to secure a siege tower and several siege ladders.

      •  Units from the Grey Company covered this retreat and continued to hold off the Ar-Aduniam. They would eventually be driven from the walls as well to regroup with the rest of the Númenedain Forces, who were engaged in combat with Ar-Aduniam soldiers who had breached through the gate with a goliath voidal beast.

      • With the arrival of the Wraith-Captains of the Delgorthadi Forces and their Void-wyrms, the Númenedain Forces are forced onto the back foot. They fight a retreating battle until they are inevitably driven to the steps of the Bastion Temple, similar to how they had been during the Queen’s Siege. 

      • The fighting that ensues is bloody, but the Númenedain Emerge victorious once more after allied Hakeshite cavalry drive into the back of the Ar-Aduniam army. With the Wraith-Captain Abrazîr slain by Tar Numenatar, the Delgorthadi Forces are driven from the city and back into the fortress of Caladras. The Númenedain Forces are finally able to set their sights on the reclamation of the hold.

    • Following the Siege of The White City, Jenny– a local, benevolent entity– stepped into the Kingswood to investigate her questions with a handful of members from the Radiant Guard, namely Rangers.

      • Having identified an odd and uncomfortable connection with Delgorthad (in the sense that they could “feel” one another’s presence), Jenny and her team sought out a particular pond close to Caladras. It was identified that Delgorthad had something – or someone– akin to Jenny in his grasp after projecting the desperate visage of such to distract or otherwise lure her and her team into the water.

      • Jenny and her team enter the pond, through their own choice or because they were dragged, and find themselves on an island in the Abyssal Sea. A prison, of some sort, had been built here and placed under watch by several mantis-like monsters. Presumably, these mantis-like monsters had been feeding on the magical energy of their prisoner.

      • Fighting ensued as the team sought to defend themselves while Jenny began her task to free the captive. Unbeknownst to Jenny, or her team, the Grey Company had followed them from the city and into the Kingswood to (presumably) protect them should they have been attacked. 

      • Jenny succeeded in freeing Delgorthad’s captive, destabilizing and angering the Horror-Wraith in the process. Jenny’s team, with the aid of the Grey Company, cleaned up the remaining mantids, allowing them to flee the Abyssal Sea unimpeded. 

    • The preparation for the Siege of Caladras begins. The Númenedain Forces are engaged by several Ar-Aduniam soldiers while preparing their encampment outside the keep. They are triumphant in this endeavor, the siege camp able to be constructed without any further contest.

      • The Siege begins. Arrow volleys and scorpion-ballista shots are exchanged between the two sides. The Ar-Aduniam are unsuccessful in repelling the siege efforts of the Númenedain Forces and are quickly overwhelmed. 

      • Númenedain Forces breach Caladras’ walls and secure the interior courtyard. The fighting splits into two fronts, one in the exterior against the Wraith-Capitan Urathor and the other inside the keep against Ar-Azgarâzôr

      • Urithor is slain, although he is noted to have utilized an ability similar to the Templar’s “Second Chance”, leaving now remains.

        •  It is later revealed that Delgorthad had consumed a Sorvian Newt crafted by one of the Templars of House Seregon, noted as the most likely source for this and other “Profane” Templar abilities.

      • Ar-Azgarâzôr, on the other hand, is not slain. He and much of the Ar-Aduniam garrison escaped from Caladras via a portal that is presumed to have been to the Abyssal Sea. It is revealed that Ar-Azgarâzôr has fallen further than expected and has, in some capacity, become an aspect of Delgorthad after dampening the connection of two Templars and nearly taking their souls in the process.

      • For now– Caladras has been retaken, although it is an empty shell of the great fortress it once was. The Númenedain have begun to celebrate the end of Delgorthad’s Reign of Terror and are settling into the new era of peace that is to follow. 

        • It is rumored that Caladras is haunted by the spirits of the elves that once inhabited it, unjustly slain by Ar-Azgarâzôr and the Ar-Aduniam in their attempted conquest.








    • After a strange pillar of light appeared in the Kingswood, the Númenedain Forces gathered once more, bolstered by members of the Grey Company, and entered the portal to the Abyssal Sea (Delgorthad’s demi-plane) to deal the Horror-Wraith a killing blow, preventing the potential disaster of a voidal incursion [and to rescue the Princess Eriantiel as well as two allies who had entered the Abyssal Sea during the last confrontation with Ar-Azgarâzôr]

      • With the Grey Prince, Aranuir, armed with the broken blade forged (entirely by accident) by his elder brother Anorhil, the Númenedain Forces fearlessly engaged a number of wraith-like combatants, Ar-Aduniam Blademasters, the Ratiki Demon-Lord of Luciensburg, and Delgorthadi Cultists.

      • The Númenedain Forces successfully repel these forces, allowing the Grey Prince enough time to deliver the necessary blow to Delgorthad’s final heart.

      • Delgorthad, now in his death throes, began to materialize, sputtering in and out of existence. The Horror-Wraith gave one final warning of another, a potentially greater threat than himself (Most probably an empowered Ar-Azgarâzôr), wherein the Grey Prince delivered a mercy blow to further the beast to his grave. Melting back into the nothingness from which he came, Delgorthad was done away with and the Abyssal Sea returned to being a part of the greater Void.

    • The Númenedain had fully concluded the war and are now in a new era of peace. For how long, however, is unknown. But heroes will be sung and festivals will be had in the years to follow this great, final battle. The rain over Numendil is now, at last, just rain again.



    The First Missive


    This is an official order from the court physician; if embarking on a patrol into the Kingswood, be it for scraping the eye of Iblees carvings off trees or otherwise, go in groups of four or more, armed with aurum and other equipment that undead are sensitive to.


     There is something in the woods akin to a beastial poltergeist. Signs of its presence include...

    - Sudden and complete silence. The wind will stop as well. 

    - Fog, light intially but growing denser over time. 

    -  temperature drop, your breath will become visible despite the temperature we are used to. 

    - the sound of something scratching bark off trees, undiscernible from any location in particular. It is all around you. 

    - heavy, ragged breathing that sounds almost like a person frantically running through the woods. It's not a person. Don't call out to it.


    It is recommended that any parties who encounter it flee the area. It is not a fight to be had without casualties.  It already knows you're here.


    Be aware of the following...

    - It has multiple limbs and blends into the tree. It is very large and its full body is seldom ever revealed.  

    - it is also capable of sinking into the tree and utilizing it as a form of cover.

    - It likes to go for the head. Wear helmets always to prevent potential injury. 

    - It also goes for the legs, intending to grab and then drag victims into the trees or foliage, before consuming them. 

    - It is covered in yellow pustules that release a septic liquid with mild paralytic properties when exposed to open wounds.


    Eyes up, Guardsmen. You're going to need to keep your wits about you. I recommend not informing outsiders of this knowledge beyond until we are more informed of the situation. Cults happen a little too quickly... Aurë Entuluva.



    This post is a timeline and a special thank you for @DAENGIEfor his work over the last eight to nine months. He has lovingly and carefully planned, prepared, and ran most of this event line by himself for our community. He is a talented storyteller who has a gift for influencing the emotions of those he tells those stories with. This event line has inspired a million and one little moments between players, or even between players and NPCs, that have been beautiful and heartbreaking but most importantly- amazing. The last couple months especially have been a ride. As the event line came to a close, I opted to begin work on this timeline, so that everyone who came to interact with it had an idea of what was going on. Because I'll be honest- and I'm sure you can tell- there is a LOT of lore that was put out for us to keep track of! 


    Thank you to everyone who attended these events over the months! And thank you to @DAENGIE for all his hard work.

    ❤️❤️Remember to thank your Event Team Members and to support your local ET Friends! ❤️❤️


    Now! Enjoy some screenshots taken by folks over the event line. Sources will be cited based on discord usernames, rather then forum usernames. Mostly because that's a lot of work and people don't usually have identical usernames. Sorry! 





     Thanks, Target Practice! (MIne)


    The Ghost Skirmishes & The Queen's Siege



    Peter Stroheim. . . He is simply built differently. (Mine)





    The Dead Overwhelm the Living- but we will not be overrun! (Clone_Fives)





    A Younger Tar-Caraneth prepare to gives a speech (Mine)









    The Rain Begins During The Tar's Rallying Speech (Daengie)


    Fell Omens



    The Knights Respond to a Cry In The Fog (Pyschra_Notte)



    Father Galadain approaches The Carriage in the Woods (Mine)



    Kikurage Hiding Among the Brush (Mine)



    Are We Really Alone? (Mine)







    Did you see them, over there in the bushes? (Mine)



    The Possession of a Knight (Mine)



    The Exorcism that Followed (Gabeman)



    Speaking with the Heartwood, Muriel



    The Heartwood (SimplySeo)


    The Druids Approach (Brssh)



    The Druids Commune (July.Prince)



    You Are Not Alone (SneakyBandit)



    What Remains of the West Watch






    The Graves of the West Watch and the Conflict (July.Prince)



    Over Run (SimplySeo)

    Various Skirmishes & Deeds






    The Intial Arson of the Fields of Steadfast (Clone_Fives)



    Sometimes the Druids get Fucked Up (Mine)



    Some Brave Friends (SneakyBandit)



    Oops- Eriantiel got Kidnapped (SneakyBandit) 



    Ser Eldacar realizing he may have made a mistake. (Mine)



    Edwyn, Maeril, and Phaedra being chased by Voidal Hounds (Mine)



    The Blue Flames of the Steadfast Fields (Daengie)



    The Lord-Father Uther kicks in the door while the Harrowers & Delgorthadi Cultists fight (Mine)



    The Great Distraction 



    The Norns in the Void (Mine!)



    The Marsyr Girls (Haseroth)



    A Cadre of Knights (and Warlock) (Mine)


    The Minas Morgul-ification of Caladras












    All screenshots from Daengie!


    The Ar-Aduniam Siege of Numenost



    The Rallying of the Numenedain (July.Prince)


    The Host of the Numenedain on the walls (July.Prince)


    The Final Event



    This screenshot of Delgorthad's "TRUE FORM" is from Evil_Macaroni!


    Our wayward friends (Also from Evil_Macaroni)





    Courtesy of Daengie! Everyone in attendance at the final event (including our favorite NPC, Captain Arnuzir!)



    And this one with people's Figuras, courtesy of Crunchiest_Leaf



    If you've got screenshots that I haven't included here, please feel free to post them. Thank you to Daengie, again, for all the work he put into this event line for us! And thank you to everyone who attended them!

    See you next time on the Daengie Cinematic Universe!


    12th of Snow's Maiden, 179 S.A.


    “A thousand knives for your grave, king of lies, and no mourners for your tomb.”

    In the aftermath of Caladras’ liberation, there is no wine poured for the lively. There is no cool rain that washes over the rooftops in the night to coax its residents to sleep. There are no roses left blooming in the field, not even a bulb to salvage into something new. There were no hearth fires being lit or candlewicks left to burn so one might read by candlelight. In truth– there was no one left to liberate.


    And with no one left to liberate, there are no lively souls to pour wine for or residents for the rain to coax to sleep. There are no scholars or guards who might stop to smell the roses or take a few of the vibrant red blossoms home to their loved ones. There was no one left to tend a hearth fire or to light candles to read by the flickering light. 


    Perhaps it was incorrect to say that nothing remained. When the life is gone, the spirit is all that remains. It clings to the shell of what once was something alive like moss clings to the headstone. It was still a surprise, however, to find that the resolute spirit of the Caladrasi Elves still lingered, ever-present now that the usurping oathbreakers had been driven from their homes. Living first as a whisper on the wind, a cool breeze on a warm night, a presence not quite there.


    Then an elvish voice carrying a tune in low Adunic, kissing the stonework and haunting the courtyards. The tall, armored forms that still walked their patrol routes on the borders of the forest and lingered on the gangways of the walls, the echo of a lost life reflected in pale mist. The wisping figures that still went about their daily chores. . . They were best seen at night when the moon was full and the stars were bright, their glimmering forms reflecting the lives that once stood here.


    Here were the Caladrasi Elves, meeting their fates with the cry of “Aurë Entuluva!” until their very last breaths. Here were the Elves of Caladras, but no more– only the spirits remain now, haunting what had once been a home.




    [Disclaimer: This is, at the moment, a matter of IC Belief.]



  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Rossiel Marsyr


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Eldacar Marsyr


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  6. Rossiel Marsyr, who works for the Paddy's Pyre part time, squints at the document, scratching her head in thought.


    "I'm pretty sure that this counts as breaking and entering if you got into our kitchen- where our meat and fish is stored, and is being actively used? It's not unattended, you broke into our kitchen.  And if there's food on the ground, it means someone dropped it recently."


    The Marsyr, who is a full-time Radiant Guard Ranger, goes to find a superior officer to report the breaking and entering to! 

  7. An aging, Canonist High Elf peers over the missive as she leans out the window of her home in the fair city of Numenost, shaking a few of the ashes of her herbal cigarette out into the wind. . . She takes another deep inhale from the stick, before pressing the end of it to the missive. It ignites, burning up, before the embers are carried away with the same wind. "They grow dangerously close to the ways of my Diarchy-loving kin. . . Same cards, just a century later, in someone else's hands. . . God save your outcasts and your downtrodden-- it is no wonder they  return to burn down the village for the warmth we have denied them." The elvish woman signs the Lorraine and at last turns to return to her writing. 


    A young woman, an Adunian, remains seated on the back of a black mare as she rides from the gates of Numenost to Reinmar. She peers over the missive and shakes her head in some dismay. "Innocence comes with our milk teeth and we lose it, slowly, with each tooth we lose. Many of these children were robbed of their innocence before those teeth had even come in. Who is to determine those who grow into wickedness were born wicked from the start. . .? Souls are not born wicked, they are only made."

  8. I concur with Satinkira. Two Emotes for Bows and Three for Crossbows simply makes sense, anyways. I could three emotes for NORMAL bows if we had like, special alchemical arrows or something. 

  9. An Astoran teenager descends from her room at the start of her day, rubbing the grit of sleep from her eyes. She sets down at the kitchen table, pulling one of the papers strewn about on its surface to read it. She liked to keep up with the news, if she could. . . Then she pauses, staring down at the document for a time. There a soft utterance of  . . . "Vafae?" before she reads it a few times over as she eats her breakfast.


    "A blind man denies the truth because he cannot see it before him, but I didn't realize there was a chance this man was made deaf, as well. Maybe if they get him eyes like Uncle Konstantin, he'll not make a mis-step like this again. . . I should ask fadhir and Uncle Artel more about this later - I wonder what else this blind man might have left out."

  10. Spoiler

    In counting the costs of victory, blood was expected. In review of the accounts, they had not expected to find grief. Until that is what they found. There is no war prize that could have weighed more then the weight of the Father's absence. The Templar had maintained her calm, for the blood still ran from the wounds of a friend, and Antonius' ashes still needed somewhere to be. Baerte was quicker then she could have ever been but she could hardly believe it. Uther had brought him home in a helmet. She had always thought the last she'd see Toni, he'd be wearing the black hat he always wore. Never a helmet.


    Death visits the doorstep of humanity so often that Caliene had thought she had braced herself for this. This inevitable, awful truth that she would bury the people she loved and cared about in time. The truth that the world would keep moving on, even when the Heavens gained another star. She had seen to Uther, made sure he did not bleed further. She could not lose him too. She listened to his sermon and the message he spoke at the end burned in her chest.


    At last, when those around her had gone to rest, the elvish Templar climbed to the roof of her city residence and sat, facing the Oasis. She let the breeze be the balm for her soul, let the incense she lit guide her thoughts. She drank tequila straight from the bottle, a shot poured and set on the sill nearby for the late Father. She remembers fondly first they spoke, of his fearful worlds towards the dragonwraith that had once killed a King. She remembers the rain on the Church as they spoke of God, the sputtering of the fire on the Ashwood Tree as it burned through the night.


    At last, the elvish woman puts her face in her hands and begins to openly weep for the loss of a dear friend. The Father's absence would noticeable for the years to come. In all the years of her long life, there had never been a priest willing to sit with her the way he had. He had given her the path to God, fulfilling at least some of a long dead Barclay's deathbed wish for the elf. To find God before her death, so that one day they could meet again.


    May God bring you swiftly home, Antonius. May you be at peace again in the green pastures of the Seven Skies. I hope that there is a brilliantly burning Ashwood Tree near a quiet place for you to make your café uninterrupted at last. All of that and more. You will be dearly missed.

  11. A tired, battered Templar stood among her fellow Knights of the Tower, muddied and battered as they were, raising her sword in salute at the Call of the Queen. The radiant white flame engulfs the length of the blade, her helmet held in her off hand. She bellows the call in return. 


    "Utúlie'n Aurë! Day has come!"


    Despite the glorious victory of the day and the decimation of the Breakwater Keep, not all had lived to see the dawn. Caliene of Caladras drinks tequila on the roof of her residence in the city, basking in the night breeze. She pours a shot out in memory of Father Tonito, or at least for his spirit that she knows has made its way home to God. 

  12. So! Hello; tis' me. I'm the Sentimental Idiot.


    I used to play a character named Luisa Klaire Barclay on my alt, 1HoneyDragon, who ran a business in Arcas called "Edelweiss Diamante".


    I am looking to see if anybody still has items that I made way back then. I'd wondered recently if anybody had passed along the jewelry, besides the few I've been told that MIGHT be still passing along their pieces. If you do still have one of the jewelry pieces from back then, I'd love to hear the story of how your character got it, or inherited it. 


    Thank you for your time~!

  13. 8 hours ago, EmiliainWonderland said:

    I miss the auction house. Now I have to find empty stalls to sell stuff only a few people will ever see. . .


    And finding people selling stuff I actually want is so rare, please oh wise LOTCers lead me to the shops that sell girly stuff for my very girlified personas.

    I felt this in my soul. The death of the auction house more or less damaged the shop availability economy because now a lot of people focus on selling raw materials over those materials being on the Auction House. As per my own experiences, we struggled pretty bad to get an open shop in Haense to sell stuff in Almaris after I came back from my hiatus. When we did get a shop, it was down a side street that nobody really went to on a regular basis. 


    (However may I suggest Silver Star Trading Company, in Numendil, for all your girlie pop needs? We got plushies, sewing kits, tea pots, all sorts)

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