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Posts posted by glassyskies

  1. On 6/9/2024 at 4:56 PM, Morigung-oog said:

    Skin: - Armor Skin [6]

    Bid: - $29

    Discord:  - Morigung_oog

    IGN:  - WightTrash



    Skin: - Armor Skin [6]

    Bid: - $32

    Discord:  - boughtabride

    IGN:  - glassyskies

  2. On 6/5/2024 at 6:49 PM, Pancho said:

    Skin: - Armour 2

    Bid: - $15

    Discord:  - panchoii

    IGN:  - PanchoII

    Skin: - Armor Skin [2]

    Bid: - $20

    Discord:  - boughtabride

    IGN:  - glassyskies

    On 6/5/2024 at 11:20 AM, Goblinmancer said:

    Skin: - Armor Skin 6

    Bid: - 20

    Discord:  - qizu.

    IGN:  - Qizu

    @Wizzar @beetle

    Skin: - Armor Skin [6]

    Bid: - $23 (my bad I wasn't sure if I could go OVER $3 so I'll just fix this one since pancho already replied)

    Discord:  - boughtabride

    IGN:  - glassyskies

  3. An elder follower of the faith cast a pair of furious, blazing sights over the script. A taloned digit ran 'cross the name of the challenged, 'Aranur,' 'fore returning to the challenger scribed at the bottom. The prince garnered their typical grimace. 

    With crackle and sizzle, the parchment was immolated by a sudden plume of dragonsfire, and the titan rose. A gauntleted fist coiled about the bleak glaive resting beside them, risen to fondly peer over the rayless sun crowning its design. 

    The devout Neare marched elsewhere, seeking this trader...

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Malchediael's Radiant Templars


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    To become a Templar, one must devote 3 magic slots to the cause in order to wield Malchedial’s courage. The primary groups of descendents that would benefit from this boon consist of monster hunters, adventurers, or devout, holy knights leading a crusade or conquest against foes of the dark. Their kit consists of many utility based spells that can enable strengthened blows to defeat a powerful enemy, or other more disabling abilities, such as the Fervent Flare. Primarily, they are front line fighters, with many means to disable or defeat enemies that might engage them head on.

    Malchediael himself is quite divorced from the Templar’s day to day life, including their merits in battle. Malchediael merely blesses the individual to bolster their courage and brand them with a fragment of his might, bidding them to do with it as they please. His blessing manifests as white flames that brand the soul and imbues it with a bravery unmatched by many. This blessing is not the Templar’s only weapon, and only serves to bolster the strengths the hero in question already wields. That is to say they must continue to sharpen their skills and make up for what they lack on their own, and should not rely solely on the might of their magic. That is cowardice.

    A coward among the ranks of Templar are not looked upon too kindly by their kin. A more devout, practiced Templar can challenge one of their own via the Victor’s Justice and duel them for the honor of Malchediael. The victor may decide to temporarily sever the other’s connection to the magic for [1] OOC week, in which they are left doubting their skills and feel an immense failure looming over their shoulders. In rarer circumstances, the losing Templar’s connection may be severed entirely by the victor, disconnecting them from the magic. A Templar may only be disconnected from Malchediael’s blessing three times; after the third, they are no longer eligible to reclaim his blessing.

    Wounded in battle, the Templar faces a curse known only to their kind, known as the Touch of Jophiael. The hero, if struck by [5] minor wounds (Scrapes, Bruises & Cuts), [3] moderate wounds (Broken bones, puncture-wounds), or [1] major wound (Impalement, Dismemberment & Mutilation) will lose their sanity and begin to attack any living thing, ally or not, near to them until they are knocked unconscious, healed, or slain. The Templar, however, has the ability to heal these wounds themselves and remove their state of mind from Jophiael’s doorway via the Brazen Bonfire. Serious wounds will not be remedied by the bonfire, but minor wounds will. In all circumstances, the Touch of Jophiael can be warded with the use of these glorious pyres.

    Lastly, the Templar’s most favored tools are earned through combat. The Blessed Banner is capable of lighting the way in a field of dark, award their Templar with an extra cast for each of their spells, or merely bolster the bravery of their allies to calm them in the face of doom. These banners are created through bathing the fabric in the blood of an accursed foe slain by the Templar themselves, then imbued with their holy fire. Another use for a slain foe is that of the Trophy. This ability strikes fear into any entity belonging to the same category of fiends as the trophy displayed. It is always depicted as the creatures head, and must be taken by the Templar with their bound weapon.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?





    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [T4] Dauntless Charge [3 Emotes]:

    [A foe turns their back to the Templar, finding their blows ineffective against the stalwart hero. They’ve begun to flee!]


    (1) [!] The hero manifests a great courage from within their valiant soul, pulling upon the branding that tied them to the brave Aengul above. Their sabatons began to crackle with silver flames, knees bending to brace them for the momentum that would soon consume them. 


    (2) [!] Those gathered flames roared to life, encompassing the entirety of the Templar. Their vision dilates beneath that slotted helm of theirs as dirt begins to push away from their feet. They tracked this foe, still within their range…


    (3) [!] Left in their wake, a blazing trail of holy fire plumed behind this charging knight. They barreled toward the foe with no regard to the fear in their eye, and came to collide with their shoulder against them in hopes of throwing them forth and onto the soil ahead with an incredible might.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [T2] Fervent Flare [3 Emotes]:

    [!] The Templar grabs their student, Henry, by the shoulders, turning them so they might look their elder in the eye. Hey, they said, catching their fleeting attention. This will be it for the day. I know your world is spinning, but this is all you have left to do. Stand with me, they carefully stationed their student beside a tree for the added support, and drew a few paces away from them.


    (1) They gazed downward, eyes fluttering to a close as they focused upon the bravery that ignited their soul. Their body ran stiff. Focus upon your courage, and pull it to the surface. Stand rigid and strong, like the oak beside you.


    [Henry wobbles forth a step, nodding to their master, then posing themself as though they were bracing for impact. Stiff as a board.]


    (2) [!] Flickering white embers began to coalesce around the tested knight’s body with a proud glow. Continue to draw it outward, but do not release it prematurely! they called. And… close your eyes."


    [The pupil stares at their teacher for a time, uncertain, only until their very own aura manifested around them.]

    (3) [!] "And release!" The Templar forcefully shut their eyes, when a sudden flash of white burst from their body and shrouded the nearest ten meters of land in a blinding, dazzling light! Their gaze remained closed for a second or two, assuming their student had flashed their aura immediately afterward! As they peeked their eyes open, they saw…


    [Another flash of light! Sure to blind their master, and send them reeling from the pain!]




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    A new magic is hard for everyone to pick up at first. If I was made aware, or I noticed my student powergaming this magic, I would be sure to confront them kindly and let them know what mistakes they had made. I would halt teaching them for the time being, until it was made clear, and they understand that they made a mistake, while also going over the redlines of the magic to ensure that they don’t repeat this mistake, or falter and make another in the future. If such behavior continued for a second time, a more stern conversation would take place, though I’d become rather distant from the student from that time on. A member of the LT would likely be contacted if the offense was severe enough, and the student would deal with the repercussions in that way.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             quite old


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Kani - The Way of the Oscillit


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The art of Kani revolves around the rhythm of battle and the merging of ones powerful body & mind. With precise & proper breathing patterns, the oscillit may conduct superhuman feats in something called Resonance. To achieve Resonance, the kani-user must attune their soul to nature, or the ambient mana that flows through the natural world. With it, as well as the Core, the Mind, and the Body, one may utilize the potential of this stagnant mana to achieve greatness.Their mind & body will experience momentary periods of alteration should Resonance be achieved in one of two ways: Passive Resonance; a less active variation of Resonance used in more calm circumstances, often to achieve effects leading up to: Aggressive Resonance; a combat focused, more vigorous style of breathing that calls for the wielder to force their natural mana from their bodies and use it to dish out damage or effects that will benefit them in combat.


    Resonance may only be achieved should the oscillit be in the proper state of mind, as well as adorning themselves with no materials that may inhibit the natural flow of their mana. Dense materials, specifically metals, will dispel Resonance from the wielders body should these materials be equipped. Items such as steel longswords, chainmail armor, and so on, will obstruct flow of nature through the body, and thus disrupts it from connecting to the Core, the Body, and the Mind. Other materials that may be wielded by the monk include leather, wood, clothing, and so on. 


    Passive & Aggressive Resonance utilize separate patterns of breathing to match their circumstances. Passive Resonance is a calm, dutiful style that prioritizes utility over combat and does not disrupt the flow of mana in the vicinity to the user. To connect with ones Passive Resonance, they must concentrate on their rhythmic breathing for 1-3 emotes depending on their tier. Aggressive Resonance, while still rhythmic and consistent, utilized a much more combat-focused style of breathing that aims to maintain stamina and control of the now rippling mana in the monks body. This mana enhances their capabilities greatly. The oscillit must focus on their breathing for a period of 3 emotes in order to achieve Aggressive Resonance. After connection to either, the monk may cast their learned abilities with 1 emote of devotion, and can stack a good majority of them together.


    Kani may not be used by entities with a warped soul-blueprint. This is to say most creatures with a valid CA is unable to utilize the flow of Resonance, unless their soul-blueprint is miraculously left intact and undisturbed.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Core Abilities:
    The abilities known by all kani-users, regardless of their path, typically only utilize Passive Resonance to achieve more utilitarian results. 


    An oscillit may imbue an object no heavier than twenty-five pounds in a 3x3 meter area to hover, and ‘Orbit’ around them. They may utilize Condensing, to condense particulates into weapons or tools as durable as ply-wood and utilize them so long as they remain in their grip. If thrown or cast aside, the tool will disperse into its once-particle appearance after a period of 1 emote. Should the monk seek to subdue the frequency of their soul, they may harden a surface within a 3x3 meter area to produce objects as tough as rubber, including their own condensed weaponry and their clothing, to turn it into armor of sorts. Lastly, the oscillit is capable of altering their interaction with physical objects by changing the friction they produce when in contact with another. This could allow them to achieve balance in otherwise unfavored positions, or become too slippery to be grasped or seized while sliding their way around the field of battle.

    Path of the Sun:
    Those that attune themselves to the Path of the Sun are typically steadfast and more energetic and focus on physical combat to overwhelm and defeat their foes in a flurry of blows. 


    The sun-monk may delay the force of their strikes with Delayed Inertia, leaving behind an ‘echo’ that may be stacked upon in one particular spot and released after 1 emote to stagger or overwhelm a foe in quick succession. Their strikes may be imbued with resonance through Penetrative Inertia that allows them to throw attacks through barriers of up to 1 meter of space and strike through to the opposing side for a period of 1 emote. They may also further the durability of their bodies past the point of hardening with Iron Body, being able to turn the durability of 1-3 body parts into that of iron for a total of 3 emotes to nullify slashing and piercing damage. Lastly, the sun-monks most devastating attack, the Kinetic Strike, allows for them to imbue their unarmed attacks with the potency for damage akin to that of an orc wielding a warhammer to dish out devastating strikes for a period of 1 emote, or until spent when an attack is thrown.

    Path of the Moon:
    Those that attune themselves to the Path of the Moon are typically calm and more calculated and focus on utility and effects to garner favor in combat scenarios. 


    The moon-monk may utilize their resonance and specialization with mana through the use of Third-Eye to witness, view, and physically interact with mana with the safeguard of their own pulsating mana for a period of 5 emotes. This allows them to perform a type of condensing with stagnant or dormant mana and can be cast upon their own tools. Feather Form allows for the oscillit to lower their weight so they might perform acrobatics or feats to enter, or escape situations that would otherwise be detrimental. Their falls may be softened, though not nullified, and an attack that would strike them is not bygone simply by activating this ability. The monk must evade or block an attack to truly nullify it. Feather Form is active for a period of 2 emotes. Against mages, the moon-monk is capable of turning their opponents mana idle and deactivating its potency within a 2 meter range for a period of 4 emotes, so long as the kani-user adapts proper form to produce this effect. Their palms must be aimed toward their target. Lastly, the Path of the Moon’s most devious ability; the Abjuring Strike. Through the Abjuring Strike, the monk is capable of imbuing their fist, foot, or resonant tool with a swirling effects that will cause great damage to mana-based entities such as ghosts, voidal creatures, and so on. Constructs such as Atronachs may also be dealt a heavy blow with this ability, so long as the strike makes contact with the mana fueling them and not their shell. Otherwise, this ability will also abjure or dispel spells up to T4 of their respective magics assuming the attack is met with a strike from the oscillit utilizing this ability.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Condensing [Passive Resonance] (T1) [2 Emotes]:
    [!] The sage turned to their opponent behind them, eye glinting off the sword drawn with intent to fell them. A hand rose from their side, taking hold of the priestly embellishments hung ‘round their neck, and promptly removed them. The metal hit the path with a chime that called for the monk to face their foe, determined.

    (1) [!] Their breathing had turned steady, slowly approaching the brigand with careful, calculated steps. All was measured as they focused solely on maintaining a safe distance as their natural rhythm locked them in.


    (2) [!] At their adversaries approach, the dirt below swiftly rose toward their outstretched palm, turning into the likes of a long staff that was swiftly risen to block an incoming strike!



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Kinetic Strike [Aggressive Resonance] (T5) [4 emotes]:
    (1) [!] As I’ve told you, and as you now know, assuredly… To achieve Aggressive Resonance, you must brace yourself for battle and allow your adrenaline to flow through you, called the master. They strode three paces from their pupil, slowly turning with a slide of their footing along the gravel, a proper combative stance adopted with either hand splayed outward, prepared to deflect, and quickly return with an attack of their own. Each breath came with purpose. Punctual, and strong.


    (The student adopts a similar stance, beginning to call upon the dutiful breaths that would soon fuel their most devastating attack.)


    (2) [!] The sage stepped carefully, analyzing any gaps in their foes stance, and beginning to approach, making no sign of action towards them while they maintained that steady breathing of theirs. They were nearing one another now.


    (3) [!] A sudden plume of spectral energies began to swell and warp around the most esteemed master with one final breath outward. It shot from their nostrils in focused streams, now clinging to their person as they drew near.


    (The pair would exchange blows, with either deflecting or evading one anothers strikes.)


    (4) [!] Now, called the monk. Call upon the make of your soul, and will it to flatten me in a single strike. Do it now, or be met with the same. In the blink of an eye, their rightmost hand became weaved in the same warbling spectral mists, amplifying the strike that they were soon to enact upon their most practiced student. They pushed forth, evading a blow, and sending their own harrowing, debilitating strike forth..! The master had missed, having pinned their student against the wall with nowhere to retreat from. A crack ran down the wall beside their head, the fist having blown a hole through it… Slowly, the master withdrew, adapting a defensive stance, a smug look to their features…



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    A new magic is hard for everyone to pick up at first. If I was made aware, or I noticed my student powergaming this magic, I would be sure to confront them kindly and let them know what mistakes they had made. I would halt teaching them for the time being, until it was made clear, and they understand that they made a mistake, while also going over the redlines of the magic to ensure that they don’t repeat this mistake, or falter and make another in the future. If such behavior continued for a second time, a more stern conversation would take place, though I’d become rather distant from the student from that time on. A member of the LT would likely be contacted if the offense was severe enough, and the student would deal with the repercussions in that way.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             quite old


    Character's Race:

             Soul Tree


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy [Aesthetic + Sound]


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach Tome


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach Tome


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Wood Elf


    Transformed form:

             Tree Lord


    Creator's MC Name:

             Raisinful, Endaaron, BoyWonderr, MayRndz


    Creator's RP Name:

             Spore (Tree Lord), Seraphina, Bastet, Zaelyn


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Tree Lord is the endgame form of druidism, which grants the druid immortality at the cost of their sanity. To become a Tree Lord, the druid must have their soul connected to the likes of a magical sapling by another tree lord under the light of a full moon alongside three other elder druids. Through funneling energies into the sapling to grant it growth, the druid’s soul will be tied directly to it as they themselves become this tree. From the tree, the druid is capable of manifesting as a husk that they perform their duties as, though their main body remains as the tree.


    The husk acts as the Tree Lord’s eyes and ears, allowing them to traverse the realm and perform their duties away from their tree. The husk does not require food or sustenance to fuel their durable bodies, or to aid in the regeneration process they undergo should they husk be destroyed. Should such occur, the tree will wither and warp due to a lack of energy as it produces or prepares to produce a new husk for the Tree Lord. Of the ways the tree & its husk can be felled; they are naturally weak to fire, blighting such as azhl, necrotic blight, and the alike, as well as thannhic interference. The tree is anchored in one place at a time and can only be moved through druidic gleaning or ungrowth. Due to this, the tree can be targeted and felled by a group bent on its destruction. It relies heavily on the aid of other druids to defend it, replant it, or heal it should it survive its encounter with the enemy. This is not to say the tree is defenseless, however. If the tree is not replanted within 1 OOC week of its destruction, the druid will be pked, and their soul will return to the eternal forest.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    The ‘soul tree’ itself is able to look like any mundane tree and be designed according to the trees typical features. This reflects onto the husk of the soul tree, which can take minor changes from their previous form to adopt things such as antlers & horns, variation in color scheme, or to remove scars, regrow limbs, or simply exist as they once had prior to their transformation. If the husk wishes to change their appearance in a significant way, they must rest in their tree and reform from there.


    Ventys will use a rainbow eucalyptus as their tree, adopting some of its features to her husk.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Druidic Transcendence


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Daisy 'Mutt'


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:

             me, myself


    Creator's RP Name:

             me, myself


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin are spawn of the runt of the Ratiki; a more violent ratfolk. Their lesser size made them unfit for combat in the eyes of the Ratiki, meaning these smaller critters were scrutinized and seen as a detriment to the Ratiki people. A  leader stepped up among these smaller creatures named ‘Musin,’ fittingly enough, was elected to be the runts ‘warchief’ and lead them away from the evil that was the Ratiki and their punishing practices. Through practice of wayfaring, the bunch managed to find their way to Almaris, where they soon met another victim of the Ratiki; a descendent mage that had escaped in a similar fashion to themselves. This mage taught the runts how to live on this continent without behaving as savagely as the Ratiki. This distinguished them from their prior captors, making the difference between them all the more stark. Under his tutelage, the Musin as they came to be called came to be as typical as any other within the societies that formed on the continent of Almaris, though the Musin could often not resist the urges to pilfer loot from others. 



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    The Musin resemble mice in many regards, save for their proportions. They range from 1’8” to 2’6”, weighing in at 20-30 pounds should they be healthy. Their eyes range from reds & pinks to black, while their fur can be gray, white, black, among more colorful variations such as orange & brown. They are not so tough, but are quite nimble.


    That being said, 'Mutt' appears as a rather short & stout Musin with the height of two feet and a weight of around thirty pounds. His palette is a mix of many shades; a base of gray, with black and white spots spread unevenly across his person. His black eyes are framed by long, bent whiskers and bushy brows. He often sports sleek, collared outfits to best appear as some lordly or authoritative figure. 'Mutt' is often seen with a thick cigar that weighs unevenly in his grubby hands.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?

             i sure am


    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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