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    Probably a short one

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  1. Looking to play a HOMUNCULI with BLADE ARM so I can be a marvel superhero. 

    1. Frisket


      dm me on discord: teawithFrisket

      If not messege me on the forumns!

    2. salamanderfantasy


      u play a homunculus with a blade arm to be a superhero. i play a homunculus with a blade arm to be a sentient swiss army knife.

  2. An Adunian Ranger treads through the frozen hills of the North, the flurry of snow pressing against his pale features. He rests against a solitary tree, its gnarled trunk a testament to its resilience, his green hues floating towards the endless, vast sea of white under that dark crimson sky. With a deep breath, he pivots his form, turning toward a new direction, a desire to return to the people whom his grandparents had told great tales.
  3. Skin: - Armor Skin [4] Bid: - $15 Discord: - Krunos IGN: - Krunos10
  4. A crimson-eyed Azulyte reads over the invitation, his lips curling into a smile as he'd prepare a letter to the Voidal Lich.
  5. I fear the consequence of consequences. People are HEAVILY invested into their personas, perhaps to a concerning degree. However, this is often a symptom of the server's systems and mechanics. It feels bad to lose a persona who just worked half a year to master a certain magic or achieve a certain goal. IN MY EXPERIENCE, I've observed that people who PK on first death are those that make CRP nearly unbearable. They are motivated to min/max, powergame, and metagame strengths and weaknesses in order to avoid the death of their persona. It is almost like they are playing a hardcore MMORPG wherein they go "tryhard" mode to try and achieve as much as possible with a persona before "dying". IN MY EXPERIENCE, I've observed that those who play MAs or CAs with built-in revive mechanics are those who are the most pleasant to CRP with. It is these individuals who have "nothing to lose", and therefore, are okay sacrificing a WIN to further their opponent's story. It is MY PREDICTION that INCREASING the CONSEQUENCES of DYING will only serve to make powergaming/metagaming/min-maxing MORE common. Unless the progression of the server is modified, I disagree with attempts to introduce more PK scenarios.
  6. Ugzak'Ugluk scurries into the Beastslayer's Den, placing his sack of possessions onto the ground "Yub, yub... diz will do for now" he bobs his head, the bronze goblin grabbing a rag as he'd begin to clean the Ugluk blarg "Zomeone haz got to do it" he mutters "Bezidez, diz will keep mi away from choppin' da sharah agh twiggiez fer a bit" he cackles
  7. What MA, FA, or CA would you like to see added to the server and why?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Xarkly


      vampire CA

    3. Dyl


      Devil fruits 

    4. Ewdrawings


      A good vampire writeup; the current ones are laughable. I pray to encounter a vampire icly so I have something to punch. Make them strong and scary so I can be afraid

  8. Ugzak'Ugluk focuses on his craft, wooden chips sprawled across those plains "It ahm tik" the goblin mutters, carefully forcing his chisel back to the soon-to-be spear "Aevos zhall gruk da Bull"
  9. This is a recurring meeting


    Waiting for the host to start the meeting.

    Test Speaker and Microphone

  10. Which player-run group of antagonists have been the most successful? 

  11. NA > EU, get ready to be embarassed at MSI

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wizzar
    3. Traveller


      NA when they defeat EU 1 (one) time

      remind me of eu vs na all time head to head ?

    4. marikandaperc


      as european i can confidently say people in europe dont invest nearly enough on eu talents = less academy players = so over gg

  12. I can’t unsee it
  13. What is the most balanced MA on the server? What is the least balanced MA on the server?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kudos


      Poopie // Rock

    3. sam33497


      most balanced is templarism

      least balanced is naz lol or maybe air evocation

    4. Onnensr


      most balanced : all the ones that suck now
      least balanced : all the ones that are hanging on (inshallah staff will ruin them eventually)

  14. It is rare for someone to play a character of intentional low intelligence. Which player-character do you think did it best?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. kaylacita
    3. Pureimp10


      @indiana105 isnt actually playing, its a self insert

    4. Greehn


      sometimes i don't think @indiana105is actually playing a character

  15. Which LOTC bloodline is most famous and/or recognizable? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Traveller


      even non lore-heads know who the barclays are

    3. Solour


      if u dont say barclay ur wrong

    4. SethWolf


      Your average noob might not know the name Novellan or Barbanov, but id be hard pressed to find any noob that doesnt know the name Barclay even in passing. The memes, the forum sigs, the amount of people with '2k' in their name, the catchy slogans. Barclay won the meme war.

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