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  1. carterisrad


    The shouts were clear throughout the shadowy filth which was Talal’s mind built from villainy. See, for this conqueror was born to be a champion. His body was born purely from godsend, or so that was what he was told, as his flesh towered at a staggering 7’10” that harbored greedy amounts of muscle exceeding 250 pounds and four eventual distinct tusks that grew in quickly throughout his chaotic upbringing as did his crimson eyes that reflected the blood baths he would cause. His development was rapid as was the only chance for survival he had, which ultimately paid off for the time. Before him men turned to ashes and Talal arose to greatness revered at even his young age by his archaic ancestors. Talal grew normally with green although normal he was all but. His mind was brilliantly formed for battle and the destined conqueror did just as he was made for by leading the charge and tearing through dynasties and clans of opposition. Yet this divinely placed conqueror was anything but, and his conquest was founded on his ancestors belief that they had long ago been brought to exist not by Krug and his War Nation of Krugmar of Aegis, but by an insanely potent Lich that constructed their very lives as undead and cursing them somehow with a power of unnatural life. And thus, Talal and his brethren have hence believed not that they were true Ologs, Uruks, and Goblins, but the spawn of an undead horde that were meant to inherit this world of fragile humanity. Talal himself arrogantly believes he is the divine conquering lord set apart by this great Lich and with every passing battle grew in his confidence. But arrogance breeds disaster and such a catastrophe was to befall Talal the Conqueror and his fellow undead heirs of the world and their plan to inherit this world of fragile humanity. To sane folk, the folly in Talal’s strategy and the ensuing decisive defeat would have made it certain that this belief of a Lich was nothing but tale, yet even in defeat Talal remained true to his belief as many of his men either fell victim to the sword or the realization that they had been lied to and were not truly undead warriors set apart by a potent Lich. In his defeat Talal only grew more desperate and although placed on the run by his foes that searched to have his head on a pike, vowed to live up to his divine potential and lay the groundwork for the undead to inherit this world of fragile humanity and conquer the petty obstacles that only delayed his chokehold on the world of the living. There started the real beginning to his story about to unfold. (As a note the skin I will be providing is the rags he would be wearing upon his arrival to the land which is the server having been in hiding and a fugitive from the events in his biography)
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