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Posts posted by Borin

  1. 16 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:


    Time to get obsessively reinvested in animal crossing again, and trade villagers on the black market until I grow bored of having to slowly terraform my entire island and time travel to avoid waiting 100 days for shit to build, and then drop the game entirely for a few months

    I too like to pass the time by... engaging in videogame slave trade??

  2. 1 hour ago, ReveredOwl said:

    add fishing nets and like, sacks of fish that you can carry on you so all the weighted fish don't clog up your inv

    what adam said, just thought of it when I clicked back onto this post - add some unique thing that functions like a shulker box that u may or may not have to place down to open, maybe a command to open a chest thing if u have the item in ur hand

  3. 24 minutes ago, Mannamannaa said:

    All I ask is if custom fish are made a la Vortex:




    aside from that, I love this idea and would like for region/biome specific fishing to make a return.

    I'd argue competing to get bigger fish is part of the fun - can have actual proper competitions to get the biggest fish, can sell them for more, can make it so they fill your hunger bar more or less depending on size - in short, ignore this individual temporarily


    Luke 23:34 "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do mean when it comes to custom fish"

  4. 5 hours ago, Nooblius said:

    The line to be drawn, in my opinion, is as simple as if you would feel that the Roleplay is uncomfortable if it was between a 18yo and a 14yo OOCly then it shouldn't be on the server because that's often enough the situation.


    Another way of wording that is against Intimate Romance RP. Anything more than a peck on the cheek should be disallowed, and even intimate conversations I think ought be put to scrutiny. Relationships are obviously a big part of Character Roleplay, but you don't need to delve into many details to get the aesthetic/narrative of a Relationship. 


    Taking it to another medium should also be seriously bannable 100%

    Ppl have argued 'nooo what ppl do off lotc medium shouldnt be banned' but **** that, yeet the erpers wherever they go

  5. 5 minutes ago, DeusVult said:

    I think it's unfair to harass and witchhunt somebody who, sure, might be into some odd things-

    but they haven't thrown it in your face, or were flagrantly showing off how weird they are.

    Mob rule isnt good rule

    yes it is mob rule is the best rule

    perhaps we should implement a weighing scales, with a duck

  6. I feel it would be very interesting and possibly beneficial to have a convo as a community about wider-knowledge of bans, ban lengths, reductions, unbannings etc, and whether said wider-knowledge among the community is in some cases in the public interest, and if so, when is it in the public interest?

  7. 14 hours ago, Deer__ said:

    You ever think about fishing competitively? You'd have an edge with the crazy bait you pull out sometimes.

    1v1 me club penguin ice fishing at the ski lodge you wont

    1 hour ago, Amayonnaise said:


    Human curse of short-life is often not even noticed because they are compared to real-life humans, despite having a lifespan of up to 200 I think it is, now? Humans age slower than they do IRL. They are not the same humans as we are.

    Humans living so long is dumb just eat shit and die at like 100 or earlier - far too many ppl being quirky and dying at 140 bc theyre too cowardly to pk their beloved persona. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Ali Renegade said:


    The problem wasn't people finding it, it was the harassment and name calling after, I have no problem with people knowing that stuff exists, but obviously this is a server that has children in it so I would prefer that what I do outside of this server wasn't advertised to them

    To be completely frank most people would want to call you a **** after finding out what you do outside of the server.


    Can't blame people for thinking 'oh a furry race' and subsequently having a suspicion 'maybe the person who suggested this is a weirdo'.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Diogen said:

    hello, direct witness here so here is my 1 post

    ok these fetishes are fkin weird and making a bunny ca does not help
    but in his defense he has not been NSFW on lotc and kept his degen pleasures off the servers with other adults. there is no reason to harass him & leak socials and have him hunted off lotc for that, nor act like massive shitheads play-pretending batman

    both parties suck ban them all

    edit: the rabbit lore is concerning.. nah get out


    Only the edit redeems u the rest is a strong L take. Retract! Abandon ship while you can! Flee!

  10. 54 minutes ago, SethWolf said:



    Was thinking about this the other day but what if this continent was the remains of a "map-change" for a totally separate and alien civilization from thousands of years ago and now we're re-colonising the ancient lands of an empire long-gone? I'm really excited, and hope that there's some sort of 'hook' for the descendants this time around.

    Would love archaeological researching and skyrim dungeon raiding, with puzzles and traps and undead in these long-gone civilisations on maps. Would be nice.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Samler said:

    Yeah, in practice, fire beats now and water, earth beats fire, snow, water and I am unsure how air interacts with the dynamic.

    hmm. depends what air it is. nobody likes air.

    there was like, deeplore un-implemented non-canon card-jitsu shadow and shit but idk how that would've fit into the mix in practice.

  12. 1 minute ago, Samler said:

    Ahh, I thought we used avatar logic like we used to, with water being ice/water/steam and not club penguine, but can you tell me why the water and ice gremlin ain't even half the power of fire penguine?

    all grasshoppers under sensei's teachings know
    fire beats snow

    snow beats water

    water beats fire

    if u played card jitsu u'd see that the default water attack animation is just a water balloon, the default snow attack animation is just a snowball, but the default fire animation is literally fire. fire is the only really actually dangerous 1 of the 3 innit

  13. 2 hours ago, Samler said:

    Currently still in submission, but I am raising eyebrow at a LT saying the rewrite is infringing on the not as old frost witch lore because it does some ice stuff.

    Clearly u arent a club penguin card-jitsu black belt like me

    If u wanna do the cool elemental stuff for fire water and snow when u press the dance button, u needa wear the full suit - u cant do both, if u wanna do water shit u wear the water suit, u cant do fire shit as well unless u just wear the fire suit.

    in short, if you're a water gremlin but wanna do ice gremlin things, u gotta be an ice gremlin, not a water gremlin. club penguin is never wrong.


  14. Yo people reading this thread


    There is no CT on map next map it is floaty in the sky


    No hubs


    Simply road travel and SS-ing (and mebe carts ? hope not)


    @ staff make this shit rlly clear to every1 before asking these sorts of questions, as knowing and not knowing these things can b the difference between a yes and a no vote

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