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    Viggo Jonsson-Hartmann
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  1. Only a mere three months after Viggo had been born, his mother Clary had been home alone with him one night when a small band of bandits attacked their small house on the outskirts of Ves. Clary had tried to barricade the room but was quickly overwhelmed by the small group. While trying to keep them away from Viggo, one of them had jabbed a dagger into her abdomen. While looting Viggo’s uncle Oliver, a mercenary for hire had been travelling by the house to check in on his sister and newborn nephew. When he arrived at the house he came upon the horror. He had rushed into the house sword drawn cutting down two bandits before the others ran off. By the time he got to Clary, she had already died from blood loss. Oliver then ran over to Viggo who had been crying on the floor. Oliver took Viggo with him to his residence in Curon. In Viggo’s younger years Oliver had raised him like his own, teaching him everything he learned. This included basic survival techniques and sword skills. Not long after Viggo had turned 13, The War of the Two Emperors had begun and seen Oliver sent off to fight. Throughout the six years, Viggo had been living alone were some of the roughest he had encountered. Only six months after Oliver had left Viggo had gotten sick to the point of death, only narrowly recovering but not without cost. To this day Viggo still has trouble breathing at times. After the third year, Oliver had been gone Viggo had gotten himself into a fight with a group of young boys around the same age, the argument had boiled over into a fight resulting with Viggo barley beating the group of boys making it out with mild cuts and a blackened eye. Once the War of the Two Emperors had concluded, Oliver had returned home for the most part unharmed. The next three years had seen little change in Viggo’s life besides training alongside his uncle learning more survival skills, along with mastering the sword and being to learn the ways of the bow. Soon the peaceful years of Viggo’s life had ended with the introduction of the Three-Month War. During the short war that had seen little conflict, Oliver had been caught in the middle of a raid and had been killed. By the time Viggo had learned of his uncles passing the war had ended with Emperor John VII’s sudden abdication of the throne after he had descended into madness. Now, 20 years after his birth Viggo has become the man he hoped his mother and uncle would be proud of. He has taken his uncles teachings to heart and strives to become the best he can.
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