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    United States

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    High Elf

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  1. Jocool361


    I added some more lore based info at the end if that’s what you meant.
  2. Jocool361


    Limluchon was born to Dagirel and Baralimen both High Elves who lived in Haelun'or. He was the only child of the two due his mother falling in the forest after being attacked by a rabid wolf, his father did his best to raise Limluchon. His father soon lost the will to live with out his mother in their lives and died when Limluchon was 35. Limluchon became very disconnected after that and decided to move from place to place searching for a purpose and reason in his life. Due to him leaving his home early on he managed to avoid the War of the Two Emperors between Oren and Renatus, in which Haelun'or became involved. He knew that if he didn’t find or make a weapon to defend himself he’d befall a similar fate to his mother, so he created a bow out of a Holly tree and strung it with silk fashioned up a loom. As he traveled he knew he needed to continue his education and thus searched for teachers to further his own knowledge, he is still searching for a great teacher. He yearns to go on an adventure and find knowledge of the ones who lived before, and archive and share the information with all who seek it. Limluchon seeks to learn more about the ways of magic as well due to him not having a proper education of it and sparsely understanding it. He does seek a great adventure to write his own stories about in the end he doesn’t want to sit idly by drinking fancy wine or eating Fetid cheeses, no he longs to feel the grass slide under his feet and hear the babbling brooks sing to him. On his adventure he seeks to attain knowledge that would benefit Haelun'or College so that all staying in the city would be able to learn and prosper for gained knowledge. Limluchon also wants to find out if the ancient history is true and dragons were really created by Iblees and if he still exists in the mortal world somewhere.
  3. Jocool361


    Limluchon was born to Dagirel and Baralimen both High Elves who lived in Haelun'or. He was the only child of the two due his mother falling in the forest after being attacked by a rabid wolf, his father did his best to raise Limluchon. His father soon lost the will to live with out his mother in their lives and died when Limluchon was 35. Limluchon became very disconnected after that and decided to move from place to place searching for a purpose and reason in his life. He knew that if he didn’t find or make a weapon to defend himself he’d befall a similar fate to his mother, so he created a bow out of a Holly tree and strung it with silk fashioned up a loom. As he traveled he knew he needed to continue his education and thus searched for teachers to further his own knowledge, he is still searching for a great teacher. He yearns to go on an adventure and find knowledge of the ones who lived before, and archive and share the information with all who seek it. Limluchon seeks to learn more about the ways of magic as well due to him not having a proper education of it and sparsely understanding it. He does seek a great adventure to write his own stories about in the end he doesn’t want to sit idly by drinking fancy wine or eating Fetid cheeses, no he longs to feel the grass slide under his feet and hear the babbling brooks sing to him. On his adventure he seeks to attain knowledge that would benefit Haelun'or College so that all staying in the city would be able to learn and prosper for gained knowledge.
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