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Everything posted by ArthurCurry

  1. Name: Roman Age: 28 Race: Human Prior Relevant Experience: Poaching and Part-Time Archer
  2. ArthurCurry


    Arthur was born in Sutica a family where his father was a fisherman and his mother a cook. As a small child, Arthur always loved the water. He would swim in it for most of his day and would usually venture off around the shorelines. Arthur had a decent education at a nearby school in Sutica. He was also quite the adventurer. Arthur would explore the outskirts the city-state and usually didn’t go out too far. His father put restrictions on Arthur so that he would’t go off and get lost. Arthur was not a fan of that so when he became of age, he joined a crew and became a sailor. The crew transported woods, fruits, and many herbs such as the Aquate Roots. Which Arthur would smuggle to bring to his mother for her occasional dry skin. He sailed with his crew for nearly 15 years before they hit a rock in a storm. The ship rocked from left to right, people flying off the sides, and Arthur was hit by a flying piece of wood. He had awoken somewhere near the shore of the lake near the Kingdom of Oren. Not knowing where he was, he immediately thought he had landed on a different continent. Never having been to another city, Arthur was confused and lost.
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