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Posts posted by Notic

  1. Edward got a grim look on his face, “The son of the squid is going through with his plan, is he?” He seemed to remember a conversation with Filibert and Greta a few months earlier.

  2. The Oceantoe Pirates


    Deep in the Ocean Blue,

    The mighty Dog and Bones Jolly Roger soars in the salty winds.

    Edward B. Oceantoe, first of his name, descended from the line of Pumpkinshoe Halflings, Stands at the helm of his mighty vessel, his crew glimmering in the sun.

    What adventures await them, time will only tell.



    The Oceantoe Family, otherwise known as the Oceantoe Pirates, the Seafoot Crew, or the Ruffians of the Seventh Shore, are a newer family descended from various older halfling families that stuck to places outside of the major villages. The first of their name, the long despised Edward B. Oceantoe, or the Patriarch of the family, is known for his various criminal activities in port cities such as Sutica. Despite his families reputation, he is the only well-known criminal as of now. 


    The Oceantoes are known as a sailing family, similar the the late Driftwoods, only they have stuck to more frowned upon methods. Pirating and Smuggling are the primary trade of Edward Oceantoe, as well as his family members, and it is what they have done since their founding about 20 years ago. Things such as forging of poisonous weaponry, smuggling of illegal contraband, and hijacking of merchant ships is what it really comes down to.


    Seeing as they are not exactly the most proper family, they are very loose about tradition and what normal halflings do. They don’t really have any requirements for the family members or people marrying into the family, and mostly just let people do whatever they want. As long as you respect the ocean and their methods of sailing, you’re welcome in with open arms.


    Family Appearance



    Oceantoe’s are average halfling height, seeing as they are mostly halfling-descended. The Tallest halfling is 3’1, and the shortest is 2’4. Oceantoe’s skintone varies based on how much they get out in the world, but it is usually on the tan side, as they are constantly sailing. Oceantoe eye colors are between blue or green, but most of them have green eyes. Their hair is from light to dark brown.





    There is no real “set” religion, as they are a family of loose tradition, but it is common to see them praying to Arugula for safe voyage. They respect the Squid God, as they believe that he was the one who set them free of their old family traditions and allowed them to become the Oceantoe Family. They respect other halfling gods, but they really hold the Kraken dear to their hearts.




    Family Members


    Edward B. Oceantoe [FakeNotic]

    Boris T. Oceantoe [Trigamar]

    Francis M. Oceantoe [Clockyyyyyyyyy]

    Alice F. Oceantoe [Madyssey]

    Bob M. Oceantoe

    Sean P. Oceantoe 

    Salazar E. Oceantoe

    Butch B. Oceantoe

    James E. Oceantoe [NerdyNobody]


    (Message Webbnotic#6979 or Contact me on LoTC at FakeNotic to play an Oceantoe)









  3. Armilas slowly unsheathed a standard machete, glancing over the notice. “It’s time to avenge my brothers and sisters.” He said in an almost angry tone, smashing the machete into a tree. 

  4. [!] A notice was nailed in various places around the village, having the distinct Parrot Stamp imprinted into the bottom of them.


    “Attention Brothers and Sisters of Brandybrook,


    If you are reading this, I am dead. I was originally going to make some fake story about how I “set out to sea” but I think this is something I must tell people. Thanks to my Galbrieth friend for writing this down, as I am blind.


    I, Sean B. Puddlefoot, was born in a tiny little cave in Southern Krugmar. I grew up on the streets, eating leftovers from the Ox Goblins and playing my Lute when I needed money. I was alone for so long, but then I found you all. Like an Angel reaching out its hand to me, I was told of a place for Halflings, so I went. For so long I had never felt at home, but with all of you, I felt like I had just come out of a bad dream to wake up to the chirping birds and warm sunlight. I lived most of my life drifting around, but I never found a place where I felt more alive. I will never be able to repay you all for that, so all I can say is Thank You. 


    Over time, I was able to meet so many of you, from my harshest rivals to my closest friends. I have to say this, as it has been bugging me for years, that I love everybody. Alfie, Taurin, Isalie, Demeter, Gillsy, Falco, Kit-Kat, and so many more. You are all my family, and sure sometimes families have disputes, but they’re still family! So if I see any of you crying when reading this, I’m gonna haunt you! Well, ill probably just give you nightmares, but still! Anyway, I’m getting off track, but I would like to give you all something as a thanks for everything. Please look for your name in the following letters.




    Taurin, you were my best friend by far. In many cases, you were the only person who was still remaining on my side. You are my brother, despite blood, and I will always see it this way. For you I give my Moth Lantern, to represent all the good times we had together on the Spicy Shrimp Crew. I’m sorry if this isn’t too much, but I am not a wealthy man and I feel it symbolizes many good times we had together. Also, I know you are jealous mine stayed lit the longest!


    For my advice to you: Do not betray yourself and follow the path of the weak, as that is the path that leads to a death like mine. Stay loyal to your wife and daughter, and fight on. I’ll be waiting here with your son, so don’t worry that he is going to get lonely. Knox bless you, Captain.





    Isalie, you healed me when I was reckless on the voyages, you supported me when I was going through hard times, and you kept my best friend company when he needed someone the most. I see you as a figure to admire, and I will always give you the utmost respect. That is, unless you start making moves on the Warden, otherwise you’re getting haunted! I just have to thank you for living your best life and going from Pirate Medic to the Leader of a Village! You represent the saying “Hard work pays off” so I ask that you keep inspiring the villagers. For your gift, I will give you my Aarda Shroombrew, as it reminds me of the time when we got high on mushrooms on a Shrimp Voyage!


    For my advice: Please keep Taurin company. He is going through the deep end and needs you more than ever, so be there for him and your daughter. Also, ask him about the voices he’s hearing, he will explain himself. Thank you for everything, and stay incredible.





    Andon, I always saw you as my apprentice. You were the only person I have ever given the Puddlefoot Travel Legacy, and it may seem stupid to you but was a big honor to me. To be honest with you, I saw you as a younger version of myself, and there is something I want to tell you because of that. Do not run away, Andon, stand tall and puff out your chest! When I died, I died in a blaze of glory, fighting a group of bandits single-handedly with the blade of the Warden! Be like me, and fight in a blaze of glory! Do not back down because of some stolen stuff, fight, Andon, Fight! For you, I gift my Lute. It was my legacy that I shall pass on to my apprentice. Do with it as you may, but remember its a gift from me. Sell it if you have to, I don’t mind.







    Gillsy, at first I only saw you as a member of the Spicy Shrimp Crew, but you’re so much more! You’re unique in every way, and hilariously random. You stood with Taurin and I against Alfie, and were willing to go to war with us! You shine amongst your friends, and I hope you find a beautiful partner to call your family one day.  My gift to you is my Detective’s Orchid. I used it as inspiration for all of my cases, and I think you could use it to inspire yourself in whatever wacky rides you go on in life. Keep it watered and in good sun condition!


    My advice to you: Stay crazy, and stay fun! I once made a wish to a monk that I wouldn’t ever get all dull and wrinkly when I was old, and I want you to carry on that dream for me! Thank you for everything, and goodbye.


    The Warden


    Warden, I thank you for everything you have done for me and the halflings. You are our literal White Knight, and though I may not know your reasons, are a Folk Hero of Brandybrook. Help guide my friends into the next continent, and keep fighting for the people! You are a hero, never forget it, and do not let any tell you otherwise! For you, I give my Rapier! It shall help you ward off evil and be the protector of the peace. It will take a good bit to get there, though, sorry about that. The Bandits stole it from me a few weeks ago, so I’m having my parrot retrieve it. Stay strong, and stay brave!




    Edward S. Oceantoe, you are one of a kind. You were the one who helped me escape from the grasps of Ashen Sigil, and fought for years to break all of your family out of prison. Though you are not known yet, you will be seen as a star of the village soon enough! For my gift to you I will give you my mug, as I know you always were an alcoholic just like me. Keep perusing your dreams and become the greatest pirate in the history of humanity. Carry on Gabe and my dream of owning an island of treasure!


    My advice to you: Don’t get caught by those damn officials, and give my friends some comfort. They need someone crazy like you to guide them to the next continent right now, so don’t chicken out and run off! Who am I kidding, I was always the chicken. Carry on my legacy, Ed!



    To The Rest of you


    1 – Stay armed, always

    2 – Stay drunk, always

    3 – Stay safe always

    4 – Stay wild, always!


    Carry on these rules and don’t let some fawkin’ demons get the better of you! You are halflings, the mightiest race, never forget it! I’ll see you all in the wheat fields! Tell my story!



  5. Sean sat down in his empty living room, beginning to sob uncontrollably, “Why, of all toimes, why now?” He said, his voice cracking. He felt around, grasping the cold hilt of his blade. It was time to settle the score.

  6.  As the high winds blow along the shores of Brandybrook, a faint blip on the horizon moves about elegantly. A Jolly Roger of Skull and Crossbones flies high on the mast of the tiny Sloop, various articles of Prisoner Clothes scattered about the deck, as well as empty containers. A young man steps out of the Captain’s Quarters, yawning. He is dressed in pirates clothes, iron cuffs broken from his wrists. He yawns, a small, fat dog stepping out next to him. The dog’s jowls flop around as slobber drips from his mouth. The halfling man begins to whistle a Sea Shanty, grabbing a Lute similar to that of a certain Sean Puddlefoot. He begins to sing.


    “We’re sailin’ to da village o’ Brandybrook!” He yelped out, strumming. His voice was hoarse and his playing was rubbish, but he thought of himself as a true musician,


    “Yohohoho, Sailin’ to da village o’ Brandybrook where me friends reside!”


    “Gonna meet up with the Puddlefeet and pay them back, Yohohohoho.”


    He stopped singing, his bulldog barking at him.


    “What yeh want, Scurvy?” He said to the dog. It continued to bark until he stopped strumming, the fat animal walking off like he owned the place.


    The pirate then looked out at the horizon, faintly seeing the shoreline of Aegrothrond, ”Almost home! Adjust da sails, Scurvy!” He yelled at the now asleep dog, ”We’ll be homebound soon, or my name isn’t Edward Oceantoe!




    (Best read when listening to this mix): 


  7. Sean sipped his pale ale, “Girls, Girls, yer bot’ pretty.” He chuckled to himself, “T’ese fawkin’ morons jus’ need tew hug it out. Filiber’ is a pain, bu’ Oi dun t’ink poorly o’ him er anybody in the village.” He finished the ale, “O’ well, still moighty fun tew watch em bicker loike Anne n’ Polo.”




    Sean then got to the part about the kidnapping as he spat out his beer, “T’ey did wot!? Only Oi am allowed tew take Polo on random biggun adventures! Oi’m his Uncle Sean! Oim gunnae thwack yew, Filiber’!”

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