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Posts posted by Notic

  1. Missing

    Monkey Peregrin


    Monkey was last seen in the general area of Bramblebury before miraculously disappearing.

    He has not been spotted for a few days, and his home was torn apart like someone took him in the night.


    He wears bulky goggles with blue-ish lenses and has potions spilling from his pockets.

    Sadly we were not able to locate any pictures of Monkey, and could only provide his description.


    As reward for finding him, you will be granted various halfling trinkets that value quite highly in the grand scheme of things.

    This includes a Silver Ring, Ancient Bones, etc.

  2. Jumper not much got leaked, as someone who was there. I don't know ****; Nobody else knows anything, and even the one who does isn't going to do things with it.



  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Johnny Ignis


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Phantoms are the souls of dead people returning to the mortal realm. Phantoms are the souls that return from the Elysian Wastes. The Elysian Wastes are the gateway between the mortal world and the afterlife; The first location on the dead soul's path. Here, the souls can visibly see the mortal realm, but have no way of interacting with it. Those who are too connected to the mortal world will remain here, becoming a stagnant spirit. When souls do let go of their earthly burdens, they journey into the Soul Stream. From here, they will then be brought to their religion's afterlife; Whether that be Heaven or Hell.



    Some souls are not yet ready to die or do not want to, and as such, will force their ways out of the Elysian Wastes and back into the Mortal Realm. Once coming back, some will recognize they have died, causing them to turn into a white or black ghost, as a sign they have accepted their fate. However, some might never do this and will remain in the realm as a Graven.



    Souls that make their way back into the mortal plane will take on a body of Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm itself has several manifestations that can and will be influenced by the soul that controls it. Ectoplasm usually takes the physical form of something the spirit desires (A sailor would have a water-like consistency, etc.). This means it could appear as any material; Goo, Gas, or even Fire. Ectoplasm is not a worldly object and consequently does not have any natural interactions with the mortal plane. It takes effort for a Phantom to move a rock, unlike how the living can easily. Additionally, things such as weapons will not harm a Phantom and rather pass through them.



    As they lack mortal bodies, Phantoms have the ability to regenerate after a fatal blow. The speed of regeneration will change depending on the wound, so a scrape would be much less than a chopped off head. Once a Phantom has been killed or injured enough, it will no longer be able to regenerate Ectoplasm, and as such will go through the Soul Stream.




    Phantoms usually suffer some kind of mental trauma, as they are people who could not or would not accept death. Phantoms often go through things such as PTSD, Depression, etc. Phantoms are not tied to a single disorder; however, more significant issues will, in the end, lead to being a Poltergeist, and less significant or even just one issue will lead to one becoming a Specter.




    Specter - This is what Phantoms who positively receive their loss of life can become. Specters commonly have the least emotional baggage.




    Graven - A being that ignores their death in order to fulfill a task they could not complete while living. They have medium emotional baggage.




    Poltergeist -  Those angry or in denial of death will become a Poltergeist. These have the most emotional baggage by far.




    Some Phantoms can change their polarity while they are spending their second time on Earth. This can be from a change in heart or seeing something happen. Maybe your wife dies and you wish to spend time with her in heaven instead of clinging on to the past? You would change from a Graven to a Specter. What if you finally clear up the drama that has brought you back down to Earth, but you still wish to cling on to your old ways? You change from a Poltergeist to a Graven. This can happen gradually, or it can happen at the drop of a plate, depending on the situation.



    Phantoms have various weaknesses, despite being null to mundane weaponry. They find sunlight very unsettling, it giving them a more intensive sunburn. It will not kill them, but still, nobody likes being bitten by a mosquito or stubbing their toe. They also are weak to Aurum, a metal that has the ability to cut Ectoplasm. This means some Aurum shears could be deadly to any Phantom. Aurum can also be used in lines, making a barrier for Phantoms, in case someone wanted to imprison a Poltergeist for tormenting the townspeople.


    As a final note, if Aurum or Voidal magic are used to land the finishing blow on a Revenant, it will force them to de-manifest. This means that the soul would be temporarily banished from the realm so that they can reform an endoplasmic host. Once that is done, a soul will be sent into the mortal realm. 


    (Written in Google Docs, so mind the paste box. Very annoying.)


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Johnny's ectoplasm would strongly resemble that of fire in a dulled, orange color. This reflects his time as an arsonist. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. Attention Halflings


    People of the halfling race far and wide; I send this to you. People in Oren, Haense, Haelun'or, and our humble Elvenesse.

    We have seen a fatal split in our populous. Our people are hiding away in the cities, caves, and forests.

    We, as a folk, are afraid. We are split. We have lost our unity.


    This did not start recently. I have witnessed the divide we suffered in Bloomerville and Fort Hope. I have heard of the great split in Reedsborough. We, as a people, have lost our values.

    We have lost our family bonds.


    So, I hereby announce to all of you inside and outside Bramblebury; Do not live in fear. We are safe here, Impropers and Propers alike.

    We have the wonderful Mayor Iris, Thain Isalie and Sheriff Meemaw Applebottom protecting us from the dangers of the Biggun Life.

    We are all kindred! We all share the Halfling Blood! So therefore, we should unite like a race and live in prosperity!


    All halflings, Improper or Proper, are united under one common truth.


    There is no fear! Only hope!





    Monkey Peregrin.

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