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  1. RedEliteMC


    Cilleall was always close with his youngest, and only, sister (Lilar Alkinor). Because of this, it was only a matter of time before he gained knowledge of his sisters obsession and practically forbidden interest in other races. Knowing little of how their parents would react, he kept quite; gifting the young girl her first book on Malin – which was detailed vaguely about the ward of Malin, as well as how the green dragon pushed away almost the entire archademons’ undead army. This expanded their relationship as brother and sister, as once a year the pile of books was added to, an occasion book on another race scattered into the pile. Though he can only remember the book on Kharajyr – A lucky ally of the High Elven race. Due to having a practically unhealthy desire for protecting his race, Cilleall stopped attenting such amateur matters like school- resulting in knowing little about Malin and the High Elven Culture that remains unperformed in every day life. Fast forward a quite few years; he is struck with sudden despair when returning home from Sillumiran, discovering that his now 16 year old sister packed up and left Sutica.. He immediately headed to his room, scribbling a note down onto scrap paper, and summoning a dove to deliver the letter. The reply was short, explaining simply that she would fall into depression if staying there any longer, due to the neglect her parents now gifted her since the discovery of her impure games of pretend.. Days pass where Cilleall refuses to eat or drink, his door gathering dust due to the lack of use over the short period of time. Days turn into months. Now he has left his room, all emotion in his eyes gone.. But his mind is made up. He would not be himself until he was reunited with his little sister. And so, after personally delivering a small note, written in cursive and impure golden words, he resigned from the Sillumiran, handing in his uniform, with a plan to move to Haelun’or... Upon arrival he would set up a business of mercenary; one where he could be paid minas to ‘dispose’ of others. Though impure, it would be easy. And would keep him connected with his roots of Sillumiran, though in a twisted manner.
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