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Status Updates posted by MudkipzAreLife

  1. I am thinking about returning to LOTC after almost 3 years of inactivity. IDK if anyone will see this, I am not posting it to forums but to my own page. I had been in roleplay scenarios for years before joining, however it was the first time I was in a genuinely welcome and engaging community. Because of that, I got to experience a part of myself I had hidden up until that point in time. I portrayed a female character. To me, it was huge. It was taboo. It was unacceptable. I kept it a secret from everybody I knew. And because of that, I got to experience things in character that I was ashamed of in my real life, and I took my first few steps out of the closet through her.

    It was a way of expression that I did not understand for years to come. I came out as Gay not long after leaving LOTC behind, and have lived my life as proudly as I can. I was explosive, angry, and mistrustful right from the get-go because of all of the conflicting emotions in my head. That doesn't excuse the things I said or did (including arguing with some staff). Still, I remember how much influence this had on me, and how it helped me see the toxic and hateful side of myself that had been pushed onto me by the people I should have been able to trust in my life.


    When I think about my queer journey and experiences, a huge part of it happened right here, on a silly little Minecraft site. It finally let me live out my ideal life, even if it was through a fictional character. For that reason, I say thanks. If you're reading this, and are a part of this community, thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hunnic



    3. Hayze


      It is soo great to hear that lotc helped u discover yourself 💖


    4. Werew0lf


      heard what you said about zachosnacko …

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