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Status Updates posted by AstriaS

  1. Y'all are something else.

  2. The synths are among us. Rip Kowaman o7

  3. Let's not make this official, Outlander. Move along.

  4. Update the dynmap

  5. Suppose I'll join the "update the dynmap" crowd.

  6. I'm having flashbacks to getting hunted down and dissected for being a wonk. Have fun, mousepeeps. You're in for a ride.

  7. To whom it may concern,

    I know about the book and I will pay the person who brings it to me.

    1. Nug


      w-what book

  8. This reformat is straight up pain, dude. The change in element sizes elongates images, the icons in the textbox are the same color as they were, but on a new background color resulting in an eye-straining mess. The pages in the latest topics are gone pretty much ensuring that a lot of posts will just get buried. Whose idea was this?

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