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Posts posted by TimberBuff

  1. "Weakness pervades her - She abandons." A constant companion to that White Cat, that Mother, seethed.


    "Perhaps it is some long ruse?" That Cat returned in kind, her own tone amused.


    "I would see a ruse in an instant." That companion snapped, "She waited until the flame could no longer be brought to her fingertips, and ran off with her little dragon toy."


    "Awfully rude you're being." A hum, "We shall see just how far she goes."

  2. Spoiler




    (This follows all redlines of Prophecy lore, allowing any who possess some way to glean the future to acquire the contents of this post, and only those individuals)


    The first thing you notice is the near unbearable heat, as though you stood at the edge of the pits of the Hells yourself.

    You thought you were in total darkness, but the light adjusted, and you stood in a small, stone room. Beneath the earth, before an altar of black stone. Atop it sat a feline - A housecat, seemingly, with fur of pure white. A glow from its eyes, a wound at its heart.

    Blood pooled at your feet.

    Words rang in your ears, as the room came alight, a crimson fire beneath the animal. Engulfing it, but not consuming it.


    “The Eye gazes upon the world.”

    You felt as though this animal could see through you.

    “The White Cat gathers her hunters.”

    An image appeared in the flame. A bovine skull.

    Empty sockets are somehow filled with hate to rival every man to have ever lived.

    “The child of crimson has grown, the snow melts beneath her feet.”

    That animal grew before you, mutating. That blood from its chest came out in a font - Eternal bleeding, the puddle at your feet reached your ankles.

    A beast of unnatural ferocity stood, bearing teeth to rival a lion’s.

    That heat continued.

    “The Mother of Calamity approaches.” Rang that voice, clear and true, “To usher her Children.”


    Your perspective shifted, and you stood within the ashes of a razed city. The architecture was unfamiliar, as was the garb of the charred corpses that littered the streets.

    The only standing being was a woman with two heads, four beams of light bursting from behind her. Dressed in red, she spoke.

    “The First Seal is broken.” Came a choir of voices, before all went to black.

    You awoke, drenched in sweat. The image of a cat’s eye scorched into your mind. 



    OOC: Big shoutout to @Zarsiesfor helping us out. This is a Naztherak eventline that is beginning to spill out into the greater world, and we look forward to further interaction!


  3. 2 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:


    -For ease of tracking, a devil must be validated by a feat application which lists the source of their curse (cursed parents, naztherak or ST event characters under ‘teacher’) as well as their underlying race.

    No idea if the ''cursed parents'' apply to two cursed children or one having a kid. But otherwise, Its either by a st creature or one playing around with Naztherak magic


    Cursed parents refers to the people cursed to have a cursed child. Under the current lore, two cursed children do not create more cursed children.

  4. 6 minutes ago, sarahbarah said:

    Queen Amaya sits in her bedchambers and blinks back tears, utterly distraught by the public slander. Perhaps her heart had gotten the better of her, when she had shown kindness to the cursed children, whom she wished to show GOD’s holy light.


    She sets out to pen a letter, writing to Holy Ser Gerard;


    ”Holy Ser,


    It pains me so that you would berate my name so publically after my willingness to share information about these children that I sought to cure. I lent you a space in my palace to further your research, and it seems my efforts are met with naught.”

    Should you wish to investigate me, do so. There is nothing I have to hide. I am still looking tor a cure. Find me if you wish for my aid.”


    - Amaya of Venzia




  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough


    Character's Race:

             High elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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