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Posts posted by DarkWrath94

  1. 47UO9ouNFNDGMzqUR8ZKuvm5zrGjjlBmVPLYYe-OJcU4a6Gv-KBEKrdFb3OJN3Cqbi3pah5utZ4oXf2qnl8V9REI4xgPPdsSPGsR3PK9WhAzKfCkPUd8p63hyLKcG3aq3NQUdQWL

    The Defense of Forward Camp Sabari 1789



    The events that led up to the defense were nothing special.

    I, Captain Velhrun Darkwood, gathered a group of soldiers in the bastille for a patrol towards the forward camp, we were strong in numbers and our spirits were high as we marched towards the camp.


    Upon reaching the forward camp I gave the soldiers the basic information on the camp, its location, history and importance in the war against the inferi.


      After this short lesson I dismissed the men to rest at the camp, most took up training, taking a seat and resting near the tents or simple chatter. I myself simply set down near one of the tents and polished the Helmet made for the fight against the inferi. 

    The sounds of owls and other night creatures were heard as the soldiers alongside myself rested before the way back.


    Though the peaceful sounds of the night stopped and an eerie silence replaced the night, only the sounds of my comrades training and resting could be heard while the animals in the wild had seemingly gone silent.


    While I did not expect a fight, I did consider the possibility of bandits, more harmful animals or simple traders to be near, yet still I called upon Cadet Reynault and Alexander alongside Sergeant Willem  to accompany me to investigate the suspicious and sudden lack of animal sounds in the night.

    Just as we moved towards the walls, an inferi force revealed itself by climbing on them.


    Arrows rained down on the men and women in the camp, missing them fully. Under my command the soldiers took cover and got their crossbows ready.


    Just as the inferi force landed in the camp and charged towards Recruit Brad we fired the crossbows at them and shot down the first charging force.


    Without wasting precious seconds the soldiers together with me formed a shield wall against the enemy forces in a chokepoint near the tents. Most of us held against the second wave of the enemies, Cadet Reynault though was not so lucky as he was incapacitated by a axe to the shoulder.


    As another wave came towards us Corporal Velu sent a torrent of flame at them, burning them to ash and setting fire to the nearby tents and a few inferi troops that tried to jump on the shieldwall.


    While the front was held and the enemy decimated a group of their troops were trying to flank us along with their captain, Captain Cassius along with Sergeant Willem, Sergeant Alistair and Lieutenant Stervon were holding the flank against the madness of inferi forces.


    As I formed another shieldwall with my comrades the enemy captain seemingly fled from the battle.

    Though as the enemy charged us we quickly dodged back as Corporal Velu sent a fireball towards the enemy force annihilating them utterly.


    While we weathered the blast from the fireball the enemy captain had moved to attack Lieutenant Stervon and Sergeant Willem, they matched his skill, yet the unnatural strength of the captain let him deliver blows towards the Lieutenant.


    While the Lieutenant pulled back Captain Cassius  charged at the enemy captain and held him at bay while Corporal Alistair finished off the last footman together with Corporal Velu.


    In the end the treacherous inferi captain was killed by Captain Cassius with a blade to the throat.


    The wounded were and the fires were put out, A group departed towards Helena to take care of the wounded while the rest remained on the walls of the forward camp, looking onwards towards possible future attacks.




    Velhrun Darkwood

    Captain of the 3rd Brigade of the Imperial State Army

  2. rhRBVhWSwiWGvxlobSCm_SvS9nUcF4ZtnnJohLdOnFa4eKIAOlKqelDiaFyEJram4ravHxBkOpWZjk4U7AooaiHQjUFQHaa-neKAL81GETCfarUrnx8q5_cOKLlPk3PmVstZtYaz

    The Dawn of H.I.M.S. Harlingen



    The creation of the vessel first began shortly after the Fall of Al Faiz to the Inferi forces.



     I determined that to increase efficiency of the brigade and ISA as a whole against the inferi and future threats  a light seafaring vessel  would be required for small scale attacks or reconnaissance.



    As such after the approval of the General Alren DeNurem both the Imperial State Navy and the 5th brigade were contacted and as such the plans for H.I.M.S Harlingen were starting to be made By the 3rd and the 5th brigade in cooperation with the ISN.



    After the events of the siege of Vitenna the construction plans for the vessel were accelerated  and after 2 years of construction, in the year 1789 The H.I.M.S Harlingen was finally completed.



    As such at this very moment it is departing towards the south to aid the ISA in the goal of vanquishing the Inferi menace and put an end to the long conflict. 





    Velhrun Darkwood

    Captain the 3rd brigade of the Imperial State Army.

  3. Captain  Velhrun Darkwood would receive the address, He would go through it in his mind a few times before noting to himself.

    Truly a fine individual, his achievements have improved the empire on a fundamental level and most have reached beyond the boundaries of our borders improving not only the lives

    of Imperial citizens but also lives of countless others. This is an example of the endless capability of humanity, of endless labor and complete dedication,truly impressive.

    He would render a final salute to the exemplary individual.

  4. And so It finally begins, a true battle is set to begin that shall be remembered for centuries,I only hope that this wont be the beginning of the end. Captain Velhrun would state while looking upon the maps inside command bunker. 

  5. Indeed the threat daemons goes beyond a mere conflict, for this battle is not only for ourselves, Our sons and daughters, it even goes beyond the empire and all our possessions, for defeat in conflict not only means that we shall see the end of our lives, it also means that our very souls are doomed to eternal suffering! Captain Velhrun Darkwood would remark to a few nearby soldiers after reading the new call to action.

  6. Yes, due to to the simple fact that it would be highly logical irp vise that such a weapon or something like it would not be created by simple innovation and creativity of someone somewhere, the fact is that technology should progress and hence firearms should be created as new resources get found or new ways to use existing resources are thought of. Technology of war and life in general progresses, and if it does not for some reason then it simply ruins the feeling of living in an actual world ,some people may dislike it, but when the guns were first invented there were people against them too, so progress should take priority. 

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