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Posts posted by AudTheOdd

  1. What is your name, hero-to-be? Andria


    What is your age? Over a century


    What is your race? Mali'aheral


    Where do you reside? Haense


    What powers do you have to fight against this great evil? A mace, shield, & a will to fight and protect.


    What is the meaning of a free-spirit, in short words? To be able to waltz along the world without the worry others shall try to stop you. To be able to do as you wish without harming others or others harming you.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy S+W


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Bard College Caravan ST Tome


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Bard College Caravan ST Tome


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  3. Tianrui Carla looks over the flyer in her grasp. It was quite possibly the most sus thing she'd ever seen and has the elfess wondering to herself how many poor, gullible souls are going to try and attend this event.

  4. 6) You may only say one sentence (approximately fifteen words) of speech in character per emote whilst combat is ongoing. 


    While I can see where this is coming from, the execution is a bit weird and if this rule is going to remain it should at least be a bit longer or perhaps allow people 2-3 instances of one sentence per emote. Some people out here rping text walls and can make this work.


    8) When a character leaves a combat scenario they are unable to return until the ongoing combat has been concluded, as agreed by both sides, nor may they leave and rally others to join the combat roleplay they were not otherwise present for. Exceptions can be made to this if both sides agree. 


    I don't see the logic in this, especially if is a scenario of two unarmed or less-than-combat ready individuals being attacked and Person A runs to get the assistance of someone more capable but none are able to enter the combat to help Person B when they're back so are they forced to just watch despite the fact they would be perfectly capable of helping in roleplay?

    9) Combat is considered “Locked” 10 minutes after the beginning of combat, preventing others from joining unless both sides agree. 


    With this one anyone in the combat scenario can merely delay their emote to try and lock others from joining.


    10) Surgery and other medical procedures beyond first aid cannot be performed in combat.


    This isn't much more than a simple comment but some people may get a little confused on the extent of first aid.


  5. Tianrui Carla would let out a wheeze as she reads over this missive. "Oh wow... suppose it's time for a little math hm?" She'd muse to herself, taking a short sip of her tea before scribbling on some scratch paper for calculation. "...Assuming the 'insulting purity' stacks... At least negative two hundred & sixty six" She'd mumble out, scrunching a brow. "Not nearly low enough."

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Epiphytes are basically descendants transformed into full plant matter because of a Fae plant. Fae plants lure descendants to sleep next to them and then as they sleep, transform them into an Epiphyte by putting them into a cocoon of sort. Once the descendant awakens, they retain the looks of their former self yet are entirely made of plant. Epiphytes are connected to their Fae plant no matter how far away they are, if one feels pain so does the other. They can communicate to their Fae plant as well, with or without speaking. Epiphytes take care of their Fae plant similar to taking care of a preferred child, wanting to get to know it better and to nurture it. They will protect said Fae plant with their life.


    Epiphytes cannot learn voidal magic of any sort. It is dangerous to both them and their Fae plant so they often avoid it. Along with that Epiphytes have a few other things that set them from a normal descendant. They cannot regrow limbs, yet every 25-100 years (About half an IRL Year at the most frequent) they can be reborn. After being reborn, the Epiphyte takes a year to regrow (1 IRL Week) and memories they have and don’t have are up to their player. Epiphytes cannot cast any magics they’ve learned during this week as that would be child casting, they also usually stay with a suitable ‘guardian’ during said year. Epiphytes are infertile, the only ‘child’ they could have would be a Fae seed. (They can only create 1 Fae plant should their first one die or the map changes.)


    Red Lines

    - All curses of their previous race carry over to an Epiphyte, even after a rebirth

    - Epiphytes cannot use their connection to their Fae seed to meta death

    - Anything their Fae seed feels, so does the Epiphyte and vice versa.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Epiphyte looks vary from person to person and plant to plant. (Or fungi to fungi) Some take up a more green coloration, others take the coloring of the petals, leaves, or bark of their Fae plant. Hair is the same way, it can be practically anything based on what an Epiphyte's Fae plant is, it's more so a mix and match of how the player wants their epiphyte to look within the reasoning of basic plant aesthetic and what their epi's Fae plant looks like in turn.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             Applied Yes, Denied No

  7. 20 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    They're not staff and they shouldn't be able to hide like that, they can just hover over normal RPers and watch w/o their consent if they don't have the pex to see them.

    I'd think a good solution to this would be to make the player whilst in vanish have a similar situation to souls where they can't actually see roleplay chat.

  8. Andria smiles with her large collection of sheep plushies, with assorted rainbow colors. She recalls her discussion with Aurelia just an elven day ago as the elfess made a branch of the sheep shop within Stygian Hollow. Selling different colors than such at the main shop.


    These being

    Marvelous Magenta

    Lovely Lime

    Cute Cyan

    Beautiful Blue

    Cool Cocoa

    & Dainty Dark


    Along with her own custom sheep tokens.

    Each sheep having their own scents as well, the house mage particularly proud of her sheep banners.





    OOC: I am completely obsessed with lib's sheep plushies to the point where we talked and now I run a stall branch.


  9. Tianrui Carla glares at the letter she had received, reading it over and over. Emotions stirring within her heart whilst she sat alone in her home. She'd take in a deep, heavy breath before it draws out to a sharp exhale as she thinks over everything. The constant fighting her mother had had with her father, heartless as to how it impacted both of her children, the constant yells that echoed through the Sutican square almost daily. Her attempts at giving her children thoughtless 'gifts' in an attempt to brush over the mental strains she'd constantly put them through, her attempt to take her children to Norland to rid them of their father. The father that actually loved them with all his heart. And the disappearances, oh the disappearances. The constant lack of being there for her growing, emotionally unstable twins. At this point Carla snaps back into reality, realizing her fingernails had been digging into the wood of her table. She pulls her hand away with a hiss, the sour expression still set upon her face. "Is this your attempt at 'fixing' things 'mother'?" She'd say, voice raised as she looks over the letter. "Some short, shitty letter that doesn't even talk of anything you did to me? To Charlie?" The woman coughs bitterly, tears welling in her eyes. "Where were you when we needed you...? Where were you when Charlie stopped being Chloe? When I was first learning magic? When he had taken an interest in smithing? Where were you to say you were proud of us and all we had lived through?" A few sniffles come from the Tianrui. "Where were you when I had to keep dad from taking his own life...? When we lost Charlie...?" She'd question with a whimper, tears streaming down her face as of course, there was no answer. A deep indigo glow would fill her tearful eyes, wisps of aura trailing from them as she crumples the letter, holding it up in her palm as a small spark of amber flame is evoked into her other hand. She should burn it... Shouldn't she? But she couldn't find it in herself to do it, the glow from her eyes fading as soon as it came. As did the amber spark before she drops the crumpled letter back onto the table. "F-ck..." She mumbles out as she continues to cry, eventually bringing her knees up to her face to sob. The mage was unable to burn the very last thing from her birth mother. A horrible mother in her eyes yet, she couldn't find herself to chase away the immature dream she'd had since she was a child... A dream where her mother could have actually loved her, and taken care of her.

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