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Posts posted by MaltaMoss

  1. Clad in purple, draped in the sheets of the old world. An aged spirit cries once more in agony, the legacy of his people washed away by the sands of time.

    "Petulant child, you throw away the last gasps of our labor. Curse you, and your children."

  2. On 5/10/2024 at 4:53 PM, Unwillingly said:

    yeah it's a real shame that we don't just see regular dudes anymore and every signifigant conflict/villainous interaction is the product of a giant darkspawn raid instead. not that I mind darkspawn raids, but now it sort of feels like that's... all we really have anymore? any semblance of conflict RP comes in the form of giant spook raids. what happened to the one-off encounters? catching somebody being mugged? pickpocketing? actually good thief RP (as opposed to running the /break command when nobody's around)? hostage RP? etc?

    I've ran this line before but I think it's in part due to the fact that a lot of places (albeit not as much as they used to) for a good while literally wouldn't let you inside if you had a weapon, meaning that doing this kind of RP was damn near impossible unless their chronically closed gates just happened to be open. I'm glad this kind of isolationist "don't touch my minecraftia" mentality seems to be slowly withering away though, so hopefully this kind of RP will become more prevalent in the near future

    The bandit player stare...


  3. Peter Du Pont, a lowly servant who was employed by Adrian's family, cowered in fear. He had stuffed himself in the closet, arms bound over his knees as he rocked back and forth. Deep raucous sobs escaped the man, his life flashing quickly before his tear-stained eyes. Peter, in his clumsiness, had spilled a pitcher of grape juice meant for the Lordling, his life forfeit in that instant.

    Suddenly, Peter's ears could hear the sound of footsteps rumbling down the hall.

    "No! No! My liege, pardonne! I am sorry, please!" The auverginian begged, pleaded, clasping his hands together in prayer as the door flung open to reveal his fate.

  4. The OOC story of LOTC is more often than not what makes the RP so fascinating. The IRL blood sweat and tears that goes into a lot of these projects is what lends them so much RP cloud and nostalgia. The Empire is a good example of that, Mali literally not sleeping for days so we could have functioning minecraft democracy on a nationwide scale. (This is when oren was like 25%< of the server population lmfao)

  5. i heard that rogue elements of PMC Ferryman had hijacked the LOTC github via sleeper agents imbedded in Tythus LTD and utilized these connections to launch a coup against renowned warlord Mickaelhz

    Agent 60th was compromised

  6. An ancient Fennic soul felt at peace, horrors undone.




    When this iteration of the Dark Elves began it was masterminded by Khuel WW2Buff and a couple other people, who really didn't know what it could or would become. As a Snow Elf I remember when we welcomed the Dark Elves into the city and formed a single state. Some of the happiest RP memories of my years on the server come from that time. 

    Nor'asath was undyingly loyal to us, stuck by us OOCly and IRPly through thick and thin, and were above all else good roleplayers and very cool people.

    During the Malin'or fiasco, which you can endlessly argue the immoral actions of, me and buff made a solitary pact that if anything happened to Malin'or (something happened it was pretty bad) that we'd do everything we could to repay Norasath (now norvelyth or whatever it's called now) for their kindness towards us. 

    In the end of it all the community survived, while the rest of Malin'or didn't. Fenn is dead, but the Dark Elven state it helped create outlived it. Celian'or met a similar fate much later, but is doing well nowadays I think. 

    Cheers to you Milksoda for finishing it out, you guys gave a proper end to something that was pretty cool.



  7. Satinkara I'm sorry but you joined in Almaris where there were literally a total of 0 aggressive actions against gay people in roleplay what the **** are you babbling about. I remember when Kosher on his deathbed revealed that he was gay lmfao, nobody cared. 

    This is the weirdest phenomena. I remember walking into Celian'or on my priest during a pilgrimage and two elf women stopped and were like *kisses does this make you mad?????

    I just said "no its not in the scrolls lol"

    no bro I dont care, nobody cares, nobody has ever cared. I doubt the church is attempting to larp how evil homosexuality is it's ******* minecraft.

    let people roleplay nuance and stop yapping abt server history you weren't here for (I wasn't here for atlas and backwards i have no clue abt that shit so you'll never catch me yappin abt it)

  8. Istfar the Fair, alias of an ancient ally of the Qalasheen, readies his rugged blade for the battle to come. Strips of teal fall from his clothes. 

    "Subhanallah, he shall guide us in righteous Jihad against such vile forces. For the true one, Allah."

  9. Somewhere in the woodland, a man cloaked in purple hues muttered angrily to himself. Van Aert sigils decorate his sides and arms, mementos of his once great uncle.

    "Never another surrender, never another Sarkozic. To hell with Adria, here we stand for the midlands!"

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