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Everything posted by Pompilidae

  1. thank you sluggobuggo aka sweetplants. very cool.
  2. Hello!! My name is Pomplemousse (aka bee) I joined Lotc summer of last year- but I have been roleplaying much longer. My journey started in 2013 or somewhere around there. I bounced around to different servers, and I even participated in some forum roleplay. I love to write and to write collaboratively with others is, and always will be, a novel concept to me. My dream of becoming an author when I was younger, has been long replaced. However, writing is still a great hobby for me. In terms of interests, I enjoy painting and drawing- my first medium being oil, and current medium is digital. Singing and dancing are also wonderful pastime's. I am most often online in the evenings or during the day on weekends. I am excited to continue my journey and the revival of my love of roleplaying is thanks to a few special people. If you ever want to say hello, don't be shy!! I don't bite... Most the time.
  3. Pompilidae


    -Birth Mehea’lani’s birth was nothing special. It was, by most standards, boring. Brought forth into the world by a middle aged, single mother,in the small town of Aerial. Her father was a typical follower of the Orenian empire, and as such he wanted a son who would join the military.Disappointed in the birth of a daughter, he part ways with her mother. Abandoned by her father, who was not interested in female children, Mehea’lani’s deep set resentment of her family started early. Resentment towards her mother for such poor taste in partners, and anger towards her non-existent father. Mehea’lani’s family was considered Highlanders as they lived in such a small town. They were not wealthy by any means. -Early childhood Childhood for little Mehea’lani could be summed up with one word: neglect. Her mother was rather lax, and as such provided little in the way of supervision and care for her child. Running amongst the woods to collect acorns, splash in the mud and dip her toes in the creek, Mehea’lani was a wild child. She was practically buzzing with energy, which she could never quite burn off. Annoyed by her ‘on the go’ attitude, her mother encouraged her to harness this energy into something productive. This small snippet of advice, Mehea’lani took to heart. Eager to please her mother, she would seek to learn combat, as the adrenaline and thrill of a fight left an impression on the girl. She enjoyed the fear in her opponents eyes-even if she was not much of a threat in her childhood. -Adolescense As a blossoming adolescent. Mehea’lani honed in her combat skill in the town’s gladiator arenas. She spent her afternoons practicing among the boys.Taunting and teasing was not a rare occurrence, however one could only endure so much. One day in particular, a pesky boy had become rough with her, insistent that girls were not welcome and that they were inferior soldiers. He went so far as to push the girl down. With a face full of dirt and an equally muddied heart, Mehea’lani rose to her feet and began shoving at the boy, scolding him for being so rough and stupid. She proceeded to scream at him and bait him into striking her. When the boy became angered, Mehea’lani’s lips pulled back into a mischievous smile, giggling as he told her off. Unsatisfied with his response, Mehea’lani stomped on her compact mirror and took a piece in her hand, drawing her arm back and charging at the boy. A nearby onlooker was quick to intervene, as he had to pry the girl off of him, a string of insults and threats could be heard from the two teenagers. Mehea’lani was no longer allowed to practice with the village boys and was banished from attending school all together. For once in her life, Mehea’lani’s mother paid her attention. “What is wrong with you?! You could have killed that boy! Do you ever know when to stop? You are no daughter of mine.” To anybody, these words would be like a stake to the heart. To Mehea’lani? It was fuel. Fuel for hatred and vitriol for those who had wronged her, fuel for her mistrust of family and for her fierce independence. From this point forward, Mehea’lani was on her own. -Young Adult As a young adult, Mehea’lani was used to relying on herself to get by. Working taverns and small shops, Mehea’lani was smart and driven. She lived on her lonesome and always managed to scrape by. There was little in the way of keeping Mahea’lani tethered to her small town home, and the push to move was made for her when the city fell into ruin due to an undead invasion. As the city fell into chaos, Mehea’lani took a leap of faith and fled on one of the last ships leaving the port. Headed to a new world with nothing but the clothes on her back and a heart burning with spite, Mehea’lani is ready to face any new challenge thrown at her in her new home of Gladewyn. -Current As of present time, Mehea’lani is carving her own niche into Gladewyn. She keeps to herself and earns her living, flying under the radar of most people. She has taken an interest in furthering her stunted education to make up for lost time. Personality Traits: Positive- Independent Mehea’lani is fiercely independent as she was not securely bonded to her mother and did not receive the proper care and affection a child should. This contributed to her need for independence as she learned that the only person you could rely on to be there...was herself. Mehea’lani is reluctant to accept help, though this could be her biggest downfall as well. Positive- Ambitious Ambition ought to be her middle name. Mehea’lani knows what she wants and goes after it, and if it seems impossible she will find a way. Driven by her independence, ambition is sure to follow when one can only rely on themselves. Her ambition is most helpful in work scenarios, as she is tireless and deceivingly kind to her customers, perhaps sickenenly sweet. Those she has worked under will sing her praises in a heartbeat. Positive-Confident Confidence did not come easy to Mehea’lani. As a young child, she was scolded for having so much energy and wanting to play among the boys. Although it bothered her greatly and these comments took a hit to her confidence-what she lacked in childhood she made up for in stride in adulthood. Though most of her confidence is purely in vain, that is, about her physical appearance, Mehea’lani is sure of herself and is driven by spite to prove her mother wrong in every aspect of her personality. Negative-Malicious Mehea’lani is malicious by nature. She seeks to exploit people for her own gain. She sees nothing wrong with her behavior as it was never corrected or brought to her attention. Any negative feedback is brushed off as a misunderstanding of intention. Mehea’lani, though by deliberate will or incredible ignorance, will not accept her flaws. Intent on blazing ahead to succeed and make something of herself, she is not afraid to step on some toes to get her way. Negative-Manipulative Manipulation is not something that Mehea’lani learned on her own. Her mother served as the perfect mentor, always critiquing her behavior and scolding her. A child can never perceive their parent as the problem and to gain her mother’s affection, Mehea’lani had to get creative. By learning combat and being aggressive in her pursuit, Mehea’lani picked up on subtle behaviors that would aid her in the future. Such behaviors would include learning to be charming and kind to get what she wants...followed by dropping the act the moment she did not need her image to be maintained. This was all for not as Mehea’lani did not receive the love and approval of her mother. The rejection from her mother added fuel to the fire and she sought to it that no one would reject her again- it was on her to do the rejecting. Negative-Spiteful The spite in Mehea’lani’s heart is what keeps her alive. Spite for her father for leaving her, spite for her mother who never cared for her and outright rejected her as a daughter, and spite for the men who taunted and bullied her. It is no surprise that all of this caused bitterness and boiling anger within her. The resulting spiteful attitude seemed to be second nature to Mehea’lani. She is not intending on letting this go, as she feels that once there is no spite or anger left for those who wronged her, then she has nothing left of her family or childhood. Face: Mahealani has a heart shaped face. Her jawline is rather strong, with high cheekbones and almond shaped grey eyes.Her eyebrows are featherlike and thin, with a strong arch to them. Mehealani’s nose is wider towards the end with a noticeable ridge adorning the top, with medium lips that have a defined cupid’s bow. When she smiles, the left side tends to draw up higher. She has short, layered raven hair with thin bangs that hang just below the eyebrows. The most noticeable feature on Mehealani’s body is a patchy birthmark covering the upper left temple. It is not raised and dark red in appearance. -Body type: Mehea’lani is on the plumper side. Although considered athletic, Mehealani is not thin. She has wide hips and strong legs, with a smaller torso and broad shoulders. -Height: 5’7
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