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    Dark Elf

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  1. Ivi


    Velkyn was born a healthy baby girl within a warhawke tribe, her mother had always wanted three children and she was their third and final planned child. Her parents were a medicine woman and Warhawke foot soldier that lived in a tribe with the city of Khel'seth, Velkyn's life was unlike the rest of her brothers and sisters as her parents had already selected the road they wanted her to travel. From a young age Velkyn was exposed fumes and chemicals her mother used to concoct new and invigorating alchemical substances in an attempt to create better medicine, even within her people she was seen as a mad woman. Due to the exposure Velkyn was a delayed child that was slow in developmental milestones and as such it was hard for her to learn to talk and communicate with others. By the time she was 3 years old she could barely utter a small sentence without stuttering and pausing, but thankfully her maneuverability had improved and she was walking and and wiggling around like a normal child of her age. Through the years of her childhood Velkyn was withdrawn and preferred to keep to books or helping her mother with her crazy tasks, creating the first inspiration to the young girl. She wanted to grow up and be just like her mother, mixing and inventing new mixtures but her dream wasn't so selfless in fact deep down the true reason she wanted to follow her mother was that maybe she could find a way to stop her stutter. Although she learned to hunt with the rest of the tribe Velkyn had problems with ending the life of another living animal and opted to tending the farms or venture into the forests to gather wild fungus and other plants, being out in nature was one of the only times she wasn't with her mother making the task even more daunting due to the fact she had to leave her side, but eventually with age Velkyn grew accustomed to leaving. What was left of her childhood was a blur as it repeated day after day with little change of interests, of course she met a couple more friends or learned how to swim but nothing that gave her a calling. It wasn't until she was an adult that the next chapter in her life started and she met the man she would eventually call her husband, after a couple of years they got married and she had a miscarriage. However, shortly after the miscarriage her husband disappeared and never returned.
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