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Everything posted by momoarru

  1. The nightly buzz of the local tavern filled the air with warmth and music, friends and strangers boast of their lives and laugh together. Kira Bulvic carefully pored over the letter, unsure of what to make of it. She had no idea of this place and was not exactly educated on the topic. But, perhaps there is always something that will strike our fate unexpectedly. She told her dear friend, Lothos Darkthorn of this letter since they had been traveling alongside each other for the forgotten months. ‘’I recognize a title from that letter, Kira.’’ He replied hysterically, his smile growing brighter. ‘’They, The Indoren, might give to us a permanent residence.’’ A disoriented expression struck Bulvic, she looked over the letter closely once more, ‘’Why have I never learned of this name?’’ She adjusted herself in her seat. ‘’Are they politicians of sorts?’’ Darkthorn spoke as he finished the last of his cordial meal, glancing up at Kira’s distasteful manner, ‘’Not sure myself, but my father used to speak of such, I think we should meet them.’’ Alas, Kira agreed to make the journey, thanks to the persuasion of her dear friend. They would prepare for the trip that very morning, hoping fate had forgiven them. (ps. I hope I did this right)
  2. momoarru


    Kira Bulvic, a young impressionable dark elf woman, grew up in the city of Renelia as a selective mute. A mental disorder often identifiable in younger children, in which the individual suffering from it refuses to speak in social situations as well as speaking to others whether it would be family, friends or acquaintances. Her family includes her grandmother, grandfather and three siblings, the rest of her kin sadly no longer with them. Bulvic’s family, being relatively detached from her growing up, had trouble communicating with her since toddlerhood. Which frustrated many of her kin, causing multiple disagreements and complications. However, she would speak to her eldest brother, by the name of Dante Bulvic. Dante was a hero to Kira. He was known to be stable, charismatic and warm. You would often find them running around the city of Renalia, laughing and playing with their friends. Kira was always by his side no matter what occasion. Due to this disorder, Kira learned different ways of self expression, mainly through art. She enjoyed speaking through colors and led. She would paint images of colorful, fairytale landscapes that lived within her imagination. And her dream was one day to have the ability to educate the masses, to spread awareness of the people struggling with the same significance that she is facing, through art. She became determined to accomplish this dream with the help of her eldest brother, Dante, who encouraged her aspirations. Bulvic, being often viewed as a problematic child, did significantly well in school. She never struggled with learning and picking up new tools. However, she was not popular among her fellow scholars, as she came off as rude and manipulative, except one, he went by the name of Lothos Darkthorn. Lothos was a popular and achieving boy, and was known to be friendly to all passersby. He was one of the only persons she would speak with through proper sentences besides her own brother. As they became closer, she spoke of her dream with him. Darkthorn, being a bright and extroverted boy, he encouraged her and supported her, vowing to help her succeed. Starting from that day, Darkthorn became almost like a second mouth, speaking for her when she needed assistance and trying to help her through her disorder. In her later years of childhood however, things in Kira’s life took a turn for the worse. She had witnessed the murder of her brother, Dante. Which reversed her progression through her disorder greatly. Kira was accused of his murder and was to be executed. Yet, Kira stopped speaking, she fell into a deeper state of anxiety and despair, she no longer spoke to anyone, not even explicit words, she had no defense. Alas, Bulvic knew she needed to hide, not knowing exactly what the next step will be. So from that day, she hid, only moving during the night. Until, young Darkthorn came to her, promising her a better life outside the gates of their city, gradually helping her overcome her anxiety in which she began to speak in smaller sentences again. Soon, Kira agreed to run away with him, knowing he also had a troubling arranged marriage that would end in shame if he were to stay. So, off they ran, away from the only thing they ever knew, beginning a new chapter. (screenshot from owner of Lothos Darkthorn)
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