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About CopyK

  • Birthday 04/21/1999

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    Art, minecraft, video games, movies, rpg's.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Aenwyn Saevel
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf

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  1. CopyK


    Aenwyn was born to Theodmer and Almithara Saevel, two wood elves, in Elvenesse. Raised mainly by her father, Theodmer, who taught his daughter to care for plants and shared his love for them with her. He was a truly kind individual. His wife on the other hand while still pleasant was stricter, a hunter through and through, distant from her daughter to "teach her independence". The first 6 years of her life were normal enough as Aenwyn learned how to live in the forest. When the elf child turned seven her parents gave her a puppy called Elyon. Glad to now have a constant companion Aenwyn was overjoyed and graciously cared for the family pet despite her absentmindeness which resulted in many a reminders from her parents. Elyon and Aenwyn were best friends, learning to hunt together and growing together. Tragedy struck when Aenwyn turned 14 however. Aenwyn had always been afraid of the thunderstorms, they were too loud, too flashy. When thunder rolled the young elf rushed inside the house, slamming the door and locking it behind her in her panic. Her parents were out, selling their wares in the town she was alone, alone with the noise. As the storm passed overhead, rain battering the house, a bark caught the terrified elf's attention and Aenwyn quickly made her way to the door, unlocking it and opening it, now remembering her Elyon. The dog wasn't barking at her however but at her returning parents and relief washed over the teen before lightning sturck down. Right on on Elyon. A loud yelp escaped the animal as Aenwyn froze in the doorframe. Her parents grabbed elyon and quickly brought him inside. The seven year old pooch didn't last the night, breaking the hearts of all his family members. In the years after the incident, Theodmer and Almithara tried to get Aenwyn to get another dog but the girl wouldn't hear it and eventually they gave up. Aenwyn became less interested in the hunt and turned to the arts, getting fascinated by the colours of the world instead. She took to painting, foraging for her materials and selling her pieces for low prices. When she turned 18 Aenwyn decided to leave her home, wanting to see the world for herself. She took the first ship out and now wanders to find new styles and inspirations and also maybe join a seed of her own. Of course since she never actually explored the city herself, Aenwyn decided that Linandria, the "true" home of the wood elves would be her first stop.
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