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Posts posted by XOCO

  1. 16 minutes ago, Duncan the Fearsome said:

    Duncan begins sharpening and cleaning his blades smirking "We going back to war it seems?" He would get up to put his armour on and walks out of his office with a smirk on his face and weapons adorning his body



    "The war never stopped, Lieutenant." Captain Ezekiel Moores muses to his soldier, passing by him as he too marched towards the Fourth Brigade Armoury to arm himself, "What kind of victory is it when you achieve no demands?"

  2. Captain Ezekiel Moores would stroke his beard calmly, a relaxed back pressed against a carved wooden dining chair. The officer's gaze would drift down the mess hall, carefully inspecting the face of each of his brigadiers. Burnt, scarred, tested by war. Each man had earned a place at Ezekiel's table through pain, grit, and sacrifice, and only death itself could separate the mighty men of the Fourth Brigade from their seats. 


    The Captain raised his fist, and then brought it down onto the table, a resonating bang ridding the room of chatter. 

    "Death and Glory!" He roars, thrusting his tankard into the air.

  3. The Fourth Brigade


    ~4th Brigadiers Sir Erik Othaman and Ezekiel Moores leading the Swint’s Guard into battle, c. 1844~


    The Imperial State Army is vast in its size and its specializations. The First Brigade hosts the main body of the infantry and the Imperial Grenadiers. The Second Brigade fields the new recruits of the Empire and is a playground for new drillmasters and drill sergeants. In addition, the Third Brigade is the mounted section of the First Regiment, performing complex maneuvers and scouting out positions.

    While all of these brigades have their own importance in the army, there is one brigade that serves perhaps the most important job in this Empire.


    The Fourth Brigade is responsible for being the Emperor’s scalpel. These specialized soldiers are called upon whenever a high priority job needs to be taken care of with a high degree of success and accuracy. In addition to providing specially trained soldiers for dangerous (and often REDACTED) missions, the Fourth Brigade holds the unique honor of being the only brigade to work in conjunction with the Emperor. Each soldier holds his Imperial Majesty’s life in their hands and they shall protect his life at any cost, oftentimes throwing themselves in the line of danger.


    Only a handful of soldiers make up the Fourth Brigade, but each soldier accounts for many more through intensive training and years of experience. The Fourth Brigade also employs outside elements to assist in different fields to achieve their goals. The Brigade has three distinct specialties that each brigadier must master during their training.

    The Swint’s Guard

    The Swint’s Guard is the primary duty of each Fourth Brigadier. The Guard performs the illustrious duty of protecting the Emperor as well as functioning as the elite Heavy Infantry during battle. They are also charged with holding themselves to the highest standard possible, accompanying other important officials into foreign lands, whether it be for diplomacy or trade. The Swint’s Guard’s day-to-day function is overseen by the Swint’s Guard Commander who holds a Lieutenant billet in the Brigade.


    The Imperial Commissars

    The Imperial Commissars serve as the official disciplinarians of the Regiment. Though small in number, they strike fear and awe in the presence of each soldier. Though they may be harsh and demanding, they are about as zealous and brave as a soldier should be, oftentimes making themselves the example by charging first into the frey. The Commissars carry the additional duty of overseeing operations conducted across the regiment and the use of intelligence gathered by the Imperial Eyes. Often, those who are recruited to the Imperial Commissars are sound tacticians, with a knack for rousing soldiers. The Commissars do not always end up in the Fourth Brigade, though the Lord Commissar, a person who holds a Lieutenant’s Commission, is in the Fourth and is charged with maintaining the prestige and effectiveness of all Commissars across the Regiment.


    The Imperial Eye

    The Imperial Eye is the investigative branch of both the ISA and the 4th Brigade. Senior officers of the Imperial Eyes are handpicked from the ISA’s most intuitive and brightest minds, usually accompanied by years of investigative experience. They are responsible for overseeing the investigation of high profile crimes within the empire, and the swift apprehension of criminal suspects. Soldiers selected to be Imperial Eyes are subject to even more rigorous training, and upon completion, are expected to be well versed in surveillance, counter-intelligence, espionage, and assassination alongside their detective duties. The maintenance and operation of the Imperial Eyes and their associates falls under the responsibility of the Imperial Inquisitor, who holds a Lieutenant billet within the 4th Brigade.





    The Recruitment Process



    There are two selection processes leading into the Imperial 4th brigade; the first being the Squireship Program, and the second being the Candidacy Program.


    Through the Squireship Program, soldiers of the 4th Brigade may take squires, subject to confirmation by the Captain, General, and Emperor. Squires are not necessarily soldiers from within the ISA - rather, squires can be recruited from the general public, as long as they are Orenian citizens and between the ages of 13-30. Soldiers are expected to personally mentor their squires, giving them a unique and far more rigorous preparation for The Trials compared to the Candidacy Program, which relies on the veterancy of a soldier.


    Alternatively, soldiers can enter into the 4th Brigade through the Candidacy Program. Soldiers of rank Senior Corporal and above can choose to apply to the Candidacy Program, upon which the Captain of the 4th Brigade decides whether they may progress to training and The Trials. Soldiers applying to the Candidacy Program are expected to be exemplary in their conduct, and to have several years of experience. Candidates produced as a result of the program are overseen in small batches by the Lord Commissar, who teaches them in classes and group sessions akin to the Imperial Combat Academy, as opposed to the more personal mentoring of the Squireship Program.


    The Trials and Aspirants

    Soldiers who have completed their training, either under the Squireship Program or the Candidacy Program, are now designated as Aspirants. Aspirants are then given a set of three trials, simply referred to as The Trials within the brigade. The trials differ vastly with each class of recruits, however, one trial remains a staple in every Aspirant’s ordeals - that being the ceremonial hunt of the northern bear. The white pelt of this carnivorous beast is the token of all Aspirants who have passed selection; a token that signifies a soldier’s ascension into the ranks of the Imperial 4th Brigade.


    The Helming

    The Helming is the final and one of the most important traditions within the Imperial 4th Brigade. Aspirants who pass selection and their trials are assigned a blacksmith, with whom they forge their own unique helmet and visor. A 4th Brigadier’s helmet represents their core values, personality and life experiences. These iconic helmets are often the basis of the epithets that accompany the most famous of 4th Brigade soldiers, and thus a heavy emphasis is placed on The Helming.


    Volens et Potens!


    Ezekiel Moores,

    Captain of the 4th Brigade




  4. Captain Ezekiel Moores rolled his eyes as he saw the papers pile up on his desk, steel fist gripping the missive in one hand, while a quill rested in the other.


    "Storm's brewing lads!" He hollered out of his office as he reached the bottom of the paper, setting it aside. The weary veteran stood up from his seat, trudging across the room to a display case by the door. With a grin, the captain raised a well maintained sabre from the case, gently turning the fine blade in his hands.


    "Death and glory..." He murmured to himself, as his flesh hand ran over the engraving.


  5. "God bless those damned Imperial Grenadiers, they'll need it." The former grenadier turned Emperor's guard Ezekiel Moores remarks with a laugh. "Brilliant soldiers with outrageous strategies. Bloody surprised they've yet to all die out yet."

  6. 6 hours ago, grnappa said:

    Captain Erik Othaman snickered as he raised a tankard of Carrion Black to lips, letting out a sigh. Leaning back in his chair, he'd simply nod at his Lieutenant's words before clearing his throat.

    "These fools haven't the foggiest idea of what they're doing aside from rattling their sabres... or rather magic branches... as loud as possible. When push comes to shove, I have doubts on their willingness to act out their cruelest fantasies."

    "Though should they stop putting on that damned silly face paint and attempt to harm our citizens, they will find themselves caught between the never-ending ranks of the Imperial State Army. I shall personally lead the 4th Brigade on an ear-collection campaign should these radicals grow a pair."


    "The ball is in their court... and I think they will drop it."


    The Lieutenant would laugh harder yet at the notion of lopping off their ears, picking up a dagger from his office desk and inspecting its sharpness,


    "Dare I say it, but I do believe Mrs Othaman deserves a new necklace, eh Captain?"

  7. 2 hours ago, grnappa said:

    Count Erik Othaman compiled all the evidence together in a neat pile before storing it away in the 4th Brigade archives. He noted to himself that these men tried to flee their grasp twice, only to all be recaptured. "Vy would think these fools would learn after getting slapped silly so many times, eh?" He'd comment to his Lieutenant @XOCO

    "Fools never learn, Captain. That's what makes 'em fools." Lieutenant Moores chuckles in response, tapping a gauntleted finger against his temple.


  8. "Rest in peace, you insufferable bastard," One Master Sergeant Moores remarks, with a bitter chuckle, standing over his former comrade's grave. Gingerly, he places two bottles of whiskey by the Othaman's headstone, before offering up a salute. 


    His face scrunched up in contempt - or at least, it would seem to if one were to only offer a passing glance. Upon closer inspection however, one would come to realise that the foolhardy and constantly jovial veteran was actually trying to hold tears back.


    "Rest in peace Kelhus... Rest in peace..." He repeats to himself, before hastily wiping the tears from his face.

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