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  1. Nindone


    Boggo Finnan was a kind young fellow, wandering the lands of Atlas for years in search for his long lost kin. His father he knew had fought with the Legion for many years, although rarely got to see him before his passing. His mother took care of him for most of his childhood until they were aprehended by a group of bandits along the road, Boggo was snatched and stolen, introduced into a world of crime and imprisonment before the bandits camp was ambushed by the Lur clan from Krugmar. They took on Boggo and introduced him into the orc culture and showed him how to hunt and fish, fend for himself. One evening boggo was wandering around the grounds when he got lost and managed to end up inside one of the Skaddernack pits, he was attacked and scarred from the encounter, fleeing the orcs in panic and began wandering the lands of Atlas, lost and afraid. Only to hear of the new lands that everyone had travelled to, he began tracking them down and has finally arrived, a little late, to the lands of Almaris. Seeking out the Dwarven kingdom, specifically the Dwarf clan his father spoke so highly of. The cooking skills of his mother have also transferred down to him allowing him to prepare some of the best food in all the lands.
  2. Nindone


    Boggo Ireheart was a kind young fellow, wandering the lands of Atlas for years in search for his long lost kin. His father he knew had fought with the Legion for many years, although rarely got to see him before his passing. His mother took care of him for most of his childhood until they were aprehended by a group of bandits along the road, Boggo was snatched and stolen, introduced into a world of crime and imprisonment before the bandits camp was ambushed by the Lur clan from Krugmar. They took on Boggo and introduced him into the orc culture and showed him how to hunt and fish, fend for himself. One evening boggo was wandering around the grounds when he got lost and managed to end up inside one of the Skaddernack pits, he was attacked and scarred from the encounter, fleeing the orcs in panic and began wandering the lands of Atlas, lost and afraid. Only to hear of the new lands that everyone had travelled to, he began tracking them down and has finally arrived, a little late, to the lands of Almaris. Seeking out the Dwarven kingdom, specifically the Ireheart clan his father spoke so highly of.
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