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    High elf

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  1. Good day, I am messaging to inform you that the required changes has been made to my application TNT_Phillip(Pch),I also want to know that in my biography is mentioning "a town hidden in the forests of Lindon" count as a lore reference?

    1. camocat9


      This would not count as a lore reference since this server has it's own lore and isn't fully related to LOTR, despite the similar name! I'd suggest taking a look around some of the wiki articles I sent you on your application page to get an idea of what to do. I'll extend your pending period since you seem to be involved in getting this application complete!

    2. pch




  2. pch


    Phillip grew up in the silver states of Haelun'or in the capital of Lareh'thilln,he was always put under pressure to be the best of the best because his father was considered the best Warrior in there town because of his great Battles,while his had a greal love for all plant and new how to use them very well, being a high elf he is able remain calm under almost all situations, but because of this he also got extremely lazy, which caused his sister to go missing in the woods close to them, He always Admired the Hafling life style, while also having a great interest in the realm of atlas and he never believed in any of the great gods, but he believes that there is a being or Beings that created all, he may not know Their names or reason, but he believe a great one does exist, because of this he never had any friends, but only those that betrayed him for his kindness to all, Becoming his friend is extremely easy, but he is paranoid, if you stay his friend he will give his life for you, if you betray him, he will kill you without hesitation. Growing up he was always extremely smart, thinking of many possible solutions to any situation, but he tends to miss the most important details which causes him to end up in very bad places, or make bad choices, when in thought, walking or just waiting he tends to snap his fingers for unknown reasons.
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