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Posts posted by High_On_Math

  1. Luthriel sighed, "I hope the writer of this missive means these words genuinely, because if so, that would provide hope to me that Haelun'or has not been completely taken over with madness.  At best, there are logical yet ignorant beings living in the Silver State.  And yet - I believe this is but another propaganda attempt.  Perhaps I ought to write a response to this."

  2. Luthriel sighed as she read the missive, a tear falling from her eye.  She fumbled through her satchel with her 3 remaining fingers.  All the beardweed, which she had harvested to gift to dwarves as a display of Krugmas peace and joy, had been taken by the ferrymen.  So too, had her left hand been taken.

    "Merry Krugmas, Urguan.  I hope you enjoy everything you got from me."

    "We cannot win."

    "Love loses."

    "Hate triumphs."

  3. Luthriel was bored, "Ah at last.  Something to do.  And perhaps this shall be good practice for improving my coordination!" She read the missive more carefully. . . "Foremost attire . . . " All she currently had was a ratty toga. . . the Ferrymen had taken everything from her.




    Not everything!  She realized that she had left her Ratki skin mittens in the tavern at Ephesius.  She grinned, "Very good.  Very good.  Someday perhaps I will regain my full abilities and become the most lethal butcher of furry things on the earth. Until then . . . These mittens shall provide evidence of my past."  She slipped them on and smirked.

  4. Maehr'sae hiylun'eyha translates to progress and health in the common tongue.  These are goals that are undeniably laudable, and every being ought to pursue them wholeheartedly.  Haelun'or purports to be the shrine of purity on earth, andyet, last month, I experienced a horrific awakening to what Haelun'or has become, or rather, has reverted back to.  Under the leadership of Sohaer Kolvar, Haelun'or was stagnant.  Yet there is a greater enemy to progress than stagnancy: the reversion from enlightened ideals to those of our barbaric forefathers.  Under Sohaer Braxus, Haelun'or shows exceeding promise to become a nation of the utmost superstition.


    I was once stewardess of Haelun'or.  During my there I witnessed the growth of Haelun'or in unexpected ways: humans and wood elves came to Haelun'or to seek a place to stay. Haelun'or's population had dwindled under Sohaer Kolvar, and I endeavored to keep its population alive.  I fully believe that if a rational, hard working Mali had been elevated to Sohaer, Haelun'or would be a prosperous AND logical nation.


    Last month, I was taken against my will to some sort of "tea party" in Haelun'or.  I,  of course, refused to enter the city.  Yet I was arrested OUTSIDE of the gates.  I was hogtied, gagged, tied to a tree, and left outside for hours until a guard came to mutilate my ears.  A citizen of Haelun'or fortunately rescued me, and for that I am grateful, but not before my right ear was severed.

    This elf made sure to explain to me that he affirmed the use of acid pits to kill impures (though he did not approve of torture).


    And what did I do to deserve torture or death in the eyes of Braxus and his flock?  I did nothing.  By no fault of my own, my parents conceived me half human and half elf.  When I was older, I culled them, preventing them from creating more cursed children and I decided to never produce offspring. I devoted my life to relieving present suffering and preventing future suffering.  My life is a net good for the world, yet the elves of Haelun'or want to exterminate me and others like me. 


    I formally renounce the ideals of Haelun'or and commit myself to pursuing health and progress through a pursuit of logic rather than one of idiotic superstition.


    It is illogical to kill one who begs to be your ally. 

    It is illogical to spend time drinking tea rather than working hard. 

    It is illogical to assign different metal elements moral characteristics. 

    It is illogical to banish the hardest workers in your society. 

    It is illogical to cut ears, burn beards, or any other form of pointless mutilation. 

    It is illogical to drink intoxicating substances. 

    It is illogical to claim my culling of my parents was impure while claiming my death is good. 


    Haelun'or is filled with bloody idiots.



  5. The elfess sat alone in a tavern in Ephesius, a small settlement in Oren.  Her white toga was now stained with blood and dirt.  Her material possessions had been stripped from her.  With a 3 fingered right hand, she held up a cloth to the right side of her head.  The bandits had taken her tippens root, and she had nothing to stop the blood gushing from her freshly chopped ear.  She broke down into tears.  "Every home I've ever had must now turn against me?  Alas, I served Haelun'or and Haense for years, and I lived in Urguan when it felt as though no other place was safe.  But now, there is no hope for my new home of Ephesius. There never was any hope for anything decent.  The verdict of mother nature is that every sane being be slaughtered by the insane." 

  6. Luthriel shook her head, "When I was nine, I was sneaking out of the hippie village at night to read conservative ideological books written by the high elves.  I never would have dreamed of challenging another child to a violent fight.  I probably wasn't even strong enough to hold a sword.  Children these days are getting more and more like some gods are assuming the form of a child and inserting themselves into our chaotic world to experience the thrill of being a child prodigy." She then chuckled to herself, "Or perhaps I'm unrealistically pathetic." she thought as she attempted to drink a glass of water but spilled some of it onto her toga, "I'm still having coordination issues.  Darn.  But I've gotten better over the years."

  7. [!] The following missive is posted in prominent places around Almaris:


    I regret to inform Almaris that I can no longer afford to pay for Minuvas:

    Some bloody idiot told me their green chicken had magical abilities and I wasted my life savings on it, and it's not even magical.  Instead, I will be offering a green chicken to whoever can retrieve the scammer, alive, so I may take my revenge.  He's a human, tall, black hair, and mildly attractive but his jawline could be a little sharper.  He wears green.


    [!] Below, the missive was signed " L U T H ".  The letters were large and sloppy, as if a child had written them, and they were fingerpainted onto the missive in blood.  Beside the name was a simple portrayal of a sad face (🙁), also fingerpainted in blood.


  8. [!] posted in prominent places around Almaris.

    To Whoever has the Bloody Wigged Bastard Minuvas:

    Minuvas is a bloody damned to the void cursed thing, unworthy to be called an elf, and I wanna be the one to cull him if at all possible.    I'm willing to pay a heck ton for it.  Send me a bird if you wanna professional butcher to take him off your hands for you.

    [!] At the bottom of the note, written in blood are large letters that look as though they were fingerpainted by a 4 year old, spelling, " LUTH ".  Beside this . . . name? . . . were two fingerpainted hearts, and a finger-painted smiley face. (finger painted in blood)

  9. Ooc: High_On_Math squeals in joy as she reads a fantasy role play explanation of permutations.

    Irp: Luthriel reads intently, "This Gallo is the epitome of what an elf should strive to be.  From their use of Haelunorian examples, I wonder if they live there. If so, I must endeavor to take their mind off that illogical city and ask them to join me in my plans.  . . Regardless, I want to meet them." The elfess grabs two walking sticks and slowly begins to make her way around the small settlement she lived in, looking for someone to write a note for her. 

  10. Far away, in a small Urguani settlement filled with odd individuals, a crippled half elfess finds the missive.  Her pirate eyepatch quivers as her face twitches in anger.  "I wanna go to the party!  Why can't I go to the party!?  Screw Braxus!"  

  11. Luthriel wonders to herself, "So . . . they fought a long and hard battle, abducted the king of their enemies, only to remove his facial hair?!?!?!  Was there not some other thing they could have done with the opportunity of having the king in their custody?  Perhaps torturing him until war ceased?  Drugging him and hiring an illusion mage to mold his mind into a more useful shape?  Or simply the good, old fashioned method of holding him for ransom?  I fail to see what good this petty act of gloating and pride does to end the violence swiftly and to minimalize the causalities of this war."

  12. Luthriel laughed so hard her butt literally fell off and she had to get an atronach butt to replace it.

    "'Mali of all cultures to educate us'

    On what? Are we going to get the wood elves to teach us how to make clothes out of leaves?!?! We're 'ignorant to our culture'. That's not a bad thing. Mali culture is rooted in illogical ideas. 

    'We will forever be imperial boot lickers' Come on! We all know you're proud to be imperial, and there's nothing wrong with that! And 'as a maliker' you have no more duty to learn ker culture than to learn the culture of halflings.  Being ignorant of stupidity is not a bad thing. I've lost all respect for Ephesius.  I hope and even pray that this is a mere publicity stunt, as Hieren seemed like a strong, logical individual."

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Half Elf Half Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self teach book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Mr. Book


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  14. Luthriel broke down, crying and wetting the missive with tears as she remembered that day.  That day when the Irehearts dares to take the ear of a crippled defenseless woman.  That day when her able bodied friend, Renactus, died attempting to fight the Irehearts away from her.  That day when she was helpless to protect her friend and to protect herself.  She was dragged away to safety while her friend died a pointless death.  May the Irehearts thank Godan she was crippled and her revenge would be long delayed.

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