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Posts posted by herculean_wud

  1. They're not minions then, they're other uruks. . .Uruks of lower Ranks: Grunts, Runts, Pugs. 


    Whitewashing doesn't work like that. As I said, become more accustomed to culture and the blah before you make suggestions.

  2. Taking someone's stuff may be shitty, but to be frank, everything on minecraft can be replaced with ease. Taking, pillaging, stealing, enslaving is such the nature of an orc. 

    Anyway. . . .



    I was hoping for there to be more words, but to be quite honest the words which you propose aren't exactly necessary -- though I do like Ztrigzeer. Minion is practically the same thing as a slave, and there already stands a word for slave: snaga. 'Zkah' is a general orcish swear word (****, ****, Piss etc) So an entirely new word for excrement isn't needed. Skunna, eh, I guess that could fly but 'Morra?' Naaah; 'Nubhozh' means weak/small. 



    Talismans being given to whitewash (outcast) orcs would never occur due to orcish sentiment. 'Proper' Orcs hate whitewashes, like Kha hate apekha, and halflings hate those whom are 'improper.' 



    Also, before suggesting new words, I advise you get a grip of the Blah beforehand. I've bumped into you whilst you've been roleplaying as your gobo, and your incorporation of blah hasn't been the greatest.



    But eh, I guess thats jut me being a negative nancy





  3. Wud stirs his pot of Akulgriizh stew, his beady, opal eyes idly drifting onto one of the red-painted signs, "Wud. . . Id. . .Blah?" He asked himself with great pauses throughout the sentence, due to his low IQ and need to ponder on each word. He continues stewin' that snow elf head that looked somewhat like a Tundraks.



  4. 24 minutes ago, Angmarzku The Undead said:

    A new type of magic that will most likely die

    At least add feedback lmao?

    3 hours ago, Balorien said:


           Bjaahri'l is a ancient and forgotten type of magic. The ancient priest and tribal chieftains instructed this type of magic. However this knowladge was lost hundreds of years ago. Some ancient stone tablets and cave paintings still contain the knowladge of this magic. If you know how to read them. Those people who still know something about this magic type are often judged as a necromancer. However they are very different from necromancers. Bjaahri'l is a very complicated type of magic. It's true that they are capable of creating undeads but they are very different than the undeads of the necromancers.

    The masters of Bjaahri'l are capable of summoning the spirit of their ancestors. So they can get knowladge from their ancestors.




    They can create a ghoul like creatures called Ashurus. However ashurus are very weak creatures and everyone who know something about magic can interact with the magic that drives them. The ancient  QrZmPHu.jpgpeople never continued the undead researches, or that knowladge disappeared with the whole culture.


    Creation of the Baal'Akai:

                 The Baal'Akai is creature thats not alive, not dead, nor undead. They usually called the "Half Living". Baal'Akai's are creatures made from the greatest priests and warlords of the ancient people.

    They are half living, becouse if you hit one of their important organ they die. Such as liver, lungs, heart, brain, but they are resistent to their other orgens. Baal'Akai's regeneration skills are amazing. However their flesh and bones are weak. They feed on the blood to keep up their strenght. If they stop drinking blood they won't die, but they will lose their powers. They follow none orders, their will drives them.



              The ancient people used curses to weaken their enemy, or to empower their own people. They preformed rituals, At rituals, they painted the magic circle of the curse they wanted to make. Than they spilled blood on the circle. They started to say the words. After it they made a sacrofice if the curse required it. While the whole ritual is going on they burn a strange type of plant called the Blackratweed

    or in their language, Nash'in. They belived this plant has some sort of magical power.


    Blackratweed/ Nash'in:

                                     This plant can be find in swamps and near lakes or rivers. It's had a black flower, and the plant has no leaves it's covered with spikes. At rituals they burn its flower. The smoke of its flower is black, but it has no power. However if you cook it. from its flower you can make a exellent tea, or if you dry it you can make spices.


    Curse types:



    OOC: this is for now, keep in mind if this is just a pillar idea! It can be much wider, but i don't have time to do it at the moment. If you think this can be accepted or want to hear more about it ask for it and i can upgrade it later and also add some more curses. :P

    Seems kinda like voodoo to me, I like the concept. I don't know of any magic that is both good, and bad. This could be going somewhere. Though, erm, please fix typos! :P

  5. "Wub deh zkah ahm a piahnoh?" The Wargoth asked himself, turning to face his son with a puzzled look on his face.

    "Zum zkah pinki inztruhmehnt," His son replied, bearing his sharp jagged teeth, and curved, worn tusks.

    The Wargoth picked up the the dusty flattener from its equally dusty weapons rack, and cackled a font of objectionable laughter, raising it up, "Wubebur id ahm, mi'uhll momo'zkahin' zmazh id." 

    The sound of Father and son laughing and cackling echoed throughout their cave.

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