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Posts posted by herculean_wud

  1. Application

    MC name : HungrySumo

    RP name : Dragmar

    Reason for joining? To watch a poorly ruled nation crumble under the fist of a more... worthy superior.

    Weapon of choice? Zwiehand or Horseman's Pick

    [OOC] Skype (PM if you wish): I think you have it, if not: Hungry_sumo2

    If you still think you'd like to join Blackwood Company..Please fill this out
    Note: All recruits are considered by the Council.
    OOC: HungrySumo
    MC Name: Dragmar
    Skype Name: I'll add you...
    Do you have TeamSpeak? If not, are you willing to get it? I have it.
    [!]You stand before the Company crier clad in crimson and a scruff beard weathered from the ages, he takes out a document.
    "Interested in the Company eh? I'll need some information for the Council."
    "Your name lad/lass?": Dragmar
    "Where are yah from?": Petrus.
    "What sect are you applyin' for? Sellsword? Service or Trade?": Sellsword.
    "What are yah expectin' from the Company?": Of course what I applied for, a role in the company.
    "What is yer skills?": The craft of constructing abstract armor... A-and shankin' the Scheiße 
    out of people!
    "Lastly boy/girl, be sure to bring warm clothes, it's fokin cold at base"
  3. [!] A large poster is pinned to the entrance of the Caliphate. Another, identical to the first, is pinned to the entrance of Felsen. The advertisement is written primarily in Commoner but its farfolk translation was eloquently written underneath its counterpart. [!]


    dHZhnSJ.pngHave your luscious locks been plagued with split ends and greasiness? Or do you merely need a fresh trim? I, Abdul Ba'ith Akil Jazeera, have decided to follow the foot steps of my father and give back to the community by ridding your unfortunate hair of these devastating ailments! For a small fee, of course. Head down to Aesculus, a small settlement on the outskirts of the Orenian Capital! ((x = -191, z = -1724)) 


    --- Services! ---


    Simple Cut: Ten Minas   

    Hair dyeing: Fifty Minas

    Styles: 75 Minas.





    Here's the Dealio, I'll change the hair style of your IG skin for 75 Minas each. (Pick from the 5 or so hairstyles bellow) The rest of the services are purely RP and a payment isn't in order unless you insist (Please do :P). MSG me IG or reply on the forums and I'll be sure to take your request!




  4. Qkadahfii made his way up from the lower deck and over to the ships side. He wrapped his large olog arm around one of the many wooden curves that the ship possessed and looked over the horizon at the beautiful sun rise. The sunrise was so beautiful it even made an ologs jaw drop. He noticed something in the distance. Was it an Island? No. Was it land? No. He squinted even harder, trying to make out the large object's outline. It was a ship! A ship laden with gold and pure white flags. It belonged to the Salvians, a nation he held certain despise towards. He made no hesitation to arm himself and depart from his sea travelling domain. The morning sea air was dry and the stereotypical scent of salt lingered. Qkadahfii cannon balled into the sea, something he took great amusement from and began swimming to wards the grand galleon, determined to gain his 'prize.' He reached the ship, wrapping his right fhand around the side of the ladder. He continued, sluggishly wedged his right foot into one of the ladder rungs, then his left in the one above and began climbing up the wooden ladder. His only means of getting onto the ship creaked profoundly a rocked substantially, barely managing to support his weight. In fact a few of the lower rungs broke under the severe application of weight. Qkadahfii hauled himself onto the deck, all was quiet. Not a single Salvian was in sight. So, being the proud uruk he was, he declared the ship his own! "DIZ AM MI ZHIP, ZKAH-HUULZ!" he bellowed with pride, observing the main body of the ship from the poop deck triumphantly. For a few seconds all was quiet. Nothing stirred. But then, a slurry of about five Salvians Emerged from their cabins. A few wielding weapons...


    One, an elf, laughed in his face, "Har Har. You, taking over OUR ship? Pft, don't be daft." Qkadahfii just laughed back, cradling his Flatten-er, 'Klompah,' in his arms. "DIZ AM MI ZHIP NUW!" he growled, this time with a lot more aggression. "DIZ AM MI ZHIP!" It seemed he was repeating himself, each time he said it the aggression in his voice became increasingly clearer until he finally raised his bludgeon and swung for Areni, a young elven girl. The blunt, anvil shaped lump of solid ferrum smashed into her upper arm, shattering her scapula and breaking her humerus. The unpleasant sound of bones cracking rang through the crisp sea air. "WAAAGH!!" the fuming orc roared, the loud roar drowning out Areni's screams. Casper, a friend of the elf rushed to the aid of her friend. It was too late. Qkadahfii swung the Flatten-er over his head and plunged it downwards, the solid lump of iron coming into contact with the fallen elf's skull, crushing it in an instant. Her head was shattered upon contact with the heavy bludgeon, blood and brains flying out across the deck. She had met a grisly demise to say the least...


    Qkadahfii panted angrily, adrenaline rushing through his veins. He turned to his right. A human by the name of 'Will' had a dagger drawn, maybe planning an attack? Well, Qkadahfii couldn't let this happen. He charged as fast as his chubby olog legs could take him, his flattener, 'Klompah' outstretched in front of him. Will sidestepped, letting the Orc run past and nearly collide with the railing, but Qkadahfii didn't give him. He charged back towards Will, who was attempting to get the weeping friend of the elf, Areni off the blood spattered floor. The infuriated uruk just kept running, his flatten-er outstretched sideways, to the right of him. Will was mowed down by the charging uruk, the girl on the other hand was smacked in the temple with the the uruks deadly weapon. Her head whipped backwards as she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Qkadahfii looked up to the other Salvians and roared, bringing the Flatten-er back down to his side, preparing his next attack.


    As he raised the bludgeon once again, a new-comer arrived up the ladder. She had no weapon but Qkadahfii needed blood, lots of it! He kicked at the floor-boards, readying himself to charge at the group of the three Salvians. What was to happen next was least expected. Bjorn of Bearhill clambered up the ladder, unsheathing his blade and slicing at the girl who had just arrived. She didn't anticipate the attack and abruptly fell to the ground. Bjorn calmly approached the whimpering girl he had just attacked and remorselessly cut her throat. Qkadahfii was even for surprised at the, yet another, new arrival but it seemed the new-comer was about to help him further. The red orc lay eyes upon Bjorn, giving the three surviving Salvians an opportunity to escape. They took the oppurtinity and retreated to the poop deck. The Orc shifted his large olog body so that he was facing the three survivors, Bjorn proceeded towards the orc and stood beside him. "Good fight orc."

    "Agh latz tuu." Qkadahfii replied, diverting his gaze from the three back to Bjorn.

    "Shall we?" He said, tilting his head and gesturing towards the Salvians.

    No fighting was to continue, albeit. The three Salvians had already began escaping.

    "Well, Uruk, It seems we have a boat."

    "Yubyub!" Shouted the now apparently placid uruk.

    "Well, its all yours." Shouted Bjorn as he began departing from the ship.

    Qkadahfii removed his helmet and dropped his bludgeon, making his way towards the captains cabin and sat on one of the pine seats, cackling at his victory over the Salvians.

  5. Eet'r reemerged from his cave as the sun disappeared over the horizon and the silvery moon rays beamed down upon his hovel. He approached a poster and scratched his probably empty head, "Oi see 'alflens an' the loikes but wot does the bladdy pos'er say?" he muttered to himself, quickly losing interest of the poster and walking away.

    "Ug, bruddahz agh zkahin pinkiz ub deh pinki landz, uz Glogols hab hozh zlaves fer zayl. Zend ah berd tuh Nagg'Glogol ((nickofwar)) fer a hozh snaga.






    * The Picture of the Caliphess had a bold, black strike through the Image*


    "Deh Gurl, Luna Ith'ael, a hii twiggi: Futh-Huhndrehd Muunaz!"

    "Deh Uldie, Zuez Ith'ael, anuvah hii twiggi: Azh-Fuhzand muunaz!"

    "Deh zkahin Zalviuhn, mi nub knuwz hiz name, ah ztupeed pinki: Futh-Huhndrehd muunaz!"

    "Deh Pozh blu zkah, Kehliphezz Arabella, a zkahin pozh zkah: "H'-Fuhzand muunaz!"

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: HungrySumo


    How old are you?: 14 and 1/2


    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Of Course I am aware but as I am 14 this doesn't apply to me. ^.^


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): Nope, I am new!


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, of course, I like to read through the guides, rules and wiki (if the server has one) to gain knowledge about the server policies and lore prior to an application.


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The 'No destructive hacks' one. I agree with this rule the most solely because cheating isn't necessary, by using them it proves you rely on cheating to advance further into a game.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope!


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I was searching for a skin in google images (intended for a character of mine on another role play server) when I stumbled across a screenshot of a minecraft player wearing an interesting female skin. I clicked on the picture and read the title, it said: "Why playing an ugly woman in rp is better than playing a pretty one." This further drove me to click on the image in its enlarged state and sure enough it brought me to a LoTC forums thread.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is when someone takes up the role of an entirely different person to experience life during the past or future. (Or a totally fantasy world all together)


    What is metagaming?: Meta-gaming is highly frowned upon in many roleplay communities. It is the act of a player roleplaying beyond the set limit or environment set by the game/staff/superiors.  


    What is powergaming?:  Powergaming, or god-gaming, is another frowned upon strategy used by usually inexperienced roleplayers to increase the 'pluses' within roleplay. For example:

    Jimmy insults Johnny

    Johnny draws his sword, round house kicks Jimmy while tipping his cowboy hat and finally slicing Jimmy's head off.

    Jimmy comes back to life and nukes Johnny.


    THE END.


    Whereas this is extreme powergaming, it is powergaming nonetheless.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Falmo Riyver

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Halfling

    Character’s age: 21

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Falmo was brought into this world on an incredibly hot and sunny day , it was if the mortals' superiors knew of the birth of a child. Falmo lead a very normal life, he loved to run and climb and play

    just like every other boy his age. He wasn't particularly bad as child but mischievous and became known as a bit of a prankster among his town. At the age of five is grandfather began teaching him basic mathematics and literature. After five years of his grandfather teaching him, Falmo's father brought him to work in the barely fields. The labor was back-wrenching and he absolutely despised the work. As his life progressed the events occurring around him began to mold is personality. It became all too clear he inherited his father's medium-fused temper and his mothers caring, gentle qualities. During his teenage years he discovered his love for baking, cooking and brewing after his mother showed him how to stir-up a few simple dishes. Thus, his first enjoyable job became being the cook of a local tavern and inn. After six succeeding years he knew it was time to move on, he packed his possessions and set off, leaving his parent in dismay.


    Falmo's Journey

    Falmo packed his bag readying himself for departure. He looked around at the bare, empty room. He was surprised to be leaving his family homestead after twenty-one years of living in it, it quite simply broke his heart. He shuffled down the long hallway until he reached the door, Falmo took one last look back and grimaced opening it. His father was on the gritty path readying a pure white steed for his son. His mother, on the other hand, was locked in her bedroom sobbing uncontrollably not be able to grasp the fact that one of her off-spring was about to leave. He slung his bag over his shoulder and tugged at the door handle until the daylight beamed through the open door-way. He trudged towards the steed, his father was there to greet him and  bid him farewell. Falmo jumped onto the pony and tightened the reins before slapping the horse on the side of the chest. The wind whipped through his brown locks as the horse ran down the gravel path. He took one last look back, only to see his sobbing mother through a window and his father smoking from his pipe and waving goodbye.


    Personality Traits: He, like his father, can be very thoughtful and kind but once shaken the once beautiful forest becomes a volcano ready to erupt into a fiery, hot-headed beast.


    Ambitions: He's always wanted to be a burrower and has a small amount of knowledge on burrowing as he his grandfather was a burrower. He in the end became a cook, a very skilled cook.


    Strengths/Talents: He lacks muscle in his core and chest but packs a lot in his legs due to his love of running. He's a very fast runner and it isn't rare to see him have an early morning  jog.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He despises violence and fighting so I guess a weakness of his is the ability to fend for himself.


    Appearance: Weight - 48 kg (the same as an average 12 year old boy) Height - 1.22 m (Or around 4ft for you Americans) He has two beady eyes and a particularly large nose, just like his father and grandfather.


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):



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