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About runjumpjog

  • Birthday April 10

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Erlan Fier | Nasser
  • Character Race
    High Elf | Farfolk

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  1. runjumpjog


    Was born in a fairly small town in Aegis there weren't very many other Adunians living there at that time. His parents had lived and had they're first daughter in Al'lldic until the undead invasion occured. His parents were very kind people so his siblings and himself got away with many small adventurs most of them he disliked. When he was about 8 his siblings went off to "explore" but it was late so he decided not to go, and when they got back his second oldest sister the one he was closest to named matea had become partially paralyzed due to her getting to close to a dangerous flower called rai'jum, she died several years later due to the paralysis. He lived there until his sisters death, then he left home to travel and bring joy to all he can by playing music. He had 2 older sisters and one younger one plus a baby brother, he was closest to his second oldest sister but adored his brother. He didn't ever really have friends outside of his family and he never had the chance to see his grandparents because they were killed in the undead invasion, the only one of his siblings that did get to see them as his oldest but she was too young to remember. They had 2 pets growing up a flying snake named artis and a bat mole named rastier he was not particularly fond of either of them.
  2. runjumpjog


    Born in an encampment of slaves, my family was then set free from they're bonds, we tried several times to settle down in small tows but never could quite get settled in. I only ever had one friend and I met her during our enslavement, she was a fellow halfling. My family consisted of me my mother my father, an older brother and a younger one. I secretly yearn to find my childhood friend but don't admit that to anyone not even myself.
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