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Everything posted by BongoCat

  1. BongoCat


    OmiCat [CA]- Donais Iheiuhii'ame Donais Iheiuhii'ame was born to a family of a Dark elf and Goblin woman. Who lived on the outskirts of Yong Ping long ago. They lived a remote life, Donais not having much outside communication due to her parents fearing others finding her appearance off or terrifying. When Donais was a young girl her father taught her arts, such as painting, and fine arts of dark elf culture. While her mother on the other hand taught her the art of archery and war. Donais grasped more of her father's soft gentle views- but was prone to goblin orcish temper tantrums. When she was 15 her father decided to begin to teach her how to read- her mother didn't really like the idea of it, wishing she would learn more about how to operate a battle scene than by reading books on medical guides culture, etc. After she had reached 20 she made her way over to Norland to start her new life. She was not too sure on if she would ever return to her parents or not, but she was determined to learn how to live amongst people and learn more about unique cultures- wishing to expand on her world knowledge and culture aprication- as well as wanting to become a medic.
  2. OmiCat:

    Ive not been on lotc in some time, and i rarely have much time to play but lately ive found myself having random free time...so I figured why not. :)


    Edited by BongoCat
    1. ronin_champloo


      Make sure to enjoy your time here! : )

  3. BongoCat


    Kore was a beautiful high elf born in Haelun’or by a high elf woman and male who both were heavy users of magic. They often when not using magic spend their time healing and teaching More of these things. Though due to the bad name of magic in some places, they forbid her from using magic unless she had a teacher to provide safe lessons. Until Kore was 18, many things in life were simple. She would study until her eyes crossed and cleaned and cooked dinner for her family before going to bed too awake the next morning. Though one night, she woke up to herself and her family kidnapped by bandits, her mother used her magic to free her telling her to run as far as she could and not look back. That night she never could forget and as she stumbled through the forest wounded for a few days she found herself at the gates of Elysium, nervous but too hungry to turn around.

    Omylia <3


    Edited by BongoCat
  5. BongoCat


    Omylia was a young human born into the city of Kingdom of Providence she was born into a noble family. Her parents adored her but Omylia did not love the noble life. Omylia, in fear of her future being controlled by others, had fled onto a boat. The ship crashed mid way to the farthest island, she floated on driftwood to shore, the trama struck her head and rid her of her memories. She now travels looking around trying to remember who she once was.
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