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Everything posted by Bal

  1. I hope I get in, I've never rpd in Minecraft before.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bal


      do you know how long it usually takes to get the application "Checked" though?

    3. Lickspittle


      Usually 1-2 days, to get accepted is usually the same time if you're online when it's reviewed!

    4. Bal


      Oh cool! I hope I get accepted and not pending, cause I don't want to wait 24 more hours lol


      Edited by Bal
  2. I don't know if my application went trough or not... but I really hope it did!


    1. ImCookiie


      It did! Best of luck.

    2. Bal


      Thank you so much!

  3. Bal


    When born, Bal's family lived in poverty. They were greatly affected by the "Daylight savings" and "The Rimetroll War" by being stolen from, moved out of Haense and by housing soldiers. Bal's mother washed clothes and garments for very little money at all, while also watching her child. Bal's father was a former adventurer but his health and charm had both withered away... As a young boy Bal learned the most important lesson of life: Kill or be Killed. Bal tried providing income for his family the moment he turned 14. For 3 years Bal worked as a weapon smith's assistant forging rapiers, shields, and occasionally small daggers. Bal helped his family barely scrape by. At 17, the weapon smith Bal worked for, Mr. Rein, left his town without a word. He was presumed dead, or kidnapped, but Bal knew he had ran from his problems and debt. Once Bal turned 18 his mother offered him all her savings and insisted he started a new life "You're a man now" his mother said "Be a brave one". But Bal refused, he knew his family couldn't handle without him. Up until 21 Bal lived with his family, until he was out one day going to find the cheapest market he could, marauders came. They robbed him, beat him, and tortured him. Bal was hung on a 120 foot cliff, overseeing a lake held by a flimsy rope for 32 hours. Bal was in a coma-like state for 8 months after that, he was unable to speak, move, or work. Bal watched his family as they declined into the worst state they ever were at, losing their run down shack, his mother's job, and even his father's life... Bal's father was in search of "The Talus Grove" to find a powerful druid to help his son, but was killed to a pitfall trap set by hunters. When Bal could move again he barely ever spoke. His mother didn't know if he couldn't or just didn't want to. Bal moved out of his house at 24 after his mother was moved to a poor house. For 2 years Bal was alone, never seeing another living thing. He lived on the streets and was utterly... alone... As a side note, I could not refer to the amount of lore I wanted to because when I went to the WIKI link it took me to an ERROR 404 page. I am sincerely sorry and I hope this won't affect my chance of being Accepted! Thank you so much for understanding!!
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