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    Wood Elf

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  1. tryaegean


    Born and raised in Elvenesse, Iovis grew to love nature like most wood elves. Iovis had two loving parents, but grew up being a bit reserved due to him being an only child. His mother, Ariadne, was a talented archer and passed the skill onto her son. His father, Aegon, was a scholar and passed down to his son his love of learning. Iovis learned everything he knows from his parents and continues to read and gain knowledge about places he hasn't been to but desires to explore. Iovis has a terrible fear of being on a boat because of the ever-present risk of drowning, which he has been terrified of for years. His fear sprouted from when he fell in a well at the age of 12 and was stuck inside of it for hours before getting out. Although having this fear of boats and drowning, Iovis is willing to do whatever it takes to explore the world around him.
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