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  1. Potatoes


    Eldrun was born in Siramenor to parents outside of a Wood Elven Seed. He kept to himself throughout his childhood, preferring to help at his father's market stall rather than play with the other Elven children. When the Matriarchy of Siramenor and the Principality of Aegrothond merged to form the Princedom of Elvenesse, Eldrun's parents were discontent with what they viewed as a watering down of Wood Elven culture. Thus, they packed their things and moved to an isolated cottage deep in the forest, where they lived for a number of years hunting and gathering. There they practiced the Wild Faith at its most base form, revering Cernunnos in a small shrine at the base of a great flowering hawthorn. When Eldrun reached the age of maturity, he set off from his parent's cottage to begin exploring the world. He started by travelling north, past the Warnation of Krug, and eventually ending up in the Kingdom of Norland. From there he travelled east to the Kingdom of Haense before finding himself lost deep in the wilderness. He travelled through the woods for a number of years, though now he seeks to emerge and rejoin society.
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