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  1. Kobint stared at the letter for a while “from William! I haven’t heard from him in a long time” He paused, trying his best to decipher the words on the paper other than his old friend’s name. He tried and tried but he just couldn’t read it. Kobint smiled in a blissful ignorance “I can’t wait to see him again, I hope he can come to the wedding” kobint said to himself. He paused to think for a molment “maybe peralien can read it for me” He walked off, staring gleefully towards the sun, waiting to visit a friend who he would never see again.
  2. Validnemetrix


    kobint was born within a forest, in a cottage within a small clearing. all he had was his parrents, and knew no other elves. One day, he wanted to go exploring, past his house and the pond of ducks nearby. Eventually he did. He saw a fleeing peasant, a victim of the invasion by the atheran barbarians, who walked a few steps until colapsing due to major blood loss. He saw this when he was six, the first person he saw died almost emedietly. He ran back to his house and checked if there was someone behind him. there was not, but this caused him to crash into the wooden support beam of his cottage, causing thatch to fall out. a day later his father told him to watch over the livestock, and that he would fix the house. but, Kobint noticed a butterfly, and began to chase it, not looking where he was going. he bumped into a sheep which scared it so it ran, hitting the ladder and causing his father to fall to his demise.
  3. Validnemetrix


    I am really bad at writing and do not know how to write a biography, sorry.
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