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Posts posted by subatomic

  1. Markus Mudd read the missive with a disappointed face. "Man." said the Mudd as he began eyeing down his materials. "Urguan is indeed digging themselves a deeper hole every day." He then threw the paper outside into an icy lake.

  2. Markus Mudd read the missive in his manly polar bear fur-coated throne. He sighed and jolted his head towards the northern sky, embracing the cold air. He then stroked his beard and looked back down at the text. A quiet laugh escaped the mouth of the mercenary before turning towards his brother, a faint sentence escaped his mouth. "That's crazy."

  3. 1 hour ago, Samler said:

    So what I am seeing here is a way to make 1 potion into 4 potions. Also not entirely sure how you would be able to extract part of a blast potion into these arrows as to my knowledge, opening the potion would cause it to go BOOM. Personally, I wouldn't had minded as much if it remained 1 potion = 1 arrow and purely being a delivery method for the potion.

    Or you could just make the potion in the glass arrow

  4. The Brawm Mercenary read the missive about Krugmar and the Jindles. He then started to write a note to his brother with pristine handwriting and sent it off. He watched as the bird flew away in his keep and let out a loud sigh before saying to himself, "My brother was dropped as a child and hit his head. This is unbelievable! I told him NOT to join this damn Jindle bandit group and he still does! This is such a letdown to our family. Vaughn would be ashamed, and so would our predecessors." Said the Mudd. He then walked back inside, sighing even louder.

  5. 3 minutes ago, aiden0023 said:

    @acre tell your fleepers to leave me and my family the **** alone and stop doxxing me. You really can’t leave me alone and you had to dox the current address that I had just moved to last week, my parents’ info, my dad’s place of work, and my grandmother’s info. 


    This is the craziest drama on the Lord of the Craft network.......

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