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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Falael Dakath
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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  1. HusHadie


    Falael's story was tragic even before he came to this world: his grandparents fled battle during the war of Ironwood, bringing Falael's family in disgrace and his parents into deep poverty; forcing them to sell him in order to feed his younger brothers and Falael, only at the age of 10, found himself alone in a slavecamp in some remote mountain in Arcas. Due to his particoular skin tone and overall ahestetic, his owners always saw him as a "precious specimen" wich wasnt actually good at all, as he was isolated from his similars and left alone with the repressed pigs who ran the place, where hed get abused in various manners, mainly trough physical harm. That was his youth up untill the day hes been bought by a group of wealthy sisters and finally departed from the slavecamp, onto their to this date unkown business. Days of travel later, his convoy stopped on the side of a mountain to camp with another group of caravans they met along the way; the group was led by a young alchemist who, after seeing Falael during diner, bought him after payng more than double the starting offer. That man ended up taking the role of an adoptive human father for him; He brought him home almost as he was a newborn,mended his wounds,healed his mind and gave him a privileged treatment by privately schooling him. Falael quickly became a free and indipendant young Elf, almost recovered from the burden of his past. though now, his young father now grows older and older and his brothers lazier and lazier. Abd Falael quickly realized that his father wont be much longer for this world, at least, not for an Elf such as him. So he decides to get out the comfortable walls of his studio and head onto the lands where his race today thrives, in search for new technologies and his long lost roots. So that he one day could come back home with refound virtue and repay his father for the huge investment he paid the day they met, filling him with pride before his time runs out.
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