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Posts posted by SlitheryC1

  1. dripstone and it's variants, water if possible, blackstone and it's variants, tuff, raw iron/copper/gold as those are often used in place of regular rocks, all flowers since you can get them from CT pretty easily and are considered natural, and lastly logs + woods (woods are logs but with bark on all faces) for trees.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Slith Cobbett


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gregorious Roa


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Slith Cobbett


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Tawkins (Further Alchemy)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. 13 minutes ago, Dont_Advertise said:

    There's literally no reason that Pale Knight murderhobos should realistically be allowed to exist.

    There's literally no reason that Azdromoth should realistically be allowed to fly, he's too fat


    Tldr: You want RP quality, not armor nerfs. Not an issue as far as I've seen.

    armors good as is, and i think implementing a new 'system' for armor would be tedious. When people complain about plate armor, in my experience its always been because of people who rp it poorly. You don't want plate armor to be nerfed, you want to have a fair fight.
    changing movement would also be far too much of a detriment to use plate armor- that should only be reserved for especially heavy sets like carabrum or stone blood magic armors which we do already have. Then again I haven't really come across toxic crpers who 'abuse' heavy armor.

    Ranged Weapons
    Tldr: Range builds are fine, just use the right tool for the right job. Bows don't work on everything just like how maces or axes don't.

    ranged weapons don't have much of an issue either, they are pretty decent and throwing weapons have potential to be very good against all sorts of armored opponents. We don't need to add full on crossbows/bows to that list since some can already punch through certain types of armor. Being shot at by a crossbow hurts and will probably push you when you are in plate armor, even if it does no immediate damage. Even then- use a SLING (ranged blunt damage, only fell out of use IRL because it's hard to use- not because it's ineffective) or BOLAS (wraps around a target, ensnaring them usually) or another ranged weapon that takes advantage of the fact that the target is armored.
    You wouldn't want to use a mace against an unarmored target, for example. It might damage them still, but an axe or something sharp would work better.

    Balancing Schizophrenia
    Tldr: I don't think the issue exists. Magic is just strong, and makes rangers look weak.

    the magic crp meta is definitely having an impact on these things though, pretty much every voidal mage minmaxxes their magics nowadays. why shoot arrows when you can yeet explosive fireballs, throw three warhammer-force spikes at arrow speed, spam air sweep/air evo spells to stun lock, summon 3 200-pound pets to maul their enemies, or teleport anywhere in sight. It isn't that ranger builds are weak, magic is just... really strong. Rangers/Throwing Weapon spammers are the only mundane semi-counter to them with their on average faster attack speed increasing their odds of interrupting a cast, but only if they don't have translocation or arent a scion (which they will have, if they are confident in fighting)- and interrupting a cast sometimes doesn't even expend mana in certain situations, making it only a small mistake on the mage's part rather than an actual blunder.
    Therefor i don't think this issue exists, mages are just jacked as heck man.
    If I struggled for 5 seconds trying to open a pickle jar, then watched a video of someone doing it in 1 i'd think i'd have weak hands too. Same applies to archers to mages- it takes a lot more effort for an archer to take down an armored foe compared to say, a walking talking M121A3 Commando mortor.

  6. powermancy lets fuckin gooooooooooooooooooo

    completely agree with Unwillingly, & maybe add some more flavor non-combat spells or traits. Give it a distinct identity other than 'ranger that shoot good'. Maybe you could go for a wendigo-like appearance, & as they go through the tiers these effects intensify? Think that'd be perfect for a fantasy-forest-magic-hunter instead of just a list of mental side effects & forced personality traits, & gives freedom for people to completely delve into it and possibly go 'evil'. To prevent this from being forced, give them the option of when to stop advancing in the Magic.

    Speaking of mental side effects, a desire to have a carnivorous diet would also fit well, and give freedom to the MA/FA holder on what kind of vibe they want with their hunter alongside any other flavorful, specific traits you might have in mind. Again, these effects could intensify as the person dives deeper and deeper and gains tiers- making an interesting story for both the person with the MA and those who IRPly know the MA user.

    Lastly, Camouflage the spell is literally just an Adunic-Alchemy Bowie Cloak but magic. Maybe get rid of that one.

  7. 8 minutes ago, PrimnyaQuorum said:

    On mobile so phone formatting ):

    The Neuoroum treatment doesn’t quite make sense - Arcana View is incapable of telling what specific magic is present or how much, only that magic is present or not in a very binary sense. I don’t see why it being treated onto a animii prosthetic or automaton somehow makes it more adept than its base form as a potion. Otherwise - very neat addition. I think it’s a nice way to give Animii things “senses” that can still be considered objectively inferior and still fun to RP with. 

    Thanks for your feedback! I tried to use magegold as the base metal to try sort of explain how the metal is superior to it's mundane glass equivalent, while leaving it vague enough for player interpretation on how the specifics of it work. If you have a suggestion to fix it up, please dm me on discord and i'll work with it.

  8. - Animatii Addition -
    Automaton ‘Nervous Systems’

    An Ingot of Photite, ready to be worked!

    Treating Cat’s Eye, Heat Sight, & Arcana Flow to certain metals allows the heightening of touch for Animatii-based Prosthetics & Automatons. Due to the limitations on what metals are able to take on properties from the potions below, it’s often worked into a thin mesh to wrap the plates of the automaton or construct- though making an automaton’s plating out of these metals entirely is possible. These materials will work so long as it’s somehow connected to a Gearheart or Intelligence Module, often in the form of wiring in a manner that crudely mimics the nervous system.

    General Usage

    These metals must be implemented in an Automaton machine or prosthetic to serve their function by being wired to the Gearheart/Intelligence Module in some manner. While implementing them on smaller automaton devices is possible, they require an external means of communicating their state in order to be useful like an automaton's voicebox alongside being linked to a Gearheart or Intelligence Module. The potency of the Intelligence Module may also limit how much the device can communicate, following the official Animatii post's Tier system. 

    They also must be exposed in some manner to work, meaning clothing or armor will impede a construct’s or prosthetic’s ability to feel much like a regular person nor can they be placed on the interior of a construct’s plating to feel things outside. It may be necessary to run a wire along the interior of the craft, however, to link up with the Gearheart or Intelligence Module.

    They also share their parent metal’s weight and durability, making Neuroum the weakest given it’s magegold base, & Photite Metal the toughest of the three being mainly composed of nickel.

    The creation of these metals is a simple process- simply heat up the metal once you have made it into a part that is suitable and quench it in its corresponding potion- letting it sit there for a narrative day. Reforging is possible, but will follow standard reforging rules found in the Official Material Compendium. Colorstone may also be added to dye it, though must be applied prior to quenching. A single potion’s worth of Cat’s Eye/Heat Sight/Arcana Flow will be enough to make a single limb’s worth of metal. If worked into a mesh, one potion’s worth can be used to cover an entire automaton. If used on T1-T2 Automatons, it can be used on up to 4 separate creations.


    - 1 potion’s worth of Cat’s Eye, Heat Sight, or Arcana Flow will be enough to make 1 automaton limb’s worth of plating/wiring. If worked purely into a mesh, it may be used to cover a full automaton. If used on T1-T2 Automatons, 1 potion can be enough to be used in 4 separate constructs EXCLUDING prosthetics.
    - Requires an active Alchemy FA to be made, and an active Animatii Smithing FA to be applied to an automaton.

    - It can exist on it's own, but must be soldered to an automaton's functioning gearheart or intelligence module in order to work. Otherwise they are just expensive variants of their base materials.
    - If any potions used in the creation process are shelved, the corresponding metal will no longer be able to be forged.

    Photite - Photosensitive Metal [Common]
    Nickel quenched in Cat’s Eye Potion - (Light-Dependant Touch)



    Appearance - A green-tinted metal, especially lustrous and reflective. Beyond those two properties, it shares many similarities with refined Nickel.

    Usage - Automatons/Prosthetics with this metal implemented will feel what surfaces of the mesh are exposed to light, and how they are shaped. If they are making contact with something, and light cannot go through opaque objects, it will thus trip the metal's detection. This effect is rendered null if the environment they are in is pitch black or incredibly bright from all angles as there will be no differences of the metal to take note of. Funnily enough however, touching transparent or translucent objects- which light can pass through- will not trigger any sensation for the Automaton. An example would be a glass cup, or an Anorum ingot.
    Can be used to IRPly represent ‘Daylight Sensor’ blocks in builds, and can be similarly used in automatons/animatii gadgets to perform a certain task should a light-based condition be met. For example, a pet construct or gadget automatically lighting a lantern built into itself without having to be commanded to do so the moment it enters a dark cave.


    - Must be attached to an Automaton’s Gearheart or Intelligence Module in order to be functional. You cannot simply hold an ingot of the stuff in your hand and expect results.
    - Overlapping meshes or materials with Thermaldite or Neuroum will not be decipherable for the automaton product/construct, leaving it only confused like a calculator being given an invalid input if it is on the same limb/item.
    - Has the same durability as mundane Nickel- roughly around, if a bit lesser than ferrum strength.
    - Player Signed, COMMON.

    Thermaldite - Thermosensitive Alloy [Common]
    Bronze quenched in Heat Sight Potion (Temperature, Heat-Dependant Touch)



    Appearance - A deep red in coloration, Thermaldite seems to constantly pull tiny amounts of moisture towards it- faint wisps of humidity flowing around it should one check closer.

    Usage - Effectively allows the Automaton or user of the prosthetic to tell whether or not surrounding temperatures are ‘hotter’ or ‘colder’, using the Alloy’s current temperature as the base- but not by how much making it inferior to regular flesh/neurons in this regard. If the metal is actively cooling down from room temperature thanks to being stuck into icy waters, then the affected prosthetic or mesh will feel faintly cold to the person or automaton using it. Meanwhile, if an automaton sits in a volcanic area for long enough they will not feel the ‘heat’, as the Alloy would eventually reach the same temperature as the environment they sit in- giving no significant difference for the alloy to pick up.


    - Must be attached to an Automaton’s Gearheart or Intelligence Module in order to be interpreted. You cannot simply hold an ingot of the stuff in your hand and expect results.
    - The moisture is negligible in both potency and amount to be used in any manner. It is simply a means of identifying the metal.
    - Overlapping meshes or materials with Photite or Neuroum will not be decipherable for the automaton product/construct, leaving it only confused like a calculator being given an invalid input if it is on the same limb/item.
    - Has the same durability as bronze- comparable to slayersteel.
    - Player Signed, COMMON.

    Neuroum - Neuro-sensitive Composite [Rare]
    Magegold quenched in Arcana Flow Potion (Magic-Dependant Touch)



    Appearance - Effectively looks like purple aurum, occasionally glistening from time to time thanks to the mana absorbed by the magegold that was originally present in the Arcana Flow.

    Usage - Lets the user feel active mana in the objects the metal physically touches, so long as it’s held by the construct/prosthetic for [3] emotes and focused on. If undisturbed, the potency (Tier) of the enchantment will be revealed alongside the fact that it has an arcane presence, though nothing further. A T1 (or weaker) enchantment may faintly hum, but a T5 may give off a pulsating sensation. Anything more may cause 'pain' to the Automaton, the potency of the pain dependent on Event Team/the Owner. This metal cannot work on spells themselves, only the source of the enchantment/spell at play. If worked into a mesh/wire to cover an automaton's plating it will render the metal too impotent to function for detection- forcing a section of plating of the automaton to be made of the metal in order to be used. If the plating is damaged significantly, it will be rendered inert and requires repair.


    - Must be attached to an Automaton’s Gearheart or Intelligence Module in order to be interpreted. You cannot simply hold an ingot of the stuff in your hand and expect results.
    - Only tells you the potency (Tier) of a magic, not what category the magic belongs to.
    - The pain of feeling a magic greater than T5 is purely mental, and will not cause physical harm or damage Neuroum.
    - Must make contact with the source or enchanted item itself in order to work for passive spells, not the spell itself.
    - Overlapping meshes or materials with Photite or Thermaldite will not be decipherable for the automaton product/construct, leaving it only confused like a calculator being given an invalid input if it is on the same limb/item.
    - Has the same durability as gold, being delicate in comparison to superior metals.

    - Cannot be made into a mesh unlike Photite or Thermaldite in order to feel- it must be a form of plating in order to be used. Wiring of Neuroum is still possible for the sake of linking to the Gearheart/Intelligence Module.
    - Plating will be broken and rendered unusable in [1] blunt strike, or [2] piercing/slashing strikes.
    - If for whatever reason Magegold is shelved, regular gold will take it's place- though it will lose any darkspawn-slaying qualities once treated.

    - ST Signed, RARE.

    OOC Reasoning


    There's just too many things that rely on the whacky properties of lifeblood. This minor issue makes automatons and automaton smithing feel more akin to a magic rather than the fantasy-science niche meant to be filled by Alchemy & it’s subcategories. This is to give more interesting avenues for an automaton to interpret touch rather than just have a ‘dull sensation’ of whatever they are touching, while avoiding to directly overwrite and nerfing all previously made automaton items to make them reliant on these materials. Another reason why I believe this would make a good addition beyond the fact that I made it is that it'd make automaton smithing closer to it's parent feat of base alchemy by including more ways to use potions to be implemented in automaton smithing rather than just lifeblood.

    Specific OOC Reasonings below:
    Photite - re-flavored automaton 'touch' that I think is just generally more interesting to roleplay, and displays the whole 'automaton parts are still inferior to flesh'. Also gives an easier means to IRPly explain certain redstone parts (ahem, Daylight Sensor)
    Thermadlite - Whereas Photite is automaton 'touch', this would be a crude imitation of a person's ability to feel heat- being inferior to flesh still by not specifically telling the user how significant of a difference the heat/cold is around them.
    Neuroum - Contrasts Arcana Flow's glass by requiring maintained touch, technically making it more difficult to use, but superior in information gathering by telling the user only what specific potency (thanks Prima) the magic is. I also made it rare as to nerf how much might normally be made, due to it's effects to avoid sudden mass-production.






    PrimaQuorum - Gave valuable input on Neuorum, suggested that it should test not the category of a magical item but rather the potency of the magic in it (tiers).

  9. Spoiler

    ((IGN: _Helmet_ ))
    ((Discord: DoinDahTing ))
    NAME: Pilli'jur
    AGE: 60 something
    RACIAL MAKEUP: Full Blooded Dark Elf
    DO YOU KEEP THE GLOOM: No but am willing to learn
    DO YOU SPEAK VEL'LUAH: No but am willing to learn

    A bald, earless, and fat nosed ker hummed for a while as he looked at the missive, looking down at their damaged half-plate and worn down crossbow with a nasally powered "Hurh... Perhaps, this will be better for us."

  10. 1. speed doesnt need to be reduced. Just emote exhaustion. Take breathers. this isn't a matter of balancing, this is a matter of RP quality.
    2. Arbalests, crank crossbows, bolases, pilum... just be creative when you try take down a tin can! You need not rework the system so you can shoot them like how you shoot anyone else. Different situations call for different solutions. It should also be noted that any drawbacks for non-magical things can also apply to magic attacks as well in certain situations, depending on the magic at hand.
    3. No. Just git gud or use throwables, lol

    On 5/6/2024 at 6:38 PM, sam33497 said:

    mfw you cant use a bow in melee range

    Do it anyways, coward
    go against the CRP meta

  11. A helmed man peeked at the missive, squinting at it for a moment. He muttered "Herb-man is makin moves again oi see... oi need more herbs," They eased into a bench upon the public, briefly crumbling some Sun's Shard and jamming it into the nose area of their helmet-hole. 


    After enjoying the euphoric sensation of the alchemical reagent being packed into their nose he stood, sketching a letter and delivering a note to  Stefan via hammering it onto the front door of the very tavern advertised before scuttling away, refusing to walk up to them in person and ask like a normal human being.


    Stefan. Need more herbs. Bird herb rates. You are very reliable. :goldstar:
    10 Athin
    15 Hiding Moss

    - S


  12. On 3/29/2024 at 10:05 PM, Diogen said:

    -The destruction of the pet's head results in an instant death.

    I think clarifying what a 'head' is, is quite important. Some constructs might not even have a defined head- maybe use 'gearheart' instead, since it's needed to keep lifeblood pumping throughout the body?

    Other than that tight post dio, +1

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Slith Cobbett


    Character's Age:

             Dudes old man, take my word for it


    Character's Race:

             A descendant :thumbsup:


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Animii (Science-Magic Robots)


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    as a tldr: Steampunk robotics except they aren't actually steam powered at all, and instead are powered by a little bit of magic alchemical gunk we call 'lifeblood'.

    in the long, it takes alchemy and makes it slightly more sciencey by letting you do more than make hair dye for your colleagues for 50 minas a pop.
    with it, you can make all sorts of things!
    Specifically prosthetics, full creatures of varying intelligence, little gadgets and gizmos that are 99.9% of the time noncombative, and a way to circumvent death irply if you are okay with the pk clause that comes with it.
    Of course, you'll need T3 in regular alchemy before being able to learn this stuff, so... do that first!
    Automatons and Animii creations in general have 5 core components. These components are VITAL to an automaton's structure.
    1. The skeletal frame, used to give all the parts that will go on top of it a foundation to sit on.
    2. Pulley systems, granting the automaton the ability to move or bend.
    3. Lifeblood Vessels, to carry the mystical lifeblood around the automaton's body.
    4. A gearheart! This is a little artificial organ that needs a gemstone covered in or infused with redstone, & a means of pumping lifeblood along the lifeblood vessels often in the form of some leather sacks & gears. There is a miniature version as well for simpler constructs, and will often be the first gearheart a student will assemble.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Organs (or Modules, as the lore post likes to call them) are something most automatons, regardless of their complexity need- though higher tier automatons may need more to work well, but unlike the 'core components' are not actually required in an automaton for it to function.

    These are split into: Intelligence Vessels (Leather treated lifeblood wrapped into the shape of a brain, more bends & wrinkles = more smarts. Maxxed out at a regular descendant's intelligence), Visual Module (Glass ball filled with lifeblood), Voice Module (noteblock device letting the creature speak in an instrumental or staticy voice), and Audio Modules (Leather treated lifeblood that lets the automaton hear).

    Obviously, all these organs must be hooked up to the Lifeblood Vessels within the automaton to function properly, and if the automaton is drained of said lifeblood these organs too will be rendered useless.
    Obedience Vessels aren’t really an organ, just a literal blood pact between the ‘owner’ and the construct being given the 20ml of blood which must belong to the owner in question. Machine Spirits are unable to be pacted, and automaton CAs must oocly agree.

    Meanwhile, Tiers serve as good ways to represent levels of complexity for story reasons irp, and help clearly establish limitations or boundaries in a mechanical sense.

    T1 consists of non-sentient inventions & very simple automaton prosthetics (arms, jaws, legs, etc). These are often little devices for flavor, and often require teeny gearhearts to work. I am aware that in the redlines it states that “arms and legs are T2, Lungs T3, and Voiceboxes T4” but this contradicts the lore within the T1 section so i’m sticking with T1’s lore.
    T2 are often sentient creatures that can be as large as at most a backpack- but unable to be used in combat. These also include devices which can perform simple tasks.
    T3 are between the size of a backpack & a golden retriever. These can be complete pets, but cannot be used to augment a person’s body in any way like how a prosthetic would. Their lifeblood bleeds out in 5 emotes should they be used and damaged in combat, and someone using them should refer to the pet/summons guidelines. Body parts are also broken in 2 blunt strikes.
    T4 are your mounts or automaton humanoid npcs. Very complex constructs and aren’t able to be used in combat, and cannot be used to relay information. The exception to this are mounts, which can only be used akin to a regular horse. Automatons in this tier need 8 emotes to bleed out, & 3 strikes on a component to break it.
    T5 are playable CAs! Either regular automatons or your machine spirits. These are effectively robot people, and can be modified with things that could logically fit within the automaton’s body. Automatons are capable of overclocking in a minor fashion or in a major fashion, minor resulting in a small temporary boost (+25% for 4 emotes) to an automaton’s physical capabilities at the expense of hindering themselves the moment it passes (-50% nerf until repaired), or in a major fashion resulting in a significant breakdown which exaggerates what occurs (+50% for 2 emotes, but goes inert when its over for the rest of the crp fight). Trying to overclock again without a repair inbetween will result in the automaton breaking entirely. Olog sized automatons can’t overclock. If a gearheart is damaged, the construct will go down & memories/personality traits developed may vanish while it is harmed- these sadly being permanent should the gearheart be entirely destroyed. This goes for all automatons, but is especially important for T5 automatons.
    Machine Spirits are compatible with most forms of magic except for genus based & deific magics due to the machine daemon’s hold upon their souls. Voidal magic still poisons the physical body, having to be repaired more often. It also takes 2 weeks to create a husk on your own, but it can be shortened down to 1 so long you have a friend to help you.
    Anything that doesn’t fit within any of the above categories or this one should be MArted, and any lesser inventions that are made should only be non-combative & mundane if not worthy of an MArt.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Creation of an Intelligence Vessel to be used in a construct.





    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] "Good morning, coward!" The helmed geezer kicked their own oak door in, stumbling into the workshop as they stared at his totally-willing apprentice. "Today we'll learn how to make an arm!" He cackled with glee, shambling to the alchemical workstand.

    "...What's that? Sorry, can't hear you over whats covering yer mouth." They nodded for a while as they rambled for some 'ingredients'. A bottle of lifeblood here, some metal plates & rods there... Before pausing. "Let's get started with the measurements, shall we?" They chimed, trotting over to the chair where he had tied the poor man down- freeing their arm and tightly gripping it. He proceeded to take some measurements if unimpeded, slowly bobbing his helm up and down before retying it again- walking over to the bench once more.

    [!] "First, we establish a skeleton-frame for the rest of the junk to sit on..." They hummed, grabbing at the ferrum rods & affixing hinges & joints & screws into place with their trusty chisel- making a rather primitive ferrum skeleton, following the measurements he just took from Billy. "There we are!" He cackled once more, rubbing his gloved hands together.

    "Time for the pulleys- wouldn't want your new arm to be motionless~!" They said with a merry tone, rurmmaging around in his spare parts crate to pull out a mish-mash of pulleys & ropes, the helmed man visibly eye-balling the measurements. Slowly but surely, they began to screw the pulley systems into place with nails & chisel, scratching at their ferrum chin as he granted movement to it. From the tiny digits to the mighty upper bicep. "Next... Er, lifeblood vessels- Don't worry, it's not made of real blood! You need these to carry the well, uh, life, through the arm!" He chortled again, turning to rummage around in that box of parts once more.

    [!] He pulled out quite a few leather cords & pipes,
     roughly gluing it to the skeleton between the pulley systems he had just established before using ferrum bracers to ensure the pipes would not wiggle about that much. After doing so, he reached into the box one more time to pull out a small strange organ. It looked like a brass box with two accordion sacks able to be pushed in and out embedded within it- a red 'star' of a gemstone glistening in the middle. "Ah, my favorite. The lesser gearheart! Can't put all that pressure on your heart, oh no no no." He wagged his finger at their 'test subject'.

    [!] "Lets put it in, shall we?" They laughed again, visibly taking pride & joy in their work- his helm's gaze lifting from the intricate wrist of the child-sized arm to the shoulder upon the very top. They 'plugged' it in to the lifeblood vessel systems which were already installed, gluing it to ensure a watertight-seal before using bracers of metal to hold it in place. "And now, for the finishing touches..." He chortled once more, moving to grab at the many ferrum plates he had scattered earlier on the table.

    [!] The helmed one started to slowly but surely bolt the plates onto the limb, careful not to impede the movement of the arm. He'd then start sanding down portions of the limb that were too crude or sharp till he was left with a metal piece which resembled your ordinary arm in shape!
     "See? It wasn't that hard!" He looked towards their test subject, cackling again. "Now, me bruddah..." Their helm began to focus on the glorified lab rat, slowly reaching over to their medical tools to gently pull out a bonesaw. "Let's see how it fits, yeah?"



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    the punishment's potency will depend on:

    - whether or not they knew they messed up or not

    - the severity of the crime (power armor BAD!!!)

    - if it was funny (their intentions behind the powergaming)

    Often I will give them a warning, then clarify/teach them the error of their ways.

    If enough warnings have been given out, or if too much tomfoolery is had at the expense of others I will request that their FA be snipped and vow to provide enough irp physical brain trauma to them to ensure lotc's global-story-timeline runs smoothly.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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