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Posts posted by Le_Psit

  1. In reply to this a note is pinned on the village board

    along with Apollyon's, Uncle's and Nemea's residence


    "The following residents are hereby summoned by the Sheriff

    in order to resolve this issue: Apollyon Snowell, Moth & Copper the Musin,

    King Patches of Babblebrook, Nemea and Uncle.

    You will be interviewed in order to record the incident.

    You have the right to remain silent and hire a lawyer when court begins.


    -Breasal Nimblefoot, current Sheriff of Dunwen."


    (OOC: Message me in dms when we can meet, along with what days & time you'll be available for court)

  2. 985000726_NimblefootCoA.thumb.png.b9d3c16d763d911ec8738932eb2f1a4d.png

    ꧁❁~A Nimblefoot Celebration~❁꧂


    "Lo' dear reader, if you have found this letter it means you have been invited to my birthday party!

    That's right, I Breasal Nimblefoot am celebrating my 100th birthday,

    a wonderful achievement that I wish to share with kind folks like yourself.

    Come and join me and my family on this celebration of ours.

    There will be lots of drinking, dancing and games that I want to share with you.

    I hope to see you there and have a jolly good time.


    P.S. You don't need to bring any gifts, I have too much shite.

    ~ Breasal Nimblefoot"


    Invitations are scattered throughout Dunwen, Babblebrook,

    Kabestan, Brabant and Valenza


    Special invitations are sent to:

    Tuzic Mossborn and his clan The Mossborns and all Dwed of Urguan,


    Queen Tar-Caraneth of Numendil and her family and all Adunians of Numendil


    Rex Grommash & Madoc'Lur of The Horde and all Orcs


    (OOC: Friday 23rd at 3pm EST in Dunwen)

  3. image.thumb.png.20269b2b04932e7fecfde2b025d6afaf.png


    *invitations are scattered throughout settlements in all of Aevos*


    "Eya hrads, 'tis Ae, Merwin the Fool.

    You have been invited to the 1st Gnomish Potluck in Dunwen!

    Where we will share food, drinks and stories along with great company.

    'Tis your opportunity to get to know the Gnomes of Dunwen.

    A great chance for all Gnomes to make their way and join our community.

    Be it Dunnfolk or Oblazeki, or even Hochens, everyone is welcome.

    So be sure to drop by, make sure you bring food to share with others.

    That is all for now, may the Thuvok and the Tsvetok bless you."

    - Merwin the Fool


    (OOC: event at 5pm EST on Saturday 10th in Dunwen, aka Halfling village)


  4. *notes are pinned all around Dunwen*


    "Lo' my fellow Weefolk, after many incidents regarding monsters, darkspawn and raiders in these times

    I am in the position to announce the 1st self-defense lesson in Dunwen.

    As per agreement in The Grand Moot,

    this will serve as a helpful lesson for citizens to defend themselves from danger.

    In this, we will begin with basic footwork alongside basic blocking and handling of shovels,

    training equipment will be provided for this lesson.

    It'll take place in the center, just outside the town hole.

    I hope to see you all there, as this will also help those who wish to start their adventuring careers."

    Sheriff Breasal Nimblefoot


    (OOC: tomorrow Saturday 3rd outside the town hole at 5pm EST)

  5. *notes are scattered throughout the Shirelands*

    To Kill a Beast


    [!] a drawing of the scene [!]

    "Lo' my fellow Weefolk and friends, it has come to my attention that a beast lurks within our lands.

    Jus a few days before, a body was found near the shore of our fields.

    After much research I concluded that it was no mere animal, but a beast!

    One that has been dubbed 'The Landshark Arkaknox'.

    It is my duty as Sheriff to take on this beast, but alas, together we stand as we have always done so.

    Any brave Weefolk or adventurer is welcomed to help in this endeavor.

    Join me, as we set off to slay this spawn of Arugula, curse her name!"


    (OOC: Tonight Thursday 25th at 5pm EST, meet up in the town center)

  6. Spoiler



    ~* A poem to Garedyn the Green *~


    Once upon a time, when legends where born
    Deep into the forests, a myth was forged
    Anbella's chosen, Nature serene
    A Dwarf, named Garedyn the Green


    Warrior by code, and Leader by heart
    Scholar in spirit, and in magical art
    No fiend could best him, the Dwarf so fair
    Axe in hand, his eyes would glare


    A Friend amongst Weefolk, King of Dwed
    Scourge of fiends, his fate would end
    He brought down the titan, the ground would quake
    Alas, for emeralds never break

  7. " I' cannae be..." Breasal said as he sat down onto a chair, such terrible news were too much for him "Garedyn my friend, ya who were the most 'onorable o' the Dwed, ya 'ave fallen into the e'ernal slumba'..." he'd then fill a cup of the best mead he had in his burrow "Tae ya Garedyn The Green, Kin' o' Dwed, Slaya' o' Evil.... tae ya ol' pal" he said as he poured the cup of mead outside his burrow "A 'ope ya're wa'c'in' o'er yar kin, we'll mee' again one day, fer noo res' yar weary soul" with that said, Breasal returned to his burrow and quickly grabbed pen and paper.

  8. *Breasal would be reading his newspaper in the morning as always "Ah righ', my favori'e newspapa'. Le's see wha's goin' on in Krugmar". As he read the newspaper his eyes would widen when it came to the Shaman lodge section; seeing a back profile of himself and his wife Mimosa. "A cannae believe i'..... A'M IN KAKTUZ WEEKLI!!! 'OLY SHI'E DEEEEAAAR!!!! GE' THE CAMERA WE'RE IN KAKTUZ WEEKLI!!!" he said in excitement*

  9. *notes are scattered around Dunwen*

    "Lo' there folks, 'tis I, Breasal Nimblefoot again.

    Now that we're all on the same page regarding trading, I'm organizing a trading trip to the eastern nations.

    We'll be going to Lurin, Vortice, Norland and Aaun for trade (the latter two hopefully friendly), in a few days.

    So join me as we head out to barter and trade our goods!

    P.S. If all we get are minas from this then make sure to donate them fer The Shire!"


    (OOC: Thursday 11th Jan 5pm EST, we meet outside the Town Hole and head out)

  10. ~* Halfling Spiritualism *~ 




    Halfling Spiritualism differs in that Halflings don’t worship spirits the same way they do with Knox or Billy Bob. Instead, Halfling spirits are considered living forces of certain characteristics and aspects. For example, merrymaking is a positive aspect of everyday life, as such the spirit of merrymaking isn’t a certain person but the force of merrymaking itself. As such, one doesn’t necessarily pray to the spirit of merrymaking, but invokes it with feasts and festivals. Using even more simple terms, one doesn’t need to pray to the spirit of foxes, just by having a symbol of a fox is enough to invoke and respect it. 


    History of Halfling Spiritualism: 



    It is uncertain when exactly did Spiritualism begin to be practiced by Halflings, or who introduced it, though through oral tradition it was around the time of Dunshire. Looking at just a few written records, we know the names of the spirits and how they were invoked, using everyday words in that time; in simple terms the names of these spirits are what they represent. Since then it has been an accepted faith within Halfling society, with some individuals building dedicated shrines to certain spirits. In more recent years, new spirits and notable individuals have appeared, becoming new additions to the list. 


    Traditions and Worship: 




    The way Halflings worship the spirits is the same as you would find in other Spiritualist societies, with shrines, offerings etc. The historical word for Spiritualism is ‘Gāstsiden’ and ‘gāstberend’ for shaman. When praying to a spirit it is imperative that devotees utter the word Lup, as it is the proper way to do so. Sermons and religious festivals are also held in order to appease them. The act of the will of the spirits is slightly different, instead of actively doing tasks i.e. going on a hunt in order to appease to the spirit of it, Halflings simply try to uphold what the spirits represent. Sacrifices vary from individual followers, most Halflings tend to use food, booze and pipeweed as offerings, with some offering mina as a way to get rid of them. One tradition that some Halflings do, in order to appease to specific spirits, is to decorate their homes or certain items with motifs of that spirit


    Major Halfling deities: 

    These are the gods Halflings may worship daily 


    Billy Bob, The Great Farmer


    (note: this is how Halflings view Billy Bob) 

    He is considered the creator of the world and of every descedant race [3.1] 


    Lord Knox, The Pumpkin Lord 


    Created by Billy Bob, he is the guardian of the Halfling race [3.2] 


    Arugula, The Squid Monster 


    Created by Billy Bob, she is the destroyer of the Halfling race [4] 


    Halfling Animal Spirits: 

    These are the animals that are culturally significant and invoking their spirits brings good fortune 


    Fyxen the Fox 

    The fox spirit is said to bless Halflings with cleverness and stealth 



    Hara the Rabbit 

    The rabbit spirit is said to bless Halflings with fertility and agility 



    Frosc the Frog 

    The frog spirit is patron and guardian of Frogtoppia, he blesses Halflings with wisdom and good health 



    Apa the Ape 

    The ape spirit is said to bless Halflings with dexterity and athleticism 



    Yrchoun the Hedgehog 

    The hedgehog spirit is said to bless Halflings with fortitude and protection 



    Brocc the Badger 

    The badger spirit is said to bless Halflings with strength and ferocity 



    Halfling good spirits: 

    These are the spirits that represent positive traits and aspects in everyday life 


    Geþoftræden, Companionship 

    A male Halfling whose manners are always friendly, he is present when friends have fun and help each other, or when a Halfling does the same with a stranger 



    Friðu, Safety & Peace 

    A female Halfling dressed as a Sheriff, she is present when Halflings de-escalate dangerous situations or form peaceful alliances 



    Gefére, Community 

    A female Halfling with good manners, she is present when Halflings work together and support each other 



    Worian, Adventuring 

    A male Halfling dressed in armor wielding a shovel riding a farm pig as mount, he is present when Halflings go onto adventures in familiar and unfamiliar places 



    Drieman, Merrymaking 

    A male Halfling carrying wooden mugs and a barrel full of mead, he is present when Halflings party 



    Gerisene, Properness 

    A female Halfling of humble demeanor, she is present when Halflings uphold their traditions properly 



    Gecynd, Nature 

    A female Halfling Shaman, she is nature itself and is present when Halflings plant new life and take care of their natural environment 



    Bebaþian, Hygiene 

    A male Halfling in formal clothing, he is present when Halflings clean and take care of themselves and their homes 



    Drēmode & Pibmala, Music & Song 

    Two Halflings, a male and female respectively, they are present when Halflings compose and perform music 



    Halfling bad spirits: 

    These are the spirits that represent negative traits and aspects in everyday life 


    Bestelan, Thievery 

    A male Halfling dressed in leather armor and cloak, he is present when Halflings steal from others for their individualist gain 



    Ungerisene, Improperness 

    A female Halfling dressed in biggun clothing, she is the twin sister of Gerisene and is present when Halflings act like bigguns 



    Pugsē, Betrayal 

    A male Halfling coverred in scars and bruise marks, he is present when Halflings betray each other and the community 



    Etolnes, Gluttony 

    A male Halfling who is obese, he is present when Halflings consume large amounts of food and drinks leaving nothing for their kin 



    Urith, Weaponry 

    A male Halfling clad in biggun armor riding a war pony, he carries a sword and is present when Halflings use biggun weapons for unnecessary violence 



    Filþu, Filth 

    A male Halfling with dirt and flies all over him, he is present when Halflings don’t take care of themselves or their homes 



    Halfling ancestor spirits: 

    Notable Halflings in history whom are still respected even today, though Halfling Druids are not part of the Ancestor Realm, they are still respected individuals 


    Kip Took, Len & Gimblo (founders and elders of the 1st Halfling village of Dunwood) 

    Petyr Brandybuck (introduced Druidism to Halflings and co-founded the Druidic Order) 

    Andwise Peregrin I (founder of Willow Hollow)  

    Elder Larry Shortoak & Mayor Berilac Weedsnatcher (cultural golden age leaders) 

    Rollo Applefoot (greatest leader in history)  

    Micah O’Connell (Thain after Rollo whose Thainship was marked with many festivals and parties) 

    Archdruid Harold Applefoot (accomplished Druid who was murdered)  

    Isalie Gardner (Thain of Brandybrook)  

    Filibert Applefoot (co-founder of Bloomerville and Knoxville)  

    Iris Peregrin (accomplished Mayor, Druid and Thain)  

    Greta Goodbarrel (accomplished politician and advocate for democracy) 

    Barbog’Yar (Goblin shaman who became an honorary Halfling and promoted learning and spiritualism) 



    [1] (https://www.deviantart.com/martith), art by Martith in Deviantart 

    [2] (https://www.deviantart.com/illahie/art/Mudpaw-8599486), art by Illahie in Deviantart 

    [3.1] & [3.2] (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/208632-a-story-of-creation/?tab=comments#comment-1886579), art by me 

    [4] (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/208653-a-story-of-destruction/?tab=comments#comment-1886747), art from the same post 

    (OOC: This is cultural lore, it does not change, add or remove anything from existing Spiritualism lore. This post was brought to you by the Halfling Lore team: mystery man, jumperhand3, takemetothefae, knightoftheroses, somersett, teawithsunny, salamandermoss, riorr, hanrahan and me. Special thanks to jihnyny, cosmiverse and sewer rat for helping out)

  11. *notes would be placed to every house in The Shire and its vassals*



    "My dear Weefolk and vassals of The Shire, many events have occurred ever since the war between bigguns has started. Many are concerned with what will happen next or how to respond to such times, as we all wish to live in peace. As such, my first action as elected Sheriff is to call a general Moot, so that we may stand united and continue our peaceful lives. I call out to you, residents of The Shire, and to you noble vassals; come forth and express your concerns. We shall gather in the town hole, date and time pending. May the Lord Knox bless and protect us."

    - Breasal Nimblefoot, newly elected Sheriff of Dunwen

  12. Spoiler


    Le_Psit 's 1st Spirit Pact: Laklul Lesser of Freygoth


    A damp endless swamp filled with a light mist is what I've awaken into.

    The spirit walk was successful and my teacher has brought me to the spirit world.

    Years ago I had visited this place as a faithful believer, now I walk upon a more spiritual path.

    As we waited for someone to appear, a loud croak was heard from the treetops, 'twas a Toalak!

    The beast spoke in the tongue of the spirits, it wanted to carry me so that I may meet its master.

    As I carefully mounted the beast's back, my teacher said: "Go forth, and I'll be with you in a moment".

    I nodded at my teacher's words and so the beast began leaping away into the swamp.

    After a short while we arrived at the base of an enormous pyramid.



    As I mounted off the beast's back, I thanked it in the tongue of the spirits and made my way atop the pyramid.

    There they sat, even more toalaks by the sides and in the center it was him; Laklul.



    "Come forth Breasal Nimblefoot!"

    Laklul spoke before me, as I made my way to present myself, I kneeled before him.

    "Your faithful believer has arrived Great Laklul" I said with respect.
    "I am aware, thus I sent one of my own to bring you to me. Speak, why have you come to me?"

    He asked with a loud deep voice.

    "Years ago you gave me a task, to expand your realm and your kin's population, I have done both"

    "Now I seek to make a deal with you, if you think I am worthy enough"

    I said to him with feelings of fear, respect and honor in my heart.

    Laklul  laughed with joy, I could tell by the sound.

    "Then a pact you seek before me? Indeed you are worthy and so it shall be"

    He said as he extended his finger.

    "Rise and shake my finger to seal the pact"

    And so I did, and with that it was all done, as the mist became thicker my teacher and I awakened.



  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Breasal Nimblefoot


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Shamanism, specifically Farseer


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  14. Spoiler



    ~* The Tournament of the Wee *~



    These upcoming pumpkin days we invite good folk of Braevos to our humble Shire for a merry time.

    There will be food and drinks for visitors as well for those who live in our lands.

    Three major games will be held at the tournament, these will be:


    1) Hog racing, contestants will ride hogs 'round the center

    2) Shogging, a good ol' fashioned shog competition will take place afterwards

    3) Drinking competition, lastly a drinking competition to see who's guts are stronger


    Each winner will get a trophy and this year's title of champion for each game respectively.

    If you want to participate, fill out the form bellow:

    (Note: you can only participate in one game!)


    RP Name:


    Participating in:


    We hope to see you all there!


    (OOC: event at 3pm EST on Tuesday the 21st)

  15. Are you looking to embark on a new and exciting character journey? Tired of the same old races and seeking something refreshingly unique?


    Well, we have an extraordinary opportunity just for you! Introducing the Shire of Dunwen: Your Gateway to Gnomish Adventures


    At the Shire of Dunwen, we invite you to step into the enchanting world of gnomes – those elusive and fascinating beings that bring a touch of magic to your role-playing experience on LOTC. If you've ever been curious about playing a gnome or are already enchanted by their charm, this is the perfect place for you. Our community offers a remarkable array of benefits and experiences that are bound to captivate you. Discover the Wonders of Gnomish Life:


    • Unique Character Traits: Gnomes on LOTC are unlike any other, with distinct characteristics that add depth and intrigue to your role-playing adventures. For a comprehensive guide on gnomes, check out our detailed guide to uncover everything you need to know about them. [1]


    • Home Sweet Home: As a member of our gnome community, you'll enjoy the comfort of free housing, providing you with a cozy and secure place to call home in the Shire of Dunwen.


    • Zero Taxes: That's right, you heard it correctly – ZERO TAXES! We believe in making your stay with us as enjoyable as possible. Say goodbye to burdensome taxes and hello to financial freedom.


    • Gnome Skin Assistance: If you're struggling to find the perfect gnome skin for your character, worry not. We offer a complimentary gnome skin to get you started, personally funded by our welcoming community.


    • Peaceful Paradise: In the Shire of Dunwen, tranquility reigns supreme. We are proud to be one of the most peaceful communities on Aevos, where the sound of laughter and the joy of camaraderie fill the air. While we promote peace, we also understand that some gnomes may have a penchant for adventure and battle. Rest assured, you can explore your warrior spirit here as well, if that's your calling.


    Join Us in Building a Thriving Gnomish Community


    We invite you to become a part of our close-knit and welcoming gnome community. Together, we'll create unforgettable stories, forge lasting friendships, and embark on adventures that will leave you enchanted. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to play a gnome and experience the magic of the Shire of Dunwen. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms and warm gnome-sized hearts.


    Your gnome adventure awaits!


    [1] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/229159-gnome-recruitment-guide/?tab=comments#comment-1998677


    Discord (ask for the Gnome role so that we know you're interested): https://discord.gg/Yw3GZRbQ

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