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Posts posted by Neviah

  1. Don’t think this truly counts as an interactive rp post soo.. 


    Thank you for writing this, I know it was your choice and everything but, to know that one of my characters is still thought of consistently by many despite him being gone forever is truly special to me. I’ve had a lot of fun on this server, especially with Alucard - I’m really glad I met you and so many others too. Some of my best friends are those I’ve met while roleplaying as him and I couldn’t be more grateful that I did despite the cringey moments I remember from time to time..



  2. That tattered and yellowed script found its way into a 'ker's hands, slowly did a grin come across her visage as her gaze shifted upwards to a lone cage.

  3. Here's a question for you guys to answer:

    Why are you trying to focus on PvP plugins and things when they're fine as is. LOTC is a roleplaying server, not a factions server - there are so many other things you guys could be focusing on to make the community happier and the server better. Such as new rp-engaged plugins like potion making, or hell you could fix the horse plugin and allow 2 seaters again, or you could actually fix the issues with the server breaking. I, and many others I know, are just confused as to why you'd be focusing on something thats not as important as the other things. Thanks.

  4. Deep in thought, a 'ker rose from her seat at the tavern in Haense. Gazing around the chaotic and mourning cries of the citizens as they bundle up to keep warm and sob over their lost ones' dead bodies "A great day, it would seem." She murmured to herself, nobody batting an eye as she grabbed a handful of ice and strolled out the gates.

  5. 33 minutes ago, itdontmatta said:

    The filter we require is only for hate speech and sexual language. If you want to swear by all means, I don't get offended. Just don't be prejudiced or sexual in nature.

    And that filter is perfectly fine with me, I agree with it. When reading the post it looked as if we had to filter swearing too - like how theres a swear filter on the forums and main LOTC discord. Thanks for clearin that up.

  6. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I see nothing wrong w using swear words to express oneself unless you’re insulting someone. Like, sure, if someone told you to go **** yourself; by all means go and mute them. But, otherwise there’s nothing wrong w using swear words to express yourself like, “man I really ******* love lotc” be forreal. 


    Before anyone brings up “oh but 13 year olds shouldn’t see that!! There are kids on the server!!” They probably swear more than I do on a daily basis because it’s “rebellious”. They’re old enough to know that the internet is gonna show them words that aren’t “socially acceptable” to use.

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